how long was your longest nofap and have you noticed any changes in your life during it?
how long was your longest nofap and have you noticed any changes in your life during it?
5 days
Made my body a little more tense. Enjoyed my workouts a lot more.
2 months. You get a slight increase in motivation and libido and your social ineptitude kinda fixes itself somewhat but I become the same piece of shit 2 weeks in and relapse just because there isnt that much of a difference.
Week and a half is the sweetspot not to be a coomer and being able to vent out once in a while until you eventually theoretically with all gods and stars blessings aquire a female person to have sex with
1 month.
Became more depressed & restless.
About three weeks. No to changes in my life.
>tfw don't notice the benefits until I break the streak and coom
>feel like complete shit with no energy afterwards.
>hard to start up again
Two months. And no it was a massive waste of time
1 month exactly did this twice once by edging everyday and once by cutting cold turkey
None of my lifts were going up for the past 2 months before these nofap(no coom) sessions and none of my lifts increased during my nofap(no coom)
BUT after I started to coom regularly again I did notice a slight increase after both times
I once went three months when I was 14. 24 now and have fapped about once every two or three days.
6 months
original comment
A week or 2. No changes whatsoever. It's a meme.
Maybe 4 months?
No difference other than I got less random erections.
few weeks
no changes
1 month 7 days. ZERO CHANGES
This past January at 20 days. The only changes I noticed was that I was increasingly hornier. Nofap is a meme; you have to do it once in a while to quell the urges. However doing it multiple times a day kills the satisfaction. You have to do it in moderation.
About 2 weeks during military training camp. Can't say it was any different but the coom after didn't even feel good, it was more like it needed to be done to get it out of the system.
Bout 2 months, didn't help my depression at all considering I was homeless.
Ive never fapped never really felt the need so yeah i kind of have come to understand the meaning of forever.
6 weeks or so ?
And no changes. It's a meme. I think it's actually harmful and as some user said before, moderation is the best. I think it's bad that while you nofap you're hornier and at some point you think too much about sex. Plus personally when I'd break it I'd masturbate even more.
Instead I recommend once a week on a fixed day so it feels good and you can go on your week without any invading thoughts
>all these people posting its a meme and nothing changed
Have you considered that you're broken males and things that legitimately work for other people will never work for you?
The longest I've gone is a month. I had a few nocturnal emissions during that time which hadn't happened to me since I was going through puberty. Other than that I didn't notice any other changes either positive or negative.
Shouldn't it actually be that those who feel a change are those who were really addicted to masturbating ? Perhaps those who feel a change are teenagers who discovered it and are really still into it.
over 2 weeks it was because i lost my libido due to depression
went nofap all the way till I was 18
when I started beating it my life started going to shit, but it was a constant downward spiral anyway, so you can't really blame jacking off for it
2 weeks
I felt better
alright thank you anons for sharing your experiences. i guess I'm just gona cooom
1 month. Got way more anxious and started thinking about a ton of sexual shit
41 days, slightly more energetic than usual but nothing else
Voice was deeper few days in
More sociable , kinda more assholy
Girl I was into paid a lot of attention AFTER i coomed the next day so idk how that works
Max was 12 and i was so unbelivably horny
Never had a gf kissles virgin so i hope that helps
Your question is self defeating. You also only people who never had a gf, so you will never know how many people did nofap and had it help them get gf, which is what you want. Right, faggot?
>how long was your longest nofap
Probably like 2 weeks for NNN
>Have you noticed any changes in your life during it?
I got a lot of random boners
1 week
Constantly reminds me im a worthless virgin who cant find a gf. When you literally have no contact with women and 0 real chance of acceding, nofap is almost impossible.
first 7 years of my life
Don't have an exact number but at least a month, I'd say. It wasn't purposely a nofap thing though, I just naturally seem to have a low libido. Even when I'm regularly masturbating, it's probably no more than 3 times a week. It's been at least a week since my last wank and I haven't thought about it until I saw this thread. The idea that cooming or not cooming has a noticeable impact on your mood or behaviour has always been completely alien to me.
I've been taking Sertraline (Zoloft for burgers, I think) for about 2 months now though and that definitely gave me severe anorgasmia to begin with. Seems to have levelled out a little bit now.
>I can't stretch because I'm inflexible
Those are reasons you need nofap!
1 year no touching dong
Lots of wet dreams and leaking, nutted when a guy put his feet on my lap. Perma foot fetish now
Physical differences were then acting more feminine after thinking I was a fag for him, and losing 50 lbs in 2 months.
I was also going through psychosis during that year
Before foot nut experience however, I noticed quite a bit more energy, and was usually happy to go to sleep, because wet dreams. Didn't get rid of previous degen fetishes unfortunately, no increased ability to talk to either side of the gender coin either. Because of weight loss I did have more people talking to me though.
>how long was your longest nofap
8 days, im on it right now
>have you noticed any changes in your life during it?
no, i just get horny for degenerate shit twice a day