What's your favorite album desu~

What's your favorite album desu~
Pic related

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i'm not a big fan of albums, so its still this

My favorite album changes often, but currently, I'd say pic related is.

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death grips exmilitary desu

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I love death grips but I would have to say that their favorite album of mine is the year of the snitch, what do you think of the album?

Favorite song? I haven't listened to it but I like Lord of The Game

it has some good tracks but majority of the songs is basically unlistenable to me(which is ok since everybody has a specific taste in music)
spread eagle cross the block is the favorite on the album
close second place would be takyon

Nothing Was The Same. Nice listening to when it's raining at night.

Have you listened to his other albums or do you circle jerk whatever Yas Forums claims is the best?

I mostly listen to Hip Hop but I recently listened to this for a change and I really liked it

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I've listen to Operation Doomsday, Mm Food, Take Me To Your Leader and Vaudeville Villain
I love DOOM

I'm still debating which I perfer
Mm food

love it, Eureka is in my top 10

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While I enjoy Eureka, I think Long Goodbye is a better album.

Haven't listened to it in at least 5 years so I'll go give it another go

I went on a feeling: what do you think it means?

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Here's my bill Clinton album

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3x3 I made like 8 years ago
I love MF DOOM to death but I don't think any single one of his albums was phenomenal start to finish, each had their strong songs. From his discography I think Operation: Doomsday was his best

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two of yours are among my faves, HANL and Crystal Castles

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the weeze!

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This album is pretty great. Hard to pick one though

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for me it pinata. madlib is a GOAT producer

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deathconsciousness is godtier and nothing can top it

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This album holds so much mental illness

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My favorite songs are thuggin and broken

Pic related easily, no other album captivates me front to back nearly as much. The atmosphere is unbeatable. Befitting of it's name, it feels more like watching a great film than listening to an album, and a story told with no words or pictures.

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I recommend
Sounpieces: Da Antidote
Also madlib produced and underrated in my opinion

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easily my favorite DOOM album since it reminds me of when i was younger watching adult swim when i should have been asleep

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technically a mix tape but idc

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>mfw Deletee hits

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some of mine
v nice
one of his best albums
very based

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>sigur ros
>massive attack
>boards of canada
What's the core album Bill is holding? I want to know because all the other 3 are some of my favorites.

You're about to go on a rollercoaster: it's Lifeforms by Future Sound of London.

Got any suggestions?