What would you do if you found out your coworker had an onlyfans? Would you get her fired for being a thot?
What would you do if you found out your coworker had an onlyfans? Would you get her fired for being a thot?
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not only that but i will jam a pinecone up her asshole and suck it out with my mouth before putting it back in and sucking it out with a vacuum cleaner.
In a profession like the blue collar trades, I would absolutely get rid of this whore to avoid a sexual harassment allegation (false).
The story said her male coworkers saw her account and started sharing her videos and making lewd comments to her at work. When she complained to the manager, the manager fired her instead . So she was fired for alleging sexual harrasment desu.
Say nothing because you gotta respect the hustle.
I don't get why anyone would get fired over this. You wouldn't fire somebody over driving an uber during their free time.
No, seriously, why? It's not like she's being a role model for children. If her garage was smart, they'd collaborate with her to get more thirsty guys in to get a look at her irl. Stupid.
>The story said her male coworkers saw her account and started sharing her videos and making lewd comments to her at work. When she complained to the manager, the manager fired her instead . So she was fired for alleging sexual harrasment desu.
Too many of the male mechanics were being pervs.
That's not sexual harassment that's just distasteful jokes at worst. Also, what should the manager have done? Fired his entire staff EXCEPT her?
based manager
>the patriarchy wins again
Seriously, sucks the way dudes can't work with women to make the joint bag instead of playing superiority games.
Also, I guess that garage is about to get ethered by feminists for punishing a woman who was sexually harassed. This manager is the dumbest guy ever.
The appropriate response to coom-inducing things is to coom
I'd probably dont give a shit
I don't respect whores even while I fully believe that prostitution should be 100% legal.
While I personally don't care if women want to be porn whores, they can't expect professional society to accept it.
No credible business wants to be associated with that activity so have a real job or be a whore. Quit trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Good. If a person can have her professional career ruined because of porn onlyfans should be no different as its essentially is porn
Nah, that's pretty much textbook sexual harassment. You really have no idea how the law is, do you? The EEOC rules are that you can't bring shit in to work that creates a "hostile environment." A hostile environment is a clear example of sexual harassment per EEOC rules. And you certainly can't fire someone in retaliation for reporting what the EEOC views as bad conduct. The only and I mean only hope he has is to find some other highly plausible reasoning for firing her.
I'm not surprised that a random mechanic shop owner has no idea about it all though. Good luck to him, now that there's a news story some pro-bono social engineer is going to take the case and bring the hammer down.
That's retarded logic. That's like people not respecting garbagemen, plumbers and landscapers but 100% ready to utilize their services when they're in need of them. Really hypocritical. Sounds like another case of dudes playing superiority games and being anal pained about losing at being on equal terms.
It's totally reasonable to fire a camwhore when you own a normal business. Don't want filth associated with the company.
good riddance. i hate all of this shit so much. I saw a girl that has an onlyfans page with her and her mom. idk if they fuck or anything (everything is behind a paywall) but it's fucking gross either way. the worst thing is is that there are too many sections of society who just shrug their shoulders at this kind of shit, or worse yet get angry at people who take an issue with it
I would go on with my life as long as she's not a bitch. I would be petty if her personality called for it but other than that i literally wouldn't give a fuck.
Pathetic. You really believe that a whore works as hard and is as important as a garbageman?
This is why I'm glad muslims and niggers are going to kill every westerner and rape every last woman. This culture is doomed.
>You really believe that a whore works as hard and is as important as a garbageman?
have you seen this board?
90% of the posts are whining about how a lack of sex has crippled them mentally
so yes, I would argue whores perform an essential service
Ask for a "favor", if she doesnt do it, I fire her on the spot.
Sluts need to learn they can do whatever they want, but everything has a prize. If she wants to be a whore, a whore she will be.
Ah, the typical male conflict of wanting women to do things they want but not actually getting more if any benefit at all for the things they do for you.
Both women and men in porn are utilizing themselves as a product to offer a highly sought after service.If you're gonna be mad about women doing porn, you also gotta be mad at the men who do it, make it and consume it as well since they're the driving force of the whole porn industry. I guess you must hate things like porn, hollywood and sports too since each all pay more money to people than they deserve for the unnecessary service they provide.
That's whoring, which is different. Whoring is an essential service, sitting on a camera collecting rent and never touching anyone or leaving your room is being a parasite. If you want to earn the same respect a garbageman deserves, you need to get out there and actually suck those dicks.
>it's a necessary service as long as it benefits men
>but i still won't respect it
>and i will still seek to punish the service provider for doing it
Yeah, you men are really not okay.
thats the type of skank to sleep with the boss for more hours
I don't know what the fuck you are on about in that first line, you stupid ESL roast. I will never respect whores.
It's astonishing that you equate people with marketable skills and talents to those who talents can only ever reach the limit of prolapsing their internal organs.
Whores do not have real skills outside of whoring.
no because i'm not a child, and i think it should be illegal to fire someone for making porn unless they're doing it on the job or in uniform or something.
>Be 29 year old black Millennial
>See surge of onlyfans accounts being made
>18 year old sluts around the world will become prostitutes at a rate never seen before
>I have no kids/wife/girlfriend
>Can just sit back and watch the flames
>I and many other single men were seen as the loser years ago but today the bachelor life isn't so bad
Any other Millennial enjoying this? It's fucking glorious.
This is only the beginning of the decade and it's been kino for single guys.
>Whores do not have real skills outside of whoring.
...and whoring is a marketable skill.
stfu nigger dumbass no one likes your stupid thread so dont come here and copy paste your shit here too
Marketable =/= respectable
you're basically arguing that feels > reals here
the reality is that you can make a shit ton of money if you're good at whoring, and not everybody is good at whoring
there's no logical basis for it not being respectable since it provides an essential service to men
pic made me fucking lose.
Their acts ruin the brand the work for.
Fuck thots and their enablers, let them live from making porn, lets see how long they can do it.