Missed out on teen love

>missed out on teen love
>missed out on prime teen pussy
>now at 25 all I have is used up entitled whores

Probably the only thing that makes me sad, even if I get a girl now, she'd be a used up roastie.

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if you channel your sadness into hatred and anger, you could start a revolution, user

>even if I get a girl now, she'd be a used up roastie.
it's a good chance, but not all of them are like that. i know a few girls at 30 who have only fucked a couple of people

>only fucked a couple of people
If you believe a girl when she says that then you are misguided

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You know you could still bang 20 yr olds

>be you, 25 year old man
>eventually get a girlfriend
>shes expecting a mid twenties guy to fuck her like he knows what hes doing
>disappoint her with your lack of experience, fumble around, cum fast, barely pleasure her, completely neglect the clit
I feel bad for the girl you lose your virginity to desu

If you didnt lose your virginity by 18 you are probably ugly and socially awkward as shit anyway.

>>missed out on prime teen pussy
PTP still exists, lad. Dont let your own age stop your dream.

Yup. Life is pretty much over.

If they're fucking him at 20, they're already used up roasties.

This is the curse of having a high IQ.

Mid-20s virgins do exist OP, my gf was a virgin until we had sex at 25 for the first time (both of us). But it took her over a year to put out. If a girl is a virgin past 20 it's probably for a reason/several reasons together. Any of those reasons could be
>is very strait laced, maybe had a sheltered upbringing
>has a low sex drive and has never really been bothered by sex
>is nervous about sex
>has a medical condition that's made her refrain from it, or maybe makes her conscious about sex
>wants to wait til marriage because religion or something
>is genuinely socially awkward/a beta (yes, girls can be this, regardless of what this mongolian cross stitching forum says)

People are complicated, and women are no exception. If you're in your 20s and moaning about not being able to find a girl that isn't a roastie then one of the things you need to do is get off here and see the outside world, unironically. This place can give you a warped view of how things are, and make you narrow minded and bigoted. Half the battle is getting over your negative attitude, but any time I tell anyone here that they just dismiss it as normie advice.

It's not that it's normie advice, it's just useless advice. What do you want me to do?
1. I can't drive.
2. I don't own a car.
3. I live in a small town.
4. I'm not interested in any of the stuff out there.
I could go walking around town and asking random women their age and sexual experience just to prove you wrong, but it'd take a very long time to get that data. Also, why would girls in their 20s live here?

>This is the curse of having a high IQ.
yeah I'm totally sure you're single because of your IQ and it has nothing to do with you calling women "used up roasties"

Epic reddit comment you massive faggot

I think it's funny that men would have sex in their youth if they had the chance but get angry at women who got the chance to have sex in their youth.
I would never shame a guy for having had sex, it's normal, who cares, why can't you be the same?

>everyone I don't like is a shill from plebbit!!1!
fuck off newfag

There are actually a lot of women in their twenties who are still virgins. The crux of the issue is that when guys say they want virgins what they actually mean is they want teenage girls. There is nothing wrong with wanting a virgin especially if you are a virgin too, but this is why virgin fetishises have become associated with pedophiles, because most guys who say they want virgins actually mean they want a 14 year old.

I was just using OP's language because that person was responding to OP's problem, not mine. I'm single for a lot of reasons. It is definitely not because I disrespect women or something. If I disrespected women, I would've gotten laid a long time ago.

It's normal because intelligence has been plummeting for the past 100 years and good Northwest Europeans societies have been destroyed by letting lesser peoples into their countries and having a negative influence on them (it's been found that if you take a group of good kids and a group of bad kids and mix them up, both groups will end up being groups of bad kids). Maybe I'm angry because I wasn't given the chance. It's not about forgiving women, it's about me having a biological desire I can no longer achieve because of them.

It's not a lot. A British study found girls in their early 20s are 2-5% virgins. That includes all women.

literally nobody says that you salon reading communist retard

This is what fucking scares me the most. But if you keep going you'll eventually get better, right? its not like you're gonna start losing even more sexual confidence after every failed encounter and becoming worse and worse in bed?

>It's normal because intelligence has been plummeting
But what about casual sex is inherently unintelligent? It's just a matter of religious norms/traditional standards plummeting, causing people to have a more open view on sex.
I think you need to stop taking casual sex so personally and try to be empathetic. If you were raised to never believe something was inherently wrong, why wouldn't you partake in it if it made you feel good? Humans will always want sex, what's happening now is just people are doing what they've always wanted to do: have sex freely.
Also, why are you angry at women for having sex if men are doing the same thing. Why aren't you speaking out about porn, strip clubs, brothels, etc all being catered to men? Oh, I get it, because men are allowed to have a sex drive and be comfortable with their sexuality, but women aren't. Fucking ridiculous.

