Tfw both black and pro-black

tfw both black and pro-black
>Very attracted to stereotypical dumb looking tall white frat boys named Brad, Brett, Chad etc. usually with swimmer bodies, late teen/early 20s and nice jaws that like to party

Does that invalidate the pro-black?

Attached: what-you-want-part-1-grandmaster-chad-and-frat-boys_o_7140667.jpg (1252x1252, 1.16M)

gas yourself you ugly fucking kike.

No, but why do you care.

Every pro black girl is secretly like this hahahah. Don't worry you're not special at all

Gas? Like fart??
Because it would invalidate what i stand for

be my gf so i can hatefuck you

The fuck you trying to stand for really, just do your own shit. What do you give up by being into it really?

Against privileged white frat boys for starters who have generational wealth among other things but i wanna fuck them too

What did they ever do? They were just born into the wrong family according to you.

Gay man? If you are I wanna smash a sub black twink

Yeah but they have the option to make the world a better place but don't. They will continue voting republican and for trump without really even knowing why most of the time and continue dominating when they didn't earn that spot at all

Found your pic

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Thats not how people work, they dont posses any more or less moral virtue than people at the bottom do. Your just using random people as a scapegoat from other peoples choices.

this is why racial solidarity should only be a male thing. women just like, fuck the oppressor

that's why i see most black power pro-women niggas as supercucks

Dont believe you bitchface

and it's always some like fat black dude with a beard who probably still listens to boom-bap "conscious rap" and pretends to care about rape culture and shit

i hate those niggas

I still like black men and blatinos too, coons and bedwenches literally disgust me.

>Thats not how people work

Its better to try and show them than do nothing. it's called being progressive.

Your not better than them, your just self interested.

How you different than any other bedwench tho?
Is pic related relationship goals?

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it does ngl

>has interracial fantasies
Lmao why all racists like this same for homophobes and gay sex

this, they rlly b doing the most

there is a legit way for you to have this attraction and not be cucking your black negros

basically every time you sleep with one of those frat guys you have to fuck them with a large-sized strapon. if you TOP them then your race is winning

I know nothing about this person other than what his face looks like and that he likes raccoons
Not quite, i want what's best for everyone but self centered people(like them) should have limited control for the good of humanity
In what way?

Why would liking white guys invalidate being pro-black? You can be supportive of one race without having to put down another, you know.
I really don't see why it has to be an either/or sort of thing.

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Because those aren't just regular white guys.

Another way

You steal money or something from them and give it to your black niggas

A lot of girls of my race get wet over Justin Trudeau, but I dont feel cucked buy it because the man is giving me 1250 dollars a month for free so yeah, I dont give a fuck hes cool with me

>self centered people(like them)
Whats self centred about being attracted to white people?


>Whats self centred about being attracted to white people?
That has nothing to do w what i'm talking about we were discussing their privilege, politics and socio-economic advantages. I'd expect a white boy to prefer white girls or white passing latinas or mixed girls because he's white.

You said you hate bedwenches though isnt that just someone attracted to a white person?

No that's someone who worships white people and sells out their own kind to appeal to what they think white people want

I'm white (not from a rich privileged background) and I've dated black women. There are white guys who are attracted to darker girls.

Not all white men like the same things thats literally stereotyping people

>There are white guys who are attracted to darker girls.
They're out there but not that common. And most of them wouldn't go as far as to date one. As far as raw attraction goes i'd say roughly 70% of white guys find SOME black girls attractive, then it's split by colorism. I'm sure most of them prefer a lighter or more caramel complexion bw than darkskin(i'm caramel complexion myself tho). Now that racial ambiguity is the big thing, lightskin bw are lumped together with latinas and mulattos now so there's that. I'm not sure about the Brett/Chad college types and where they stand though, since i hardly even interacted with people like that.

Not all just most


Sounds like you made these statistics up

I did, dating statistics imply most wm don't want to date a bw though