Why do robots refuse to accept the immortal science of Marxist-Leninism?

Why do robots refuse to accept the immortal science of Marxist-Leninism?

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Labor is obligatory in socialist countries thus forbidding neetdom. Who would want that? Normie exploitation is the height of civilisation

Marxism doesn't advocate for forced labor (but forced labor for prisoners would be fine imo), but labor would certainly be more rewarding as it would aid yourself and community and not the bourgeoisie class

>it would aid yourself and community and not the bourgeoisie class
you are either super naive or just a shill

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Marxism only exists to further the aims of capitalism. Marxists are materialists that only care about money and see humans as gdp units of production.

Because Im already a communist

i dont know its pretty based

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This is so wrong on so many levels user, how much theory have you actually read

>from each according to their ability
Pretty much obliges you to participate if you are able.

Scientific Socialism is the inevitable next step in human evolution, but so many so-called Socialists/Leftists ignore scientific fact in favor of emotional response.

Prime example being the reality of Race. Socialism will always fail until the jewish element is properly addressed.
But Socialism itself is good for any Racial consciousness - because (((Capitalists))) are race-traitors that import subhumans to fuck over the working class of their own bloodkin.

>labor theory of value
>economic primacy


You can judge a movement by its adherents. Most marxist-leninists are total losers.

Because the labour theory of value is bullshit and useless; ;value', in any meaningful sense in economics, can only be measured as synonymous to price; price is determined by supply and demand.

The 'materialist conception of history' is anything but scientific and materialist. Marx supposes, like Hegel, that history is unfurling and has a natural progression. This is not rational. The future is up for grabs and it could go anywhere. Also, the Marxist conception of primitive communism to slave states, to feudalism to capitalism to socialism is just plain wrong. The Roman Empire had an economic system much more like 'capitalism' than Marx ever realised.

this 100%
LTV is the economic equivalent of the flat earth conspiracy theory

Because the requirements for the feasibility of practising communism hasn't been met yet. We still have years to come. We are far from being threatened by automation just yet.

actually immigration is a solution for the refusal by an educated population to work low skill jobs. the "working class" in a wealthy country are the families of immigrants, since being born in the US means you'll get a nice white collar job most likely if you pay attention in school.

the only people it fucks over are other countries who lose talent.

So much bullshit in this pic. Read theory and more historty, you oligarch's simp.

I like having nice things, not into "to each according to his needs" style ascetic living. Technically I only "need" a cheap wooden stool from Walmart, but I'd much rather work for money so I can get myself a nice comfy office chair.
Once automation fully hits I'd be willing to support a UBI that covers only bare necessities, on the condition that personal income tax is abolished and all tax money comes from property and corporate tax. The base system should still be capitalism though.

because i think its wrong silly
the dialectic cant end like marx thinks it does - we will never reach some utopia end point
i agree with much of the critique of capitalism but critiquing capitalism is so by the by now its trite and these ardent defenders of it are just boring
in a very simplistic sense, i consider marx the antithesis to capitalism's thesis and third positionism the synthesis
however, when (and i do see it as inevitable) third positionism becomes the predominant structure of society there will arise a new antithesis and we will have to overcome that and arrive at a new synthesis
the process will never stop at communism or anything else: to even think these contemporary (or really historical) structures will last us even 300 years is ridiculous
and im somewhat strawmanning marx but the kernel of my argument is here

>the labour theory of value is bullshit and useless
Because you said? No one has yet disproved the labor theory of value.
>This is not rational. The future is up for grabs and it could go anywhere
It is irrational to say that history goes chaotically and it is not clear how
>The Roman Empire had an economic system much more like 'capitalism' than Marx ever realised
It is quite obvious, and even non-Marxist scholars do not argue with this that capitalism originated in Great Britain in the 17th century, or at least in Renaissance Italy

I live in Russia and on myself feel everything that Marx wrote - huge inequality, the people is literally getting poorer, fusion of power and capital

>Because you said?
Because literally every modern serious economist thinks so. Keynesian or Monetarist; they all agree that LTV is useless. Because history has shown that Marx was wrong; even in Marxian time the living standard and wealth of the poor improved despite Marxist predictions that the rich would get richer and the poor will get poorer as a result.

