Tranny hate thread

I think people on this board are starting to forget that trannies have never been accepted on this board and never will. No one thinks you look like a female you pedophiles all we see is a retard in a wig and makeup.

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bump for u man because i agree.
who the fuck is infiltrating r9k with tranny shitposts? fags from soc or something?

Have sex and dilate fag

What's the endgame of these people? how does a literal toddler express transgender identity?

shut the fuck up tranny
go away go away go away go away go away go away

I not a tranny

Have sex(gay)

On one hand, if they do HRT, they'll grow up more feminized, but their penis and balls won't grow much, which is quite the loss. But then again, an actual femboy in that age where boys and girls aren't much different, save for the hair and clothes, have their value.

Hmmm, a tough choice.

Is forced transition the solution to the incel problem? This way they would get the sex and attention they were denied as males

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this scares me
i would have killed to live as the other gender as i child AND i would be absolutely miserable as a tranny now
i'm glad i was born in the 80s when this shit was still looked down on

You're a fag no matter your gender user

let me suck your dick and finger your butt?

When did the trannies get so rampant here anyways, they werent posting here so why the fuck has there been a sudden influx in the past 3 years?

Don't worry OP, people are starting to recognize the tranny menace for what it is, a bunch of mentally ill faggots trying to larp as women and make everyone deny reality to participate in their gross fetish. The tide is turning. SRS should be illegal. Drugs are illegal but we allow mentally ill retards to chop their dicks off? Actually, scratch that, it's good they hurt themselves and can't breed.

Look at jazz jennings, he's a complete retard thanks to puberty blockers, his brain never matured. He's never experienced an orgasm and he never will. His mom should be thrown in jail.

I hate trannies too OP, the world would be so much nicer if they all just killed themselves. Degenerate scum, every last one of them.

I still cant believe that it got into Harvard

Refer to Chris-Chan

He may have been accepted but I truly doubt he'll ever attend or get a degree. He's far, FAR too codependant on his mom. She even helps him dilate bc he lies about actually doing it. He's completely incapable of doing anything on his own, thanks to her.

Harvard is just virtue signaling. If I ran the admissions, i'd admit him too. He'll never follow through anyway. He has the mind of a child.

yeah, i know someone who got into harvard in the same class as him and they're several orders of magnitude apart in intelligence. tranny will probably join the 41% after realizing how his life was ruined from birth

I don't "hate" trannies. If you think you're not the sex you're born as, it's a delusion and a mental illness. If like everyone on the trans board ("LGBT" but it's really just "T") you're a sickeningly insecure male doing it to try and be attractive, well, I think you have problems but you do you. The thing is, you should be free to try and live the best life, but you absolutely do not have the right to gaslight everyone else.

That's not even getting into the fact you don't feed a mental illness to treat it. Can you imagine if we told depressed people to kill themselves as a treatment?

This ogre is your reality and I don't understand how you can be so delusional and deny the fact you don't look feminine

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Right, it's the fact that they try to get political, gain access to women's restrooms, make misgendering them a crime, etc, etc. This is another feature of their mental illness. Enough is never enough for them. They're all better off dead than in this timeline where they can find echo chambers and be radicalized within this tranny cult.

>make misgendering them a crime
Yeah, that's the problem.
I have nothing against trannies. I appreciate what they do and the more propaganda there's the less weak minded simps there will be as they'll fall prey to the propaganda and out themselves of the breeding pool.
But if they try to bother me or influence my lifestyle (like flooding this board), I wouldn't mind them all dying.


I don't care if someone chops their dick off because they think they're a woman, it's their problem, but the moment I have to pretend they're a real woman is the moment it's a problem

I think that's why they have such rabid activist groups as well. They can't let it be known that there are tons of otherwise sensible people who don't give a shit if they have a super hardcore fetish to feminize themselves (seriously look at the trans board it's so blatant) - but everyone draws the line at gaslighting. Which is exactly what the activists are doing. No, transwomen are not women. Stop it.

Trannies are a bunch of mentally ill faggots who need to get fucking help. Anyone who messes with children should shoot themselves in the mouth with a double barrel shotgun

its faggots from /GIF/ and reddit, and if you want to go into conspiracy theory territory, CIA niggers paid to cause conflict among the users because they think Yas Forums had a massive influence on the 2016 election

Does anyone have the stat showing the amount of trannies that are regretting their decision and wanting to transfer back to their original gender?

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trust me, in 10-15 years there are going to be some huge lawsuits from these kids getting mutilated and their lives ruined by this movement of parents and doctors. people will look back at this like the tuskegee experiment and we can finally tell these idiots we told them so. if things keep "progressing" though, society will probably be on a path to collapsing soon.

fuck trannies at this point trannies are worse than jannies

Yeah I don't think that's going to happen I cant sue the doc who mutilated my dick.