Ywn experience this

>ywn experience this
Life is pain and suffering. Why does god even keep me alive?

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no couple in reality talks like that. rather disgusting to see the insecurity and weakness being hinted at by the way the editor writes out that wish-fulfillment dialogue. if you want love from a woman, you cannot show vulnerability.

I know that's true, but i like to dream...

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this shit doesn't exist. this is like some disney movie level of lies. women are not like this. these are male, disney-esque, virgin impressions of how they think women are. take some redpills and the womanpill and realize that this is just fantasy and it's not healthy to even fantasize about them in this way.

it's a medium specific thing, if you can call it that. obviously nobody talks like that but they're intentionally overwritten to paint a picture

you made me cry
fuck you

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I'm sorry, user. This pains me as much as everyone. God i'm so lonely...

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but fantasies are all I've got...

>bet u feel well rested?
i have never experienced being well rested

you should let go of them at a point and embrace what women really are so you can hold one at night and silently fantasize that these pics are what's happening.


tell me more

woman is a cold, amoral and unsympathetic and un-empathetic creature that exists to filter human genes downwards. it is an organism that selects for good quality human genes and is the sole gender that does so. the way they go about that is to look at males and compare them to each other and get cummed in by the one who is better than all the other men.

that is all they are. they are biologic eugenics machines on an eternal quest to select better and better genes. their selection process is way different than the male one. their selection process weighs things differently. the majority enjoy aggressive and dominant men. men that abuse, manipulate, and are psychopaths because they can have the capacity to dominate other men and gain more resources and power for her and her kids.

their eyes are constantly comparing men to eachother and wanting to fuck the one at the top. that's what a woman is. let go of any of that dumb disney fantasy shit. they are not that at all. you have to work around what they really are which is cold eugenics machines that only have the capacity to care about their own young. once you figure that out, you realize that it's actually perfect because that force drives you and other men like you to be better and do better things. they are great. just don't lie to yourself about what they are. they essentially push men forward to be better because they always want better. sink or swim.

Gosh it pulls at the heart strings to see you robots wrought with such emotion over the absence of this kind of love in your life. Im sorry.
I didnt read all of what you said because you wrote a lot and im trying not to waste my life. However this sort of relationship with a woman is not as elusive as you think. You cannot boil women down to such pessimistic barebones generalizations born from your own scorn and things you observe on the internet. Cough up the bitterpill

the reason you don't like what i wrote is because it's true. i've noticed women don't like having their secrets revealed for lesser men to find out about, like how make-up is just an evolutionary trick to make yourself look more youthful and fertile and most women look like absolute shit without it. it levels the playing field and you guys don't like when your advantages get taken away. mostly because you'd actually have to work for things and prove yourself to men and that means less babies for all women.

just make a tulpa, no worldly bitch treats there man like that unless they're chad

Why the fuck should I care about my genes being in the genepool? It all seems like a scam to me.

if you really take that approach you'd come to the conclusion that there's really no point and should just end your own life. just by existing and working you're just essentially being a cuckold, helping other people's children and you gain nothing in return except pleasure which really isn't worth much outside of yourself. please don't take that boomer approach of muh hedonism that's such a shit take.

just have kids. literally the only reason you wouldn't is because you can't. any other reasoning is a cope.

You still haven't told me why the fuck I should have children in a world that is so overpopulated and where men have such a low value.
>please don't take that boomer approach of muh hedonism that's such a shit take.
Except in our world that's literally all there is. All has already been explored and conquered. Normies think they and their jobs and their children matter. They don't. It's a delusion bordering on schizophrenia. Like I said: It's all a scam.

life is a scam. just end it if you don't have kids. that's the closest you can get to things ever not being a scam.

imagine dogs sitting there arguing about whether they should have children or not. just fucking pathetic. the only reason they wouldn't is because they are so shit tier that they can't.

overpopulation is a fucking meme. niggers and spics sure don't give a fuck about it and if they keep it up they'll be the majority in 200 years and there will be no more civilization or any technologies or anything for the majority of people.

just have fucking kids if you can, listen to your biology stop trying to fight it and act like your stupid fuck rationalizations mean anything. you just can't have them because you're a bad quality male. in fact one that females wouldn't consider fucking. i bet if you weren't and you were better than other men your attitude would change real quick once you had hot chicks all over you.

>just end it if you don't have kids.
Are you retarded? Why should I deprive myself of being hedonistic just because I don't want to waste time, energy and money into raising another tax payer? Sadly hedonism is all this world has to offer. I would consider suicide if there was a button I could press but right now it is dirty, painful and could leave you a vegetable. No way I'm going to risk that.
>b-but muh genepool, aren't you ashamed your genes die with you?
Nice shaming tactics but they won't work because I'm neither a woman, nor a child. I like your fucking mentality "just have kids bro". People like you are the biggest scum. No planning about how that person would feel in our world at. I would just create another miserable human. The fact that you compare us to fucking dogs tells a lot about you. But humans aren't fucking dogs. We actually crave a purpose, which we don't have in our fucking society. Dogs don't need a purpose, men do.

yeah, a shotgun to the head really leaves you a vegetable and who cares about the mess anyway right? fuck the people who have to clean it up, it's all about you at the end of the day and your pleasure chemicals.

yeah all this purpose bullshit from people like you is so fucking stupid. you larp as if you have some missing piece of you that the world is supposed to fill in you. this mystical "purpose" and "meaning".

the closest you get to that is actually ironically, hedonism in the form of fucking and having children. that's what you are. a fuck machine that breeds and clones itself. pretending like you aren't and crying about how there's no hope or meaning and pretending your kid will be just as miserable is you are shows me exactly why no woman has ever given you children. fucking weak mind you have. just absolute shit tier thoughts and rationalizations. you're a pussy is what you are. you don't have the balls to improve this shit world through creating more humans and bettering them. you just want to lay down and play in the dirt like a little boy because you are a failure of a male.

