Did masculine culture create incels?
No, sexual and political liberation of women did.
That and the commodification of sex. But that's kinda a short sighted analysis
>>So while feminism tells women "you hate your body and you're constantly doubting yourself because society did this to you, and society needs to change", we kinda just tell men "you're lonely and suicidal because you're toxic" - Contrapoints
Regardless of what you think of Contra, you can't tell me she's wrong here
video games and porn created incels.
masculine culture makes them violent, maybe, but the ideology that real men have lots of sexual partners is localized to sports, fitness, finance, and druggie communities. if you are an incel you can protect yourself from that ideology by just focusing on japanese meme media and video games. in the gamer community there's no value on sexual success, they all just talk about IQ and achievement points and tendies.
It was both,it is true that in the past you only needed a good job and you were guaranteed to be able to marry but it was also the fault of bullies that so many romantically unsuccessful men turns in shooters
Incels always existed, they were just beaten more and died in the semiregular wars back then
Yes, it did. Media made men see women in certain, wrong ways, and made them believe that they're entitled to women and they deserve women, which isn't how it works.
So when women inevitably turned these men down, they became bitter and didnt understand why.
Yes, it's the fault of media and culture, but in the short term toxic mindsets need to change, and that begins with men.
Incels always existed but prior to 1945 they would of died in wars or disease, only strong men survived to reproduce. Today with medicine being advanced and no wars, we have a surplus of men like Elliot Rodgers who won't reproduce.
I was discussing this with a guy recently. He also hypothesized that there had always been a small group of individuals, for reasons voluntary and involuntary, stay lonely for the rest of their lives. Now the interesting thing is whether we can construct a mathematical function that maps these relationships. I read one paper on the subject and it wasn't that good desu.
>die alone and don't be bitter about it
>Make sure you can afford to pay plenty of taxes first, though.
Jews created incels
If their was always a small group. They'd always stay a small group.
i.e. women participating in the celebration of sexual conquests.
Yes. Your grandma was a whore
Who cares. Lack of romance/intimacy/companionship is almost exclusively a male problem so nobody gives a shit.
It's small in the sense that there aren't many people who have had absolutely no sexual/romantic relationship. That is highly abnormal.
Be bitter towards media, the people who told you that you 'deserve' a family. You deserve nothing. Women owe you nothing. You earn that shit.
I like him but we have to be consistent. If we're gonna """misgender""" trannies we don't like, we have to misgender all of them.
a retard problem*
only 23% of black males are still virgins at age 18.
I am not convinced that things have ever been better. maybe when incels were Chad's slaves in olden times.
100 years ago when beta Jeremy married the village chubby homely girl she probably still didn't have sex with him and just cheated on him when he was slaving away in the coal mine or whatever.
There were definitely 0 incels. Rape was so easy. No cameras no law no social media to ruin you in fagshare threads with screenshots of you
This but ironically. We should abort 30% of Male fetuses so that we can even out the supply and demand. Because right now the is a surplus of men and that means society doesn't have a place for the men who normally would have died in wars or accidents.
Do you agree then that you deserve nothing as well?
Obviously nobody "deserves" shit, but when most men merely exist and get girlfriends whereas you work your ass off every day and get nothing because something weird happened to your social development when you were 11, you're going to be pretty goddamn bitter. When you can't win a game, you begin to hate it.
100 years ago beta Jeremy died in the coal mine at 14 and women couldn't afford to be as picky because there weren't as many men who survived to adulthood.
just lol
it's not about "deserving" anything. dumbass
it's about not having a need fulfilled
it's not media brainwashing, it's a normal human need
>You earn that shit.
This is a lie. Some people are born "deserving" love and can effortlessly acquire it, and if you weren't, wageslaving your life away won't change that.
I deserve nothing. I earned my relationship by working on myself and making myself desirable and a good partner.
i'm 33, i saw it all play out in real time. this all began when women started ranting and vilifying nice guys. they still do it to this day. it made many decent men feel dehumanized because they couldn't figure out how to guide their behavior in the new reality where decency is viewed as a manipulative act.
that's where it all started. don't waste my time trying to get in an argument about what defines a nice guy because that is the exact fucking reason this all started in the first place and how we ended up here, and i'm fucking sick of it. 15 fucking years of arguing about neckbeards and niceness. shut the fuck up
Then hate the game, and not the other players, which are women.
How do you think those girls marching feel about the fact that any one of them could've prevented that shooting by just having sex with some lonely guy? Do you think they'd do it if given the chance and they knew what would happen? Would saving 6 lives be worth it to them?
Then blame and hate yourself, not women. They're not at fault for recognising you as pathetic.