Mentally ill, self-hating women with zero self-esteem can get relationships, but guys who are even slightly introverted often end up being permavirgins.
Mentally ill, self-hating women with zero self-esteem can get relationships...
Thats the reality, deal with it. It is now a women run world and men are just disposable meat.
Imagine being so privileged that people would not only tolerate your self loathing, but support you because of it.
Not necessarily, men who are self hating and have low self esteem have to develop enough buffer time between when they are in that sorry state, and when they aren't.
And it's literally a marketable trait for them too. Like, this person can make comics about how pathetic she is and people actually like her for it.
this pic was me when i was in a relationship
Actually mentally ill woman here.
They'll spend maybe a month with you and then inevitably leave if you don't put out or your mental health worsens. They'll often re-truamatise you for no reason.
I was raped as a kid and didn't talk about it for over a decade. When I finally started seeing a therapist I told them and my boyfriend at the time. A few months later, my boyfriend dumped me at the airport when I flew out to visit him and then told his SJW friends that I was raped as a kid so they could mock me online. I was drugged when the rape occured, and one of my biggest fears is having my rape be posted online as CP. As a result of this fear, I've given up all hope of having a public life, and it makes me hyper paranoid regarding the internet. Needless to say, having some stranger laugh at me for this didn't improve my mental health.
But yeah, I'm sure it's so much worse being a generic white or Asian guy with depression or whatever going to university and never getting laid because he never approaches people. Totally the same shit.
It's just lifestylism, plain and simple. The worst part is that I even relate to the comic itself, but I would never wear it like a badge the same way all these people do.
be gf, I'll gib u luvs
Men are literally worthless and disposable.
Women aren't.
It's that simple my friend.
Stop hanging around with the trash then.
Yes, correct. Depression is worse than being raped in your lifetime.
Women are mostly attractive though, men are often physically unattractive
I was stabbed by my mother as a child, and I've literally been told to "man" up by an actual psychiatrist in regards to the underlying trauma. I can guarantee you that I would have received unending care and support if I had a wet, bacteria-ridden hole between my legs. Instead, all I realistically have is benzos and shitposting on Yas Forums. You just don't realize how good you have it.
That's damn right!
I told my ex-bf that I got bpd he ran like a rabbit to the hills! That coward!
>having something put in a hole
>it's so terrible you can't begin to comprehend NOO
foids out
>Mentally ill, self-hating women with zero self-esteem can get relationships
only if they interact with people though, you can't date a girl if you don't know she exists
this makes me feel grateful for my non lewd bf.
he's really sweet and would never leave me over something like that.
you'll find someone who loves you user.
All this comic made me realize is that I'm not really sure whether male birds have dicks or not.
Birds have cloacas
some like ducks have penises
you know what is the problem? If you speak to someone enough human to have basic empathy he will give his life to the cause of helping you get better.
If a man goes through being raped as a kid, first he will be ashamed of it like you, but most importantly, there's no single person that will not lose his repect of him or will not mock him, because our "collective unconscious" considers that if a boy is raped then he loses his masculinity.
After this, any man with mental illness, depression and insecurities will eithe be mocked and ridiculed, or be considered an incel, a psychopath, a future school shooter or a future serial killer, and most probably will be kicked out of his parents house as soon as his progenitors are legally capable to do so.
In your case, you met the classical teenager with a serious bent on "social sociopathy", something that could have been far worse if you were a man. The girlfriend would have talked about how you have some fetish, how you have a small penis, or would have outright said that you abused her, spreading this online and indirectly asking his readers to go to your home and beat the shit out of you. I have seen this kind of things happening to "normal kids with insecurities and depression in school" a dozen times, imagine if the kid was raped the kind of things that could happen to him.
Your case is one of the proofs of how human cattle really lacks conscience and morality, as well as empathy, it is the proof that the so called empathethic nature of human beings either has been eliminated by the modern world or has never been more than a social facade. But also, we have to admit the fact that men have it harder in everything in this life than women.
Really? I never knew that. Do platypuses have penises?
Trust me man, I'm a guy who was sexually abused by a female and it's not about "having something put inside you". I can't even fully describe it, but it so utterly annihilates any sense of autonomy and security in yourself that you never really recover fully from it.
I get what the other user is saying.
Originally high IQ post.
Why do the mentally ill, of both genders, like to brag about how fucked up they are?
This comic made me realize all women are prostitutes that want to exchange material goods for sex and fake affection.
Mentally ill men don't complain publicly because it's social suicide to do so as a man, whereas women can make mental illness a part of their identity and still be loved.
It gets you positive, affirming attention, which you very desperately need if you have no confidence, which is a trait that is common to absolutely every mental disorder.