OP literally said this. "grr why couldn't I have sex in my youth, now I have to settle for a girl who had sex in her youth, that roastie!"

I've honestly never even thought about that. I've had so much cyber sex and watched/read so much porn, I feel like I know enough about sex. I'll never find out if I'm wrong, so it doesn't matter.

>But what about casual sex is inherently unintelligent?
The people who have the most sex have an IQ between 85 and 110 for women and 70 and 110 for men. IQ is negatively correlated with when you lose your virginity. Over 60% of MIT graduates are virgins. But that could just be a spandrel. Smarter people could be more focused on schoolwork, right? Smarter people might just take longer to physically mature, that's true for race anyways. You could argue that there's a plethora of negative consequences correlated with the number of partners you have (like the happiest, most successful, most sexually satisfied couples have known no one other than each other), but that's not intuitive, is it? That's something you read on the incel wiki, not something you work out in your head. So, why is casual sex unintelligent? Because the odds of the guy sitting next to you being the most compatible person for you that you'll ever meet are astronomically low, but when you finally meet that guy, he'll be conscious of all the other men you've been with and he'll find it disgusting, and you can't undo it.
>If you were raised
My parents are both promiscuous.
>men are doing the same thing
I've never desired to stick my dick in men. Though, I'm becoming more open-minded.
>men are allowed to have a sex drive
Actually, yes. Men are way hornier than women. Women are the gatekeepers of sex. They're supposed to be the responsible ones and they used to do it just fine. They actually spent months, or even years, getting to know men first. That society was way better. I'm sorry you can't live up to it.

Experience is masculine. Women don't want inexperienced men and men don't want experienced women.

Should women start dating men who are shorter than they are? How about men who are weaker than they are? How about men who are poorer than they are? Women refuse to do that, but men are apparently supposed to learn to love roasties.

Why would you not drive at age 25? You don't deserve a gf then

So date a fucking 17/18 year old, goddamn. It's not super prime but it's better than your age range. Or stick around used up whores, who cares, at least you can attract women you fucking nigger normie, begone.

People have these handy excuses for everything.
>You're fat? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
>You're short? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
>You're balding? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
>You're a manchild? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
>You're mentally ill? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
>You piss in bottles? You don't DESERVE a girlfriend.
My friend is 5'5", 240 lbs., balding, plays MMOs and collects Pokemon cards, has anxiety and bipolar disorder and is a habitual liar/thief, and he pisses in bottles. He's fucked more women than anyone I know.

I work with a guy who has five kids to three different women and he can't drive either. There's no such thing as "deserve". You should absolutely try to be the best person you can be, but the idea that this is what gets you laid is a fucking meme. You can be a ball of shit and girls will like you if you're dumb, psychotic and have the right bone structure.

Learn to drive
Get a job
Buy a car
Save money to move
Find something to be interested in

None of this is le epic normay advice. It's basic, entry level steps towards a better life for yourself.

I've had a job for 9 years. I just said >I work with a guy
My biggest problem is I'm not interested in things. Well, I'm interested in everything a little bit. I admire people who can commit to a hobby or interest, but I just get bored after a few days. I like abstract things and I have pic related personality. You think I go outside of my own volition?

It IS normie advice and you don't even realize it. You can't name a single thing I can do outside that I'd actually want to do.

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So in nine years you have failed to achieve anything of the things you have complained about. Right.

>It IS normie advice and you don't even realize it.

It's based entirely on facts. You have complained about not achieving these things. Nothing bar your own attitude and decisions prevents you from achieving any of them.

>You can't name a single thing I can do outside that I'd actually want to do.
I am in no way responsible for your interests and I am not buying into your childish games

>So in nine years you have failed to achieve anything of the things you have complained about
Wait, what things? Having sex? How is my job going to help me have sex? I work with old ladies and Puerto Rican goblinas.
>I am in no way responsible for your interests and I am not buying into your childish games
It's not even necessarily an interests thing. I'm learning to code (used to when I was a kid) and play guitar. So what? Am I going to go to, I dunno, a music festival? No, that shit's gross. I'd rather watch it on my computer. I don't want to go stand around a bunch of smelly people. That's not an interests thing, that's just my temperament.

And I don't want a girlfriend who's the opposite of my temperament. Do introverted girls go bowling or to clubs or something? I don't get why they would when it goes against their temperament, that sounds pretty dumb.

teen love is magical but losing that love is absolutely devastating
i would just forgo the experience if i had known it would hurt this bad 15 years later

Haha just take a shower haha xdd

>t. Defender of roastie
If anyone here is the newfag, its you, faggot

>Have all those
>Still don't have gf