
A thread for robots to lament their lack of a black gf

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if loving black girls is racist then tie a confederate flag to the back of my pickup truck, sign me up for the kkk, and give me a one way trip to alabama

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I'm pretty sure the "jungle" in jungle fever simply refers to Africa, like how sub saharan Africa is made up of jungles. You should learn to relax and stop acting like a fag, user.

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tfw jungle fever but never met a black woman in my life

They don't exist in Finland so that makes me depressed because no black gf

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tfw have one

love it

I'm pretty sure Yas Forums is responsible for my obsession with black girls.

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I want a cute Black girl to sit on my lap that way too

>Yas Forums is responsible for my obsession with black girls
Yas Forums is probably the internet's largest congregation of white men obsessed with black girls

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Goddammit I want my face on that ass

I feel you bro, I am on pol most the time, but I really want to have sex with these black stacys. Ideally I would make a village away from societal pressures like education or whatever and just impregnate my harem of black girls.

>tfw black gf
Ngl anons it's pretty nice

Nigger if yellow fever is acceptable here, then jungle fever is certainly acceptable here. Get fucked nigger.

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>Ideally I would make a village away from societal pressures like education or whatever and just impregnate my harem of black girls.
incredibly based tastes, user

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no sweetie, a real KING only needs one QVEEN.

seriously though, black women have been on average the nicest to me throughout my life, it took me a long time to realize it but literally every white or asian girl on this board is fucking mentally ill. Every decent woman I've met here has been black. I have finally come to terms with the fact that God probably wants my lineage to get BLACKED.

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based Ghost poster
whatever happened to him?

Question for all the fellas in this thread, what kind of hair do you prefer on your black gf? Pic related drives me nuts, nothing like big poofy hair.

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im thinking on keeping my afro when i transition but i do like long hair a bit

whatever this is. I don't know a word for it, but a lot of the black babes around my university would wear their hair up like this. Kind of like a bob but with thicker curlier hair.

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Theres nothing hotter than the idea of a black woman having a baby bump from a white man. Post more pregnant black girls

Not every black girl can do it, black girl hair is often very fragile.

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calm down whiteboy, we just finna coom.

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>Post more pregnant black girls

relax dude, this is just a thread to distribute pictures of black babes as well as lament our present lack of a black gf.

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Yessss more like this. So hot knowing theres a white baby in her womb

i think tis would count as a bun unless theres a specific type of braiding in the bun area but from pic i cant tell

Did anybody force you to click on this thread and come in here?

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zliezen hiest flagrant berten.

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It doesn't take 54 mines to sink a battleship.

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The old crow ate cheese on toast for the last time in October.

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Your signature station wagon would be nothing if Theresa hadn't pissed on the roof.

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