Why are women so awful at carrying conversations on tinder? They say nothing of substance and make you do all the work.
Why are women so awful at carrying conversations on tinder? They say nothing of substance and make you do all the work
because dating apps are mainly used by the lowest trash
they know they're in high demand, so they can afford to be immense bitches.
You're all wasting your time on tinder. Either try another smaller site or take the blackpill
But that seems to be what everyone is using, I would say its a decent sample
Because women have a lower iq than men.
maybe try talking to guys on tinder?
They have 50 guys on there fighting for their attention. Why would they make any effort for anyone that's not the chaddest Chad?
Women are the ones in power when it comes to dating. You're basically a jester that has to try and impress the queen sitting on her throne. If she isn't satisfied she'll just sent you away and make a new one come in.
you are also probably bad at everything, since you're talking to people on tinder
hope this helps
because they don't need to. they can make you do all the work. they have a shitload of dicks to choose from.
>But that seems to be what everyone is using, I would say its a decent sample
If you actually want to meet decent women you use sites and communities based on interests and hobbies. I met my ex on interpals(wasn't a LDR) and we had alot to talk about because of similar interests, humor and stuff. There's also alot of pressure since it's not openly about dating, it's more like IRL where you meet each other and start talking about something and slowly grow to like each other.
In online dating women have all the power. Real life is a much more level playing field but once you leave school your opportunities to meet people irl greatly diminish. So overall, women do have the upper hand in dating due to the dominance of OLD. If OLD went away then things would be balanced again.
>There's also alot of pressure since it's not openly about dating
meant "there's alot less pressure"
Thnqnks for the advice, Ill give it a try
>Why are women so awful at carrying conversations on tinder? They say nothing of substance and make you do all the work.
Is this your first day on planet Earth or something?
Because they're talking to 100 dudes at once
not just tinder. any conversation in general.
Women are constantly scrolling and talking to people on multiple social media platforms at once. While you type to her on tinder she's probably got instagram in one tab thanking someone for complimenting her picture, she's got twitter opened in another tab retweeting memes, she's got snapchat open sending selfies to people, she's got youtube minimized with a skincare routine video playing
She's barely interested in your conversation and she's distracted by other people.
sounds like Yas Forums in general
ye but i'm not trying to date anons, i would expect more effort in dating
those are usually the low-effort replies to longer-winded comments, just to say they support it or not. at least here I can read longer than a few word responses.
Because we don't need to lol, if you're not willing to put in the effort we'll find someone who is. I don't think men are aware of just how easy it is to find a man who's willing to put in an effort to talk to you/be with you as a woman.
Women are using complex heuristic scheduling algorithms.
A general function P for the likelyhood of her having more interested in you takes multiple parameters:
H ... your attractiveness
A ... your autism
t ... the time she knows you for
c(t) ... favorible actions youve done at a certain time point
n(t) ... negative actions youve done at a certain time point
k(x,y,z) a leaky, long-short diminishing memory coefficient
f(t) = H-A + (integral(c(t)dt)-k(c(t)dt,A,H) - integral(n(t)dt) + k(n(t)dt,H,A)
k(x,y,z) = integral(x)dx - y + z
This gives her points she uses in her scheduling algorithm that decides how many resources she should allocate to the given person.
Subsequently she orders the interactions in an descending fashion by the heuristic and prioritizes via your rank.
What can be demonstrated by my formula is that it is painstakingly hard to build up a relationship with a woman if you arent really attractive and with zero autismo. It also shows that the relationship is dependent on your previous actions and the growth rate will increase every time you put in a good action... it is however very hard to get started as k(x) has an offset slope to the left so in the beginning more of your effort will be diminishing. Once you get it running thought it will be easier. Also being attractive and not being autistic makes it diminish in a slower fashion.
Because no Woman of quality uses that degenerate App
wow i just created a teachable statistcal regression system thats not a neural network. Works somewhat like an ant colony algorithm. Never thought having dry balls would come in handy, will try this out as actual code.
Kek. Underrated. You verbalized perfectly what I have always been thinking. Women don't have agency.. They are robot like in their calculations. If you made even 1 fucking mistake you are fucked. They can't look at your failures in a self-ironic and humorous way and have that generosity of soul. The higher their perceived sexual market value the less unforgiving they are. And they even fucking admit it. 1 fucking mistake, 1 fucking insecurity or 1 awkward moment and you are fucking out. They are machines.
I think your definition of c(t) and n(t) is not good. It should rather be defined as "the negative (positive) feelings she has towards you for a certain time t". These dependant on your actions but I dont think actions with respect to time make much sense. Youd want to integrate over the feelings she has towards you, not the actions that have had a negative (positive) impact on her feelings for you. also your k makes you lose some parts of f(t). Considering you evaluate k at n(t), H and A, by your definition, you lose meaning of autism and attractiveness as welll as the integral over n(t) dt with only one part remaining. So you can simplify f(t) = integral(c(t)dt - k(c(t)dt, A, H) which will end with f(t) being f(t) = f = A-H. Coming over all to the conclusion that someone liking you is soley dependant on your autism to looks ratio.
Why try when you don't have to? Women have it easy, so I wouldn't expect them to put any effort into finding a date.
>it's fine when I do it
so you can write shitty one word reaction replies to people when you don't feel like writing a paragraph but if someone else does it then they're low iq retards, yeah right
>b-b-but dating!
on tinder? who the fuck are you trying to fool here? you're not there for lengthy discussions, you have to write, "u want fuck" then she replies with y/n, go and discuss dostoyevsky with a literature professor you fucking faggot
You haven't seen the pic where Chad just asks a girl "do you do anal" in the first message?
Yep, it is also important to point out that this is specially true in dating apps, but irl is less of an issue. Also, if you're Chad, you can bypass all the jester crap.
dating apps are pointless may as well stick with the classic method our fathers used....approaching and talking to girls in person