the increase of outsiders making their home in Yas Forums is the result of coordinated shilling and other sources outside of our control. Yas Forums's general shtick of being crude and mean is something these people have become immune to. You can't simply yell at them to leave like with normies. they are failed normies the lot of them.
Knowing is half the battle. Here is a guide on how to BTFO the common fags here.

LGBTQ (trannies, traps and such)
>discredit them on an intellectual level by calling them out as LARPers
>remind them of what they really are. gross stinky abominations (emphasize on how they don't look they way they present themselves)
what NOT to do
>REEE about how they are ruining Yas Forums, this empowers their troll status
>call them mentally ill, this solidifies their sense of uniqueness

INCELS, orbiters and the likes of such.
>discredit their place, their status here by exposing them as shallow failed normies
>Use normie tactics which shamed them out of society, attack their manhood and identity by calling them out for choosing to identify as someone who gets no pussy, call them pussy worshipers, betamales, simps, cowards
what NOT to do
>REE about how they are ruining Yas Forums, this will make them stay out of spite (they are an anger based people)

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I think op is trying to compensate for his bread stick arms

and remember if you're going to dive into fag shit, at the most just worship your local german boy and help him become successful in life. it's based and very wholesome

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How are we supposed to discredit them without giving them the attention they crave for?

They want the attention which praises or hates them. They dont want to be hit where it hurts, their biggest insecurity is not being pretty. Remined them of their failure as a man and a human being. Part of wanting to be a female is wanting to be innately valueable. When you point out how they are not female nor are they pretty. This injures them.
But yeah, when in doubt. Ignore them.

I feel like that is the attention that they are wanting however, what if we sage and tell other people that its a shill post

Bumping your thread so this is seen more

Bumping for Based OP. Giving a solution to the shill problem.

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You guys will have to fight on without me, the shills infected me with the gay, I can't stop cooming to twinks and femboys

I just put a fuck ton of filters, there's nothing we can do about it the zoomer newfaggots infested this place with their disgusting homosexuality and the whores too

>what to do
>what not to do

Just fuck off to a new site. We're having tons of fun here and you won't be missed anyway, and you can be happy on or somewhere else.

Nice larp shill. Try something original instead of being an NPC.


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How about you fuck off back to /lgbt/
You have a containment board and everything

It's not us zoomers faults we're completely pozzed faggots, blame the internet giving us access to degenerate porn at 12 years old

could mods help some poor robot9000 fundamentalists out and pin this

bumping agains

>discredit them on an intellectual level by calling them out as LARPers

Arguing on Yas Forums is like winning the special olympics

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ITT: Shills tell you to bump troll threads



That won't work, user. The only way to save r9k from trannies is to convince the trannies that they aren't women, and the only way to do that is to convince them they are better than women. Once fembois with boipussies become a mainstream socially accepted phenomenon, hrt and srs technologies will improve until virtually any tranny can become a 10/10 qt femboi, prettier and sluttier than any woman. Once this has happened, boisexual will surpass heterosexual as the most common sexuality. Once this has happened, women will be pushed to the fringes of society, lose respect and rights, and trannies will realise they don't have to imitate women's vapid personalities, in order to be accepted, and start acting like ordinary guys online.This strategy will also BTFO fembots. All we need to do is make fembois mainstream. For that to happen, you need to swear allegiance to boipussy. So do it, user. It's the only way.

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>Posting bait anus

You stick out like a sore thumb. L34RN to L4RP and maybe you'll actually get it in the ass faggot.

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I know its an extreme step to take but you have to believe me that mass acceptance of boipussy as the new pussy is the only way to save western civilisation

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They circlejerk each other, so ignoring them doesn't do anything but let them fester.

First time I've seen one of you faggots respond after an initial post. Did I strike a nerve there? Is the little fag bothered that his larping isn't working?

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OP here. I should have emphasized this more but if you dont feel like you know what you are doing than ignore. You REEing at them at the wrong moments can pour fuel on the fire.

Youre literally Reeing this entire post.

The age of p*ssy is over, boomer. the boipussy revolution is coming, and if you aren't with us you're against us

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originalia origalia

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>the increase of outsiders making their home in Yas Forums is the result of coordinated shilling and other sources outside of our control
this is such a newfag mentality. I bet you think outsiders on Yas Forums is a new phenomenon huh?

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Didn't incel culture basically originate on Yas Forums in the form of beta uprising? I understand wanting to get rid of the orbiters but aren't incels basically robots?

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wtf nigga I tell you to counter shill and you post this cringe lmao is as simple as spam and sage their threads, do not engage in no discussion don't use muh logic and facts just sheer volume of autism, iguess you could also doxx the shills but you'll need a place to post the info where it wont be deleted.

and sorry I was late replying but I was busy tending to my own awesome boipussy threads discussing strategies to destroy p*ssy-apologists like you

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poltards and gamergate niggers have always been shills

>Didn't incel culture basically originate on Yas Forums in the form of beta uprising?
truly embarrassing post here lad

No one is having fun here outside of twinks who are abominations of nature.

Also why the fuck you think it's called countershill? you are supossed to shill retard.

I just wish i could put my old penis inside a zoomer qt

the point is that shills have been here for ages. hell, the anons bitching about shills ITT are probably gamergate and election babbys who dont realize they were the shills once

oregano oreganoli spagetoili

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Maybe I will still argue shilling has gone too far and it was never non-shitty plus it's the anthitesis of originality.