>the so called empathethic nature of human beings either has been eliminated by the modern world or has never been more than a social facade
It's real but it's a rare gift, not a commonplace stance. Most people only care about them and theirs, those that have general goodwill are one in a million, not a modern idea either. Look in the Bible or Arete for examples of how goodness has always been exceptionally rare in society.
that's why I don't try. I had one gf in my life in hs sophomore year and she approached me (she moved because she got bullied apparently and ended up with me) had my first and only handjob, and not even 2 months in she dumps me over Facebook. since then I'm just working as much as I can and trying to make myself happy rather than worry about another. once I'm stable then maybe.
>and then told his SJW friends that I was raped as a kid so they could mock me online
How do SJW's make fun of someone who was raped as a kid? What is their angle?
You can also interpret it that women want to see you putting up an effort in order to see you are serious and not just going to pump and dump.
I've seen a lot of men who do brag about it in a sense. Most of them don't, but there's a group of them who see it like scars or something.
>If you speak to someone enough human to have basic empathy he will give his life to the cause of helping you get better.
not that user but I've opened up to multiple men about my childhood sexual abuse only to be told that I shouldn't tell people because guys don't want used goods
men and women are shitty at equal rates and women also get ridiculed for being mentally ill
just look at how this board makes fun of women for having depression when they're "living life on easy mode"
>put in effort
>don't put in effort
It's almost as if the way you look matters more than what you do.
be gf, I will gib you luv
>In most species, the female does most or all of the nest construction, though the male often helps.
Get fucked, lazy roasts.
calm down, Tahlia
not orig? kek
That's because men are coombrains. I find it almost hilarious that men constantly shit on women for fucking low anxiety psychopaths, but then immediately turn around and fawn over a mentally ill, ridiculously neurotic woman that would leave her baby in a dumpster because she couldn't emotionally handle it.
I thought this was an American thing since the elites push sociopathy on to the populace. Telling them "this is what made our country successful" as if two warm water ports to two oceans, an abundance of natural resources, lack of internal trade barriers, land to spare and a huge population willing to bend over for the real, rich sociopaths did not make this country the way it is.
>Get fucked, lazy roasts.
waaa why won't women suck my cock for zero effort on my part
there's a whole world between someone only caring for his family and himself and a group of people mocking a person online for being raped (and being one of those people the one the raped one is in love with). In one case you just don't see what isn't in front of your eyes, so we are talking about ignorance, and in the second case we are talking about a group of people enjoying inflicting excessive pain and hurting someone to levels I cannot imagine someone wouldn't stop. Analyzing the case more profoundly, this group wasn't only lacking in any form of real emotions or morality, but also had a strong in-group influence, If you add that these people were SJW then you can easily guess that they depend on social approval, and if that is the thing, this group surely has done similar things before, and their entire social enviroment has seen this behavior as normal, even supporting this actions. As I said, most people extract their morality from socially accepted norms of behavior, and if left free, the levels of evil the average NPC is capable of would be frightening. Human empathy is nothing more than a social facade.
>, there's no single person that will not lose his repect of him or will not mock him, because our "collective unconscious" considers that if a boy is raped then he loses his masculinity.
Dude, what dimension do you live in? This does not happen at all in real life. On Yas Forums? Sure, they'll mock you for it, but they'll mock you for anything
This is where the miscommunication between the genders lie. Women are scared that men will take advantage of them by fucking them once and never talking again, or being raped, or murdered. Men are scared that women will take advantage of them, by humiliation, or being used for their money or status, or being forced to raise children that aren't theirs. (Also rape and murder, it happens to men too)
And nobody can effectively communicate this to the other sex without starting an argument, because it's unfair to assume the worst about someone just because of the actions of others. It's fair to be cautious, but it's also fair to be insulted because the person assumes you'll just take advantage of them.
A lot of people romanticize mental illness, especially women. Women claim they have things like anxiety and depression to make themselves more vulnerable to men because they want to be rescued and get more attention.
I dated someone with your OP image internal dialog and they fuck you over because it's established in their world that everyone is a liar so therefore they can be too, it's their reality.
Modern women are so bizarre.
>They'll spend maybe a month with you and then inevitably leave if you don't put out
Your solution, then, is to put out and stick with a guy who's only interested in fucking you.
You should be grateful he left because he's only interested in fucking you. Women 100 years ago understood this, I don't understand what the fuck is wrong with them today. Nowadays it is so much easier to find the right guy because you have a greater access to men due to the Internet and yet women have gotten WORSE at picking men. It's fucking phenomenal.
And meanwhile what do women have to do?
Go fuck other guys and argue that "You and me are just dating, it's not exclusive. Stop being a jealous control freak."
Yeah, sure, I'll indebt myself for the remainder of my life by buying a house for some random slut that I just started dating. You know, to show effort.
The way I show effort is that I listen to the bullshit they say and spend time with them.
I will listen to you for an hour talking of shit I care nothing about, using this skill I've built for over a decade.
That's enough effort.