>twenty-six years old
Twenty-six years old
>same feels bro
Also think how quickly the last 4 years went...I might as well be thirty now...
>still haven't found your purpose
>22 rotations around the sun in
25 and fine.
god user you're old. I hope you're at least good at something by now, or at least have a job with some potential?
Statistically, I'm still 59 years away from death
don't worry user there is instant way out as well
>turned 28 two weeks ago
What if I have to do this for another 40 years? Or 60? Or 80?
Its very very off-putting, and demoralizing. I don't want to even participate in this world, and I might have to be here twice as long as I've already been.
It's all so tiresome
Would there actually be an anime qt gf waiting for me if I offed myself? Asking unironically
why is life such shite?
No. More likely you'd feel a burning sensation for all eternity.
>fun part of life is basically over
>it wasn't even fun for me
I wish I could go back in time and have another go
>thirty-one years old
>can't work early or night shift anymore without getting dead tired
>have to plan free time for digesting after eating a rich/heavy meal.
>go to bed not later than half past midnight despite not working for more than a month
>20 year olds call me "sir"
>25 year old
>smoke weed with some teenagers because nothing else to do and they like me
>one fag tells me his brother is my age and has a wife and is a police officer
>he asks me if i'm retarded and when i move on with life
so you're saying its the toxic mindset?
Why do you sound so deadbeat?
At 22 if you are an europoor you should be finally graduating uni and start working at a proper job so money would no longer be an issue. You should have finished accepting yourself and gotten the teenage rage and rapid feelings out of your system. You should finally see the world for what it is and break all of the chains which your childhood and adolescence tied you into.
I feel sad that the world isnt a fun place anymore but I prefer living in truth than delusions.
>most likely
Proof it, please. And also tell me how that would be just.
Same here, same here. And it's really weird. I would still be considered "young" by most of the population, and yet I already feel like my life is ready to be over. At this point I welcome death and kind of look forward to it. I have given up on life. I no longer really like this reality. I don't care about anything. I do not even care enough to work anymore. I spend basically all my time daydreaming and thinking of alternative realities of what I wish existence was like.
>I've done this a few times in the past and hot girls who were "way out of my league" would stare at me
Wow user, come back to me when you actually manage to talk to a female for the first time in your life
>24 and leukemia
Are you happy that it will be over soon?
yeah everybody here was abused as a kid, dummy
Why the fuck did he delete it
It's an honourable way to go, and that brings me comfort. If you kys, you are a quitter who abandons his loved ones. Me, on the other hand, I have a valid excuse to go.
That said, the lack of control on when (and if) I die makes me uncomfortable. Guess there's still a will to live simmering deep within me.
>twenty-nine years old
>you failed in your professional life
>you failed in your private life
>your only talent is completely useless
>not even Corona-chan is going to get you as it turns out as a hoax
What did God mean by this?
>Why do you sound so deadbeat?
Cause I'm not a normie so none of what you said applies to me
Well,at least you have a job?
I'm turning 30 tomorrow. My life is exactly where is was 10 years ago.
I had one, the company went bankrupt
If you have lived the exact same thing for so long you start to feel immortal, it's pretty weird. I think it's just because nothing ever happens
Tell us about your talent bro
>stopped giving a fuck
>enjoying life