There is a significant debate as to whether or not the term capitalism is even useful or even describes an actual tangible phenomenon. The ability to own private property, own the means of production, make profit etc... these things existed in various forms within Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China.

Leave that dirty ideology in the 20th and let it rot in the dustbin of history where it belongs.

You have been down this road before Sergei... your country is fucked because of mega corruption and the bizarre neo-feudalist oligarchy system Putin set up. Also, sanctions from the Us and NATO counties and a complete over-reliance on oil and gas.

If you cunts could just set up a free market, let go of your dumb ambitions for global influence to stop pissing off the Americans (they won the Cold War so fucking deal with it), fix your corruption culture, stop blowing so much of your national budget on the military and invest in some infrastructure etc...

I like communism because it makes the normies suffer the most and no one gets freebies for being a chad or having a vagina (I mean not as much as in capitalism where stacy gets a CEO position for wearing a tight blouse). But of course that would mean I'd have to put up with the same bullshit too and I'm not sure I'd like that

Fuck communism. This is a technocratic board.

If you think that race is essential then you simply aren't a Marxist, you didn't understand it. Sorry

>Marx supposes, like Hegel, that history is unfurling and has a natural progression
Most marxists would agree that this was wrong. But capitalism and the economic system at large do have certain tendencies which aren't going away.

The progression of technology will one day make labour optional, which inevitably leads to socialism in the final instance

Indeed. A more fair form of capitalism will do for this lifetime.

>not into "to each according to his needs" style ascetic living.
That isn't what that quote means. It's an assertion that use values (i.e. the qualitative uses of commodities) should be what guide the distribution of goods, not exchange value as now, which means that plenty of people can't get the use values that they need

>we will never reach some utopia end point
Almost certainly correct, there will always be a politics, and there will be no 'end of history'. Man constitutes himself in opposition to others, thus opposition is inevitable. However, once commodity abundance is achieved, questions of distribution will be much easier to solve.

Do you actually know what "technocracy" means?

>Because literally every modern serious economist thinks so
literally all scientists believed that phlogistons exist
>even in Marxian time the living standard and wealth of the poor improved despite Marxist predictions that the rich would get richer and the poor will get poorer as a result.
its very stupid to think that peoples needs were defined at the beginning of the nineteenth century and should remain the same
>There is a significant debate as to whether or not the term capitalism is even useful or even describes an actual tangible phenomenon. The ability to own private property, own the means of production, make profit etc... these things existed in various forms within Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China.
individually perhaps, but not all together

>Marxists are materialists that only care about money and see humans as gdp units of production.
Change "marxists" to "capitalists" and you would actually be right

Capitalism is making the world better, and will continue to due so until inequality reaches a tipping point. Capitalism is better for now, but that will change eventually.

What do you mean with "the jewish element"?
If a jewish person is from the working class they should be welcome as a comrade, if a jewish person is an oligarch or part of the bourgeoisie they should be fought against

>its very stupid to think that peoples needs were defined at the beginning of the nineteenth century and should remain the same
Yeah...it is. Which is why I don't think that and said nothing that implied that I thought that...

where did you get that this is the problem of anything but not capitalism? There are so many good living countries with corruption, oil addiction

this is so full of bullshit and ridiculous statements i can olny deduce it was made by a someone deeply brainwashed by american propaganda

The apologists of capitalism attribute to Marxism the assertion that under capitalism the material security of the proletariat never rises, that it continuously, from month to month, from year to year, falls. In fact, Marxist science has never claimed anything like that. On the contrary, the classics of Marxism warned that the universal law of capitalist accumulation cannot be understood as if the deterioration of the position of the proletariat is ongoing and universal.
Like all other laws, K. Marx wrote about the universal law of capitalist accumulation, in its implementation it is modified by numerous circumstances ...

The tendency to worsen the position of the working class is the socioeconomic pattern of capitalism. However, if only this tendency were characteristic of capitalism, then the working class would be reduced to a state of degradation. All economic trends are opposed by countertrends

Because I dont care about other people I only care if things are good
For me
Cooperation is a spook

Oh, and I forgot to mention I hate blacks, asians, and jews, the poor, and homosexuals.