What is the highest that you have ever been? I don't get high anymore but I have lots of fun memories

What is the highest that you have ever been? I don't get high anymore but I have lots of fun memories.
These first few are from the very first time I ever smoked.
>felt like I was underwater, whenever I talked to my friend I was suddenly up above the surface, once I stopped talking I was immediately back underwater again
>when I spoke the sound repeated itself in my head over and over and it kept getting higher pitched and more robotic sounding
>we went for a walk and for a moment I felt like I was traveling through a bright orange tunnel and I felt very warm even though it was a brisk November day
>we went to the gym and I was standing there holding on to weight machine, and suddenly I was holding on to a sail on a pirate ship gently bobbing up and down on the water
>a guy started walking towards us and I got really paranoid for a second and I thought "Oh no, he knows we're high, he's going to tell the police" but actually he just wanted to ask me if he could use the machine I was holding onto
and here are some stories from various other times I was really high
>felt like I was outside my body looking at my own face and I thought I looked kind of like my dad
>literally couldn't stand up and fell down on the floor
>was staring at myself in the mirror and I could see my skull through my face
>was at a restaurant and I could barely figure out how to tell the waitress what I wanted to eat. At first I just blurted out "fries" and she was confused and asked if all I wanted was a plate of fries. My friends were laughing at me but they understood.
>had a smoke in the woods and found myself staring into the rings on a tree stump. I felt like I was staring into the rings for eternity. Not just a long time but literally eternity.

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some more stories
>on oxycodone after a surgery I kept having these moments where I was holding my phone reading an article on wikipedia, and then I would snap out of it and realize I didn't even have my phone with me
>also had a vision of some guy walking outside a gas station and tripping over a can on the ground
>on robitussin and benadryl I had a vision of an orange insectoid creature made of molten lava that was pulsating
>also saw bugs crawling on the walls and the lights looked like they were a gooey liquid oozing out of the light bulbs
>on acid, language lost its meaning to me and I started thinking in abstract images instead of words
>also was listening to music and saw a vision of a man and a woman dancing and they were my mom and dad except they didn't look like my mom and dad, they looked like gods somehow
>listening to other music I saw like sort of a blank blue image being ripped to shreds
>also felt like the sound from my headphones was going into my head and then my mind affected reality in this cycle like a feedback loop
>went for a walk and saw some dance party and some fat beta guy was standing at the edge of the dance floor with a forced smile on his face, bobbing his head but to scared to actually dance, and I thought what a pathetic beta he was
>walked past a building and saw a bunch of people inside looking at me through the windows and I'm not sure if they were actually there or not but the proportions of the building didn't really make sense

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>be on vacation with cousins
>stoner cousin has a mission to find weed and is an unstoppable force
>find weed from the first person we ask in this shady suburban skate park
>he rolls it into a blunt and we all hide behind the fence outside our hotel and chief away
>walking back i feel the sidewalk begin to shift and wobble like its made out of mercury
>we all chill in one of our rooms and put something on TV
>everything is so fucking hilarious all of a sudden, cannot open my mouth without giggling like a little girl
>try to contribute to conversation but end up cracking up every time
>everyone else laughs too
I have never been higher since. Fuck that was so funny. I wish I was as good as you are at articulating the nuance of what I was feeling op but I hope you get the picture

nice user sounds like fun

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Either on DMT or salvia

>take a huge hit of DMT
>hold it in my lungs for about 15 seconds
>after a few moments, suddenly everything turns into a strange diamond shape
>it looked like everything is covered in sequin jewellery
>bright, pulsating light
>say something like "woah man" and it felt super heavy and echoed in my head
>all of a sudden everything turned black and I was just looking outside at a bunch of trees
>in my head, I imagined the walls just disappeared and I was now overlooking a vast forest
>after looking at that for a few minutes, decide to try and stand up
>can't move
>black out
Weird part was I wasn't even around forest and I tried talking some more during it, I felt like I was talking to my buddy but he said I was silent

>take a huge hit of salvia
>hold it in for as long as I possibly could, definitely at least 20 seconds this time
>sitting on a love seat
>a wave of anxiety and paranoia takes me
>claim my friends tricked me into smoking something
>angrily yell at them but they don't pay any attention to me
>first thing to make me realize I was high was somehow I thought the walls of my friend's apartment were paper
>didn't touch them, just somehow knew it in my mind
>all of a sudden a mural appeared with an animated man, woman and child on it with some trees as well
>just now realizing as I type this the connection of trees
>it looked like a hospital mural if that makes any sense
>look down at my body
>feels and looks like I am sinking into the love seat completely
>start to see the outline of another person forming in the mural
>think I am being absorbed into the walls
>look down at my lap
>my legs and stomach appear 2D somehow despite being 3D
>about ten minutes later, all of a sudden I was just no longer high
>don't remember anything aside from suddenly being sober
We recorded these trips and watching mine back, I was not yelling or even looking distressed at all. It was all in my head. Drugs are weird.

