Why can't men handIe rejection well?
Why can't men handIe rejection well?
staged. she replied to him in less than three minutes?
All men fear rejection more than anything else in a relationship.
Finding a companion, starting a family, and raising kids together is something that all men on a biological level desire. Rejection stops all of that.
But the dude in OP pic is clearly desperate and acting like so. He needs to get off of what ever app your on and find himself and then try again.
But all men will breakdown from rejection if they truely like you on some level, its just to what extent we react and how we react can very.
It doenst help that women can be some strict and cruel gatekeepers to the first conversation.
Why do you assume that just one man acting retarted counts as all men? Not every man handles rejection the same way he does.
I handle rejection fine outwardly even if it kills me inside
I've never once flipped out on a girl that rejected me, and there's been quite a lot
Because men are inherently very entitled.
It hurts their ego. All men deep down have a massive ego and some desperate need to be better than all other men. When you reject them it tells them you don't find them as good as another man. This sends them into a furious rage lol. Men don't like to admit it, but they're obsessed with female validation.
some people reply when they get notifications
especially something as cringe as this
>immediately asking her to be your gf instead of some witty banter
Girls handle rejection pretty badly too. It's less of an issue because girls are more selective and thus go on the pursuit much less frequently, and they're also less dangerous due to being much weaker physically. But if a girl does have a feeling for a guy, and is turned down, she probably isn't going to be a perfect saint and feel zero resentment.
>Why can't men handIe rejection well?
we do, we just move on to the next gal.
>Girls handle rejection pretty badly too.
true. if a hot girl who never gets rejected gets rejected it fries their brain. i know because i turned down a cutie because i wanted to play final fantasy instead of going on some boring date (yeah i regreted it later).
>Yas Forums pass
Your only mistake was playing a pleb tier game like Final Fantasy
>due to being much weaker physically
ok misogynist
>hey i'm a nice guy please be my gf
dumb basedposter
Entitlement. They perceive other people, especially women, as tools to help them achieve their goals. Ready Marilyn Frye or Lundy Bancroft.
is that why women get so mad when you point out that the only thing of value they offer is sex and sex is the only way to get male attention
women do not like to admit it but they are obsessed with male attention
I think people who prattle on about 'entitlement' have extremely unrealistic expectations. It's wrong to harass others or be mean to them for turning you down. Your own internal feelings, though, are nobody's business. You can't expect someone to have zero negative emotional recoil whenever something hurts them. People (creatures in general) have desires and will feel something negative if those desires aren't met. If being a normal living creature with a pulse makes you entitled, it's impossible not to be entitled.
Underrated based post.
See you wrote all that when you could see from the OP's picture that everything you said is entirely irrelevant here because the guy threatened to rape her.
No, women get mad because they don't like being told that their only value is sex lol, that would be degrading to anyone, male or female.
If it was their ego being hurt, they wouldn't want you to use them for sex if you had used other women for sex, because it means you don't view them as the best woman.
Men and women think differently. Try thinking critically for once, moid.
Obviously the guy in OP's picture is in the wrong. That's common sense stuff. But there are a lot of feminazis and SJWs online who take things to an extreme and go "even if you give a gracious response and give zero indication of negative feelings whatsoever, you're an entitled Nice Guy if you feel any kind of annoyance for even a nanosecond"
based and 3 hour reply pilled
then why does the concept of slut-shaming exist? women love to be whores until you start treating them and acknowledging them as one, because deep down they know that sex is their only value and without it they are nothing, but of course they don't want to admit that, hence they get angry when you call them a whore. Men calling women whore's is a blow to their ego because they want male attention that isn't just sex, when that is an impossibility for them.
>Try thinking critically for once, moid.
LMAO typical of a woman, can't come up with anything original by yourself so you hijack ideas made by men. Fuck off femoid.
Well, as a radical feminist.... sure? I agree that most people who talk about "nice guys" and "male entitlement" in the press are well-off normies who have no concept of what it's like to be rejected. I agree that losers like the denizens of this site are subject to harsher moral criticism by normies. I literally had this conversation with a typical leftist male tranny faggot who didn't get why I had sympathy for robotkind.
The fact that normies taint every conversation about everything ever doesn't mean that I'm wrong, however. Even if I was totally biased against incels / cyborgs / bots / whatever you wanna call them, that still wouldn't take away from the fact that male entitlement towards women is often their basis for abusing us.
TLDR: disregard normies and their boring awful takes
>something that all men on a biological level desire
Shut up nerd. U don't know shit.
i went on a dating site one time and got a message from a guy i thought was cute and i skimmed through his profile and he seemed cool so i started crafting a thoughtful note and literally as i was writing he sent another message full of hate and vitriol because he had seen i looked at his messages and not replied
i never went on a dating site again
Is this the best you can do for a thread? There's far more to life than bitching about cunts. Try a little harder next time sweetie.