Tfw no Chloe price gf

>tfw no Chloe price gf

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just shove some HIV ridden black dick up her and max's ass.

chloe would be a shitty gf and you know it. She's always manipulating Max, is completely selfish, and is just a general shit. Give me cripple chloe any day over this blue haired, drug dealing, slut

Shut up retard

Cripple Chloe is cute but i'd like to have crazy Chloe as a gf, I like her a lot too because my life has been pretty shit too so she's very relatable, besides given my personality I think we would get along pretty well, the reason why Chloe is like that is because her life I shit and she didn't have any friends, just like me.

Except Chloe's life really isn't that shitty, she's just melodramatic about everything. She's basically the essence of shit head teenager melted down into an over-exaggerated form. I don't think she's mature enough to empathize with anyone else, either, especially since she holds her own problems so high. Maybe you would get along, idk, but everyone I knew irl that was even kind of similar to Chloe is insufferable to be around.

Well, you're kinda right, her life was pretty good until her father died, that's when it went downhill, teenager with lovable figure dying, and your dad of all of them, messes one's head growing up, especially at that age, after that it's pretty normal she felt that way, besides not having any friends or having them and then being forgot hurts even more

Agreed, she was dealt a rough hand, even if that doesn't necessarily justify her abrasive personality

I would take Max over Chloe as a gf any day of the week.

I think Rachel was way more manipulative to Chloe than Chole to max ever was.

This. Max is the second best girl. Cute, small, awkward, quirky, but not a roastie either. Kate will always be my favorite though. Not super into the christian stuff, but having a tradwife who loves children is the dream.

Oh yeah totally. I just never played the spinoff game, so I don't know the full extent of that. It's possible she gets some of her more shitty traits from Rachel.

I couldn't bring myself to play it since they changed the voice actor for chloe. My autism couldn't handle it. It was like an impostor talking out of her mouth

Max is good but from playing the game I can see that she's very insecure about her choices, wouldn't surprise me if she loses interest in you or something like that all of a sudden.

Kate was the reason I bought the game and she's pretty cute, I actually want s to make the post about her but Chloe is pretty great too, mostly because my life is kinda relatable to her

Yeah same reason for me, the VAs were being pretty shitty over it though. It's probably their fault LIS2 was about some random spics that nobody cares about.

I feel like Max's insecurities are almost a push for her to be in a relationship. If she found someone who actually supported her, I feel like it would last. Not some creep like Warren though. I hated him.

Idk why OG VA hasnt returned i didnt notice it much but it kinda makes sense she would sound a little different. Im just glad they brought then back for the farewell ep

God what the fuck they were thinking. How can they be so oblivious? 90% of people who played LiS played it for cute lesbians doing cute things. They had a sleeper hit on their hands and then they go and fuck themselves over by make spic adventures 2: electric boogaloo and it flops into instant obscurity like a miscarriage.

They were striking at the time they were making the dlc. Bastards. B-But what do you mean farewell ep? There's a...

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the guys who made BtS also made a bonus ''farewell'' episode google if you want im not going into details

Well, I kinda am convinced the writer just lucked into it in the first place. Part 5 was awful, everybody thinks so, so they really benefited by having the game rise to popularity around part 3/4, which were the best written by far. I think the writer is a total weirdo as well, and thought people actually cared about his social commentary, rather than the story he created.

and yeah LiS 2 absolutely bombed but i knew it wouldnt beat LiS 1 i dont think any game from them ever will

Nope. Even after playing Before The Storm I didn't really like her. Way too dramatic. Max on the other hand, she was sweet. All she cared about was helping people be their best selves and saving her friend who was a piece of crap.

Unpopular opinion: I liked LIS 2. I grew up with a little brother and I would have died for him myself. Maybe its just me being my over sentimental self but I liked it.

Its and okay game but there no continuity and it all feels very disconnected.

Yeah 5 was a trainwreck, in of itself, and that's before you even look at just how many plot threads built up over the entire season just got dropped. In retrospect I expected too much, these choice games can never deliver. But fuck. The vortex club, the principle, nathan, and whatnot. God I remember how much fun the theorising was on /lisg/. Like tears in the rain.

If they have no idea they struck gold the first time round, which they don't, then yeah, there's no way.

Warren is great, what are you onto? I would like to have a friend like him (no homo) it's pretty funny seeing him trying to hit on max Everytime, I don't know why she didn't just simply said no to him from the beginning so they could be just friends, instead she justs try to avoid his advances like an autist, and Warren falls for it Everytime lmao

>All she cared about was helping other people
You realize people like her get shat on by literally everyone right? I was like that for many years and I was shat in by everyone, even strangers, it's the reason I changed from being probably the nicest person you'll ever know in your life to a two-face degenerate psycho that hates your shit and hates you for simply existing, I went through a lot in my life and learned a lot the hard way, always the hard way.
Let's say I found the light, and I'm a normal person again, but even still people is garbage, especially where I live, I just wish I could have a GF like Chloe to hang out with, I'd like a GF like Kate too but those ones don't exist, besides Chloe is more interesting.

Anyone here ever play Oxenfree? Whenever I think of LiS I think of Oxenfree and get sad. Never got the attention it deserved. Hits all the right spots same as LiS but much more consistent in quality throughout.

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they could easily make a come back if they made a new one where max gets BLACKED in the ass. everyone and their brother would buy it.

Their newest game is going to have a tranny as a main character. The devs are pretty obviously SJW types
You sound like you are too young to be here.

Well, you're welcome to enjoy it if you really do, I don't think enjoying a bad thing is bad in itself. It's just a game that should have never been tied to the first one. They're barely even similar. Plus the hamfisted social commentary is just cringeworthy. Makes it nearly impossible to even play. I think it would have done better if marketed as being written by the LIS1 writer, kind of like David Cage's games. People know his games are his just by the style and writing, LIS2 could have been like that.

I just think the main problem is writing the parts separately. They should have been written as a whole, but I guess that would have taken too much time. Anything made in parts is usually a mess, just look at the new star wars trilogy. The endings are always hyped up so much that even a great ending would disappoint, let alone the mediocre or bad ones that are usually delivered.

Really? He came across as desperate, creepy, weird, stalkery, etc. I never cared for him from his first appearance and he only got worse. Not to mention when he beat up Nathan, it was supposed to be a badass moment, but felt like he was unhinged instead. Also, Warren seems like the type to not take no for an answer, especially since he can be seen stalking Max several times throughout the game.

never played it i will give a shot tho, thanks

>He came across as desperate, creepy, weird, stalkery, etc.
He belonged on this board. Wouldn't be surprised if his character came here regularly