Not true at all holy fuck stop teaching this mentality what is wrong with you? It's people like you that make men afraid of opening up or showing emotions. Every woman I know has no problem with men showing vulnerability or literally just showing they're human.

>it's okay to be weak sometimes
No woman on this fucking planet thinks that. If she sees you show any sign of weakness, you're done.

Being dead is the most cuck thing I could think of so that is not even up to debate. Nobody respects the dead and they can't influence a god damn thing. I will never kill myself, no matter how much you or society want to see me dead. I won't do the work for you, someone actually has to murder me for that to happen.
>you don't have the balls to improve this shit world
I don't give a fuck about a world that doesn't give a damn about me.
>fucking weak mind you have.
Weak, strong... it's all relative. Being shamed into doing something society expects of you is the definition of being weak. You were too weak to be honest scum like me so you fell for this scam and believe you are something better. You aren't. Unless you are fucking Tesla or something none of your entire life matters not will your children's lives.
>shows me exactly why no woman has ever given you children.
Yes because I don't have ressources lmao. You buy into some vague, mystical notion of weak and strong when ressources is literally all it comes down to. The weakest pussy can procreate if he has them. The strongest guy won't if he doesn't.

Like I said all you do is using shaming techniques. They work on you, they don't work on me. I somewhat agree with your notion of us being fuck machines who create clones of themselves with disregard for the consequences but that was way before marriage was such a rapefest for males as today. Before women had infinite sexual value because of social media where they can get attention from 50 dudes simultaneously. Never were we as replaceable and irrelevant as today.

No... burdening the next generation with our problems, regardless if they want to be born, just because you were shamed into being scammed - that is the definition of a pussy. A real man wants to know exactly what he gets out of a deal before signing it.

>Being dead is the most cuck thing I could think of so that is not even up to debate.
so is coping your life away

honesty is a fucking joke and a scam. results are what matter.

>none of your entire life matters not will your children's lives.
me: children
you: none

i have literally infinitely more out in the universe than you. your life meant nothing. i have something to show for it in the form of children who will also go on. who knows, maybe they'll lead to a better world. one where people don't just act like nothing matters and having kids, the most natural thing for us to do is some big scam. fucking idiocy man.

only weak pussies need resources to get women. why do you think women go to clubs or on tinder and fuck chads all the time? most of those dudes are probably living paycheck to paycheck, spending most of it on partying for nothing. but they get pussy and thereby access to having kids. using money to attract women is for fucking cucks and pussies. especially when there's welfare in lots of third world counties. you can literally have other people PAY for your children to survive for you. you don't have to lift a finger.

burdening the next generation with our problems? what fucking deal? procreating is all there is and is the eternal fucking deal. sign the god damn paper that's the only paper there is. fine details are stupid and pretending there's other deals is just delusion. it's just more coping from you every post.

>especially when there's welfare in lots of third world counties. you can literally have other people PAY for your children to survive for you. you don't have to lift a finger.
t. nigger

I never said you need the money to attract women. But you need it to turn them into functioning fucking adults dumbass. Kids need hobbies. They need good clothes to not be bullied. They need nutritious meals. All that shit costs fucking money.
>spending most of it on partying for nothing. but they get pussy and thereby access to having kids.
Are you implying that you can meet wife material in fucking clubs? Again you are outing yourself as an absolute fucking nigger.
>your life meant nothing.
So did yours. But unlike you I'm not delusional enough to think procreating would add any fucking meaning to this world.

So I have the choice of meaningless life with kids and meaningless life without kids but the latter would leave me with more money to spend on hedonism on. Why pick the latter?

Why not pick the latter*

Leave me in my fantasies please

so what you're saying is that you're incompetent and poor and have no skills to make money? sounds like you don't have good genes either so. guess you're just fucked all around now aren't you? no wonder you cope so hard.

>durrrr women are pure and good and you can't turn certain women into a mother and 80% of women are literal trash bcuz they fuck
grow the fuck up, retard. this isn't fantasy world where women are these pure things.

>So I have the choice of meaningless life with kids and meaningless life without kids but the latter would leave me with more money to spend on hedonism on. Why pick the latter?
uhh because that's kind of the whole purpose of being a human being? that's your whole function. all of the other shit you do is just to achieve that. once you have it, go search for whatever dumb fuck notion of "purpose" or "meaning" you think is out there. spoiler, there is fucking none.

>Why pick the latter?
again, this is exactly why no woman would ever even think to have children with you. you are a genetic dead end. kids need all those clothes so they don't get bullied but daddy is over there snorting heroin passed out watching cartoons because it's all about him. what woman would ever want you? i wouldn't be surprised if your own mother hated you.

just admit it's cope because you're a shit tier male. stop pretending and trying to rationalize it like some fucking pseud. the most rational thing is to have children.

Cringe, if someone ever said anything like this to me save a couple of lines I would want to kill myself. Jesus Fuck. How are you faggots like this

Why would one want to spread their genes if they're inferior?

i just want him to say it and admit it's a bunch of cope.

wrong, no woman will ever be attracted to an emotionally weak and vulnerable man. women's actions often contradict what they say, and this especially applies to women that say they like guys that "aren't afraid to show their emotions". hint: they're bullshitting you