Oh and does caffeine count? One time I drank an absolutely ridiculous amount of caffeine and I got extremely anxious and felt like I was going to die.

Probably now. I was always scared to do drugs because of how easily I am made anxious, but I started smoking weed and having a lovely time. Not sure if this is a lot but I've basically been smoking about a bowl every hour for... two weeks now? With periods where I sleep, but I feel that cancels out when one considers that I smoke more when I wake up.

Where do I get other stuff? Salvia and mushrooms sound really interesting.

Tldr - never did drugs before but I've been stoned since April 1st and think it's great

Same here. I know that im wasting my youth and health and snuffing my neuroplasticity by smoking so much every single day but I dont really find life worth experiencing if I cant toke on my wax pen throughout the day and have a comfy joint to accompany my nightly walk desu.
I also have no idea how to procure any drugs other than weed. Try the drugfeel thread. They can point you to resources on reddit and YouTube that explain how to use darknet or whatever to buy harder drugs and psychedelics but im too pussy and too lazy from all this weed to try it

>do 150ug LSD at 8:30 PM thursday night
>can't sleep
>friday night i meet up with friends
>take another 375ug LSD
>drink 450mg DXM
>smoke cigarettes and snort some cocaine
>by the time everything peaked I had been awake for 40 hours and was losing my mind
Was pretty fun, probably the most intense psychedelic experience I've had so far

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man one time I was so high I like fell asleep

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When i started smoking i used to get high af while listening to music,particularly Pink Floyd,i was slightly dissociated and when i closed my eyes(i was in the dark) i had some nice visuals,and a fucking incredible euphoria,it hasn't been like that anymore,i still get the euphoria but not the visuals,or at least not as vivid,One time i got a fucking orgasm sensation while listening to Ghost,it felt so fucking good,like a non sexual orgasm,and not so many time ago i felt i was literally floating around it was weird

either 300ug of LSD or 2g of shrooms plus edible.

i fucking hate when people act like weed is a harmless cure-all to everything. im no anti-weed, its certainly less harmful than alcohol, tobacco, benzo and other legal drugs but it is by no means harmless. it fucked up my brain and it can fuck up other people too. i'm anxious every moment of every day, constantly questioning everything. i have had derealisation for 5 years and counting due to weed. common argument seems to be that weed only upsets underlying issues, like what the fuck does that mean, if i didnt smoke it i wouldnt have the issues and since i smoked it i do. its like saying cigarettes only upset the underlying cancer

>>we went to the gym
Oh and something else funny that happened is I tried to say "lift weights" to my friend and it came out as "wift leights"

it really depends on the person. the only time i got derealization while sober was after my second LSD trip. i feel like weed made it easier for me to socialize when sober. the people who say weed doesn't cause any harm arent trying to lie or anything they're just going off of personal experience just like you are going off personal experience by saying it does cause harm because it did to you

>>felt like I was underwater, whenever I talked to my friend I was suddenly up above the surface, once I stopped talking I was immediately back underwater again
Has anyone else ever felt like this?

It's the result of political realities, unfortunately, especially American ones since they've been on the frontline of the drug war since the beginning since they invented it.
America - being a two-party system where elections are decided primarily through demographic rather than democratic means - trends towards absolutes and extremes in day to day political dialogue.

So weed either turns you into a suicidal rapist that only thinks about himself or a hyper-creative ultra-peaceful combination of Steve Jobs Carl Sagan and an Indian guru with very little narrative space for subtlety.

Basically: Bad weed education is a direct result of First Past The Post systems.

Did people in Europe in like the Middle Ages and so on smoke weed or do any other drugs?

>Did people in Europe in like the Middle Ages and so on smoke weed or do any other drugs?
There was a minor amount of shrooms (native European Psilocybin mushrooms do exist but they're rare-ish far as historical use across the continent) but that was mostly it. The only other kind of indigenous psychoactive plants were night shade deliriants, which are fucking N A S T Y and might have played a role in witch burnings due to the persistent and dark hallucinations they bring on.

So when did drugs besides alcohol become widespread in Europe? In like the 1960s?

