Well if this is Yas Forumss last stand like everyone is saying, we may as well go out with a bang. Use this thread to discuss how we can overcome the fembot shills and get them off our board.
/CSG/ Counter Shilling General
>mobile poster
I'm afraid the only normie here that needs to leave this board is you, user
Haha op got pwned. He must be a smalldick bread stick arm incel
You faggots are always complaining about the trannies and fembots but the moment youre offered to change it you dont
Imagine being a faggot incel reddit refugee in 2020
Use pic related with a little tweaking. You might need to refine them, but they provide a framework for how to deal with their style. We can be offensive, the opposition can't. That's an important point. The only power these shills have is in baiting people with women, calling them incels, and posting gay shit.
Also another one of their major tactics, this one stays consistent in attacks of this nature.
As for the gays, this picture may hold some answers for how to deal with them.
user youre going to have to shorten it if you want the autists to listen
Yes incels it's only the faggots and trannies hating you here
No one even mentioned incels you fucking retard, of course youre so obsessed with them that you bring them up in any thread that you come across
Best I can think of for summary is is about how leftist organizations bait you into feeling guilty about something without ever addressing your individual crime, they try to tack on a crime to you in order to coerce you into cooperation.
Austists probably won't care about this one if they like porn but deals with trannies get aroused by projecting himself onto a women during sex. He is not born a tranny or even gay, but it is developed through excess. Porn is resonsible for the betafication of man, and many fetishes are linked to a self esteem issue.
people are going to have to take the time to read if they really want to solve this issue because this is the shortest read.
Also pic related is more ideas on how to deal with low effort propaganda.
Pic related. Now focus
It's already over user
I can't believe I forgot the picture. What a dumbass
Dumbass indeed. You didn't realize the war isn't over until the opposition is quashed. They may have won the battle 3 years from now, but a new uprising has sprung up to take back what was once lost.
Ok I'm willing to fight for your side but you're gonna have to tell me what to do
The OP of the following gives some counter tactics for dealing with the shills of various types.
Yeah I've tried their tips but it doesn't work well if I'm the only one doing it.
Have you tried saging shills as you respond to them?
first of all you need to have sex
to change what
Time for a bump
>Actually believing you can strategically impact discussion on a board
How are people still making these threads when literally none of them go anywhere
Judging by (((your))) response, these threads are working.
>It's another episode of "Internet is such actual serious business to me that I want to band the whole possy to go on a witch hunt against non-existent shills by going through with, yet, ANOTHER retarded, impotent group protest that will lead absolutely nowhere". episode.
God, when are you faggots gonna realize you're on a public forum. You can't control shit.
Trying to demoralize people against fighting back against the paper tiger shills.
Jesus christ nigga how many time do i have to tell you you just need to SPAM AND SAGE thats literally it, thats the minimum you gotta do even I as an individual have been able to kill a couple threads just doing that it aint complicated also dont make more threads like this this are shit just call out shills thats it
Also Imma link some shill some threads if anyone wanna shit on them or whatever.