How to break this vicious cycle?

Being a 20+ khv makes you extremely desperate for intimacy and love but at the same time, being desperate turns girls off. How are you supposed to lose your virginity or even get your first kiss with this handicap?

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you just need to love yourself so you can bee yourself bro

1. Don't be fat or poor hygiene
2.Have friends that are women
3. Treat all women you encounter like you would a beta male.
4. When you find one that is inevitably attracted to you, she won't hide it, be direct, straightforward and decisive.

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>Being a 20+ khv makes you extremely desperate for intimacy and love
Speak for yourself
>How are you supposed to lose your virginity or even get your first kiss with this handicap?
You're usually not.

Alcohol is the solution to calm your nerves

You know the answer as well as I do buddy. By improving yourself. The door is that way for improving physically:Yas Forums. Read the sticky by the way. Get a job of some sort. Get some fucking discipline and you'll be able to get a lady in time. It's not my job to spoonfeed your ass.
Get a grip you fag. Good things come with time.

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Prostitutes, but then some girls will found you disgusting if they find out you lost your virginity to one.
Its a lost battle, unless you find a girl that likes you enough to mercy fuck you.

I recommend doing drugs. Weed, opiates, whatever. When doing drugs you make friends, plenty of grils love drugs too. It'll just happen one day, you'll see.

Go ask a weed smoker or alcoholic in there fifties before you go down that route. That shits a mega-cope because you can't live with the conditions you created since you willingly choose to not improve your surroundings(such as yourself).

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Having a drink to boost your courage doesn't make you an alcoholic for fucks sake

>2.Have friends that are women
This one is nigh on impossible depending on the situation though. I don't have any male friends to meet people through, and all my hobbies are either entirely men or individual activities. I have literally no way to meet women.

Don't come across as desperate. You need to suppress the feeling of desperation when you speak to women. Act like you could have something better to you. Be busy, don't reply right away.

>Having a drink to boost your courage doesn't make you an alcoholic for fucks sake.
>*Glug Glug Glug*
>Having a drink to boost your courage doesn't make you an alcoholic for fucks sake.
>*Glug Glug Glug* *Hic*
>Having a drink to boost your courage doesn't make you an alcoholic for fucks sake.
>*Glug Glug Glug*
>Heven a drink to boost yer cerage doesn't mek you an alcohelic fer fuckkin sek.
>*Dies of the DT's*

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Buddy it sounds like you've got more pressing matters than drinking

>muh drugs

This. I study CS at a technical University with 95% male and everyone of them is an antisocial nerd without any female friends. Our clubs are hackathon teams without any girls either. I will graduate a khv with no idea how to even speak with a woman.

Meet women online then when your social skills are decent meet women offline. What kind of autismo can't figure this out?

Go on, drink yourself to death and puff your life away. Be content in knowing you're spiting someone out there in the world, as your brain smooths out and lungs shrivel up.

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Stop caring about trying to sleep with women and just try to be friends. Eventually you will find someone you actually may like and all your interactions will be very normal and natural since your used to hanging with women.

>Oh you have no opportunities to meet women? Just meet women then bro
Are you actually retarded? You can't just walk up to random women on the street, try to talk to them, and expect them to do anything other than nod and walk away quickly. To meet people you need to have a social life and participate in social events. As someone with no social life, I don't have the opportunity to do so. I'm entirely capable of talking to people, I just never go outside so I can't.

>Being a 20+ khv makes you extremely desperate for intimacy and love
I don't recall being desperate for it at that age
still khhv turning 30 soon and fine with that

I've done it. Why can't you? Do I really need to explain the process of improving your social skills?

Yeah, there's no good solution, sorry. Its a vicious cycle.

Just get used to rejection i guess.

take the sissy pill

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Partaking in these activities does not imply dependence. You're not enlightened because you're straight edged, you just have some superiority complex about it.

I prefer the term "liquid confidence".

Nah but dont do this. You wont be the same person when you see her sober.

Get a job in retail or sales that forces you to talk to people. It sucks, it's not fun, but it's great experience in gaining confidence and the ability to talk to people normally. Working sales at GNC made me normal

Well, lost half my bodyweight and struggle with body image issues now. Close to being normal weight. Went from girls drunk kissing me and trying to pretend it never happened and attempted to betabux me. Blocked off, 100 lbs later random girl asks if I have gf. But I can sense they are more attracted as time and weight goes. Have a job, have male friends, and have clear boundries. Love from a foid is based on material stuff and looks sadly. Just accept and just keep your shit tight and straight senpai.

It's not a social skills issue, dumbasses. I've already stated that. I know how to talk to people, I used to have friends. My issue is that I moved across the country and know literally zero people here, and have nowhere to go to meet new people.

>Your just proud >:(
Yes. I also realize the consequences of partaking in those vices are worse than the benefits. You chose otherwise. I am literally pulling D.A.R.E. on OP because of you fags who want more people to be dragged into your pit.

Well I got lucky in that I met a girl that was suicidal who needed to latch onto me for about a year. Outside of that, I have never had the same opportunities to be with a woman

Doesn't matter

Drinking a little doesn't mean getting wasted

And whenyou've been with a girl once he ice is already very broken so when you meet her sober it gets easier automatically

just have sex incel lmfao

Yeah sure you have social skills yet can't talk to women or make friends.
Just go out and do things on your own to develop a sense of independence (this will get rid of your desperation and will make you more appealing to women). You don't need friends to do whatever the fuck you want and meet as many people or women you want if your social skills are good.
>omg its so hard guys what do i do :(

Oh, well I'm a borderline alcoholic, so whenever I drink I get trashed lol