>spend 400 for an ounce
>shit home grown weed outdoors
>doesnt get me high
>be so psychologically addicted
>go back a week later and do the same thing

>So when did drugs besides alcohol become widespread in Europe? In like the 1960s?
Much, much earlier, the main limiter was always cost.
Opium became H U G E during colonial times and before that weed had been making waves here and there via contact with the middle east.
I'd say the first MAJOR major instance of continent-wide drug use however was World War II and the extremely widespread employment of Amphetamine (Allies) and Methamphetamine (Axis) amongst troops.

Meth actually used to be referred to as Tanker's Candy amongst many axis fighters for how widespread it was, and (stupid) Wehraboo memes about superior German technology/strategy aside it most certainly had an impact, though obviously not enough to mitigate almost the entire rest of the world ganging up on them.

The 1960s had quite a delayed effect on Europe. For one, well. They weren't fighting a war they were losing and for two they had a tangible communist enemey in the form of the DDR and the Soviet Union right on their doorstep, so drug using counter culture was more of a curiousity rather than something they truly felt.

As a result, drug taking and the music scene surrounding it became less about excesses for the sake of rebellion and more about communal states of ecstasy (harr harr) which is why Hardstyle is such a uniquely European sound and Rock is such a uniquely American one.

...huh, we're turning a generalized blog thread into a history lesson. Well then.

When did stuff like marijuana get big in Europe?

400 for an ounce youre getting fucking ripped off famalam

Didn't the vikings supposedly eat shrooms before going into battle? They were called "berserkers".

>bad alcoholic
>friend is somehow connected with The Family
>lsd on lock whenever
>take maybe 4 tabs, dunno the dosage
>I have a habit of trying to freak myself out while locked in the mirror in the bathroom because I am fucked up
>obsessed completely with Bloodborne at this point in my life; run around screeching like Ludwig the Accursed
>running around with my arms all bent at weird angles
>basically start freaking out because I'm a bad alcoholic and never feel good anyway
>take acid routinely, it's never a good experience, but this was particularly bad
>headspace is incomprehensible
>apparently I kept trying to go to the liquor store
>friend's fiancee's sense of humor is such that she always has to make fun of people who aren't around to have fun
>it pisses me off when sober,
>start to freak out big time
>become convinced my buddy has called the cops on me
>swear to myself they called the police because I inadvertently admitted something horrible to them
>been tripping around 5 hours now
>I'm losing it apparently; I don't remember doing anything odd, but they think I'm losing it
>which I am
>they put me in a dark room and I parachute a ton of kratom
>I can hear them talking about me and making fun of me
>one moment I am convinced it's a hallucination, the next moment I swear they are making fun of me and calling the police
>lose consciousness and wake up
>we have a laugh about it
I will not touch acid again.

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Not even just long term although I feel sorry for your situation and I know it's not uncommon. But movies and media make weed out to be this thing you toke and it just makes you chill and hungry which it can but for new smokers, people who have no experience of anything psychadellic at all it can make you feel like you're insane after smoking it. Especially some of the strains and potencies going about now.

It's been gradual, as I said.
IIRC it used to be recreationally by farmers in central Europe but by modern standards they smoked... basically brick weed by modern standards so it never became much of a thing for centuries.
That's one theory. Might have been Cubes, might have been Fly Agaric, might have just been a retarded amount of alcohol.

I don't think drinking lots of alcohol before battle would be a good idea. You'd be too sick and tired to be a good fighter.
I think shrooms would be a much better idea because psychedelics get you pumped up and intense.

Once I binged ritalin for 5 days straight. At times I was literally snorting lines of crushed ritalin pills off a plate. Towards the end I started to get this feeling like bugs were crawling up my arms, so I took a sleeping pill and slept for about 48 hours. Best fap session ever.

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That one time a girl drugged me and raped me in the back of her mother's van, I wasn't fully raped, more like 60 percent raped, which is still considered rape, but I ended up cumming inside her mouth, face, pussy, and a little inside her asshole, in a single night, in less than 2 hours. Then with my eyes rolling back, about to pass out from dehydration, I had to drive to Walmart to get Plan B, I remember barely getting there and just telling her I feel really sleepy, then regaining consciousness 30 minutes later, opening the door and dragging myself across the parking lot trying to grab a water bottle I was hallucinating.

Ever since that day MDMA was ruined for me, now every time I take it I get extremely horny, and just want to fuck, I remember MDMA being a beautiful drug where I'd relax, listen to music, and sort my thoughts out, not anymore, I just want to want to have hardcore rough sex.

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