
Femanon, how does it feel to know your bf has shared your nudes with his friends and told them about what you do in the bedroom?

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She looks a lot like a classmate I once had.

Turns me on. I hope his friends are jealous.

i've never taken nudes tho

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If you ever get a normie bf be prepared for the shitbirds he hangs around to see/hear about your naked body. It's a bragging right for them.

Its worse with people from here and you know it.

So do 1.4 billion other people.

my bf would not have friends, it would be me, him him and that's it

Slutty and confident woman make me doubt if chasing unicorns its actually worth it

You wouldn't believe the kind of stuff guys tell each other. I've never had a girlfriend, but I've had friends who have and the shit they share you wouldn't believe.

> femanon
>has bf
>bf has friends
are you sure you're in the right place OP ?oh i get t this is some voyeuristic larp i feel it i feel it

I know, but people here are worse.

You sound like the ideal gf.

unironically one of my biggest fears related to getting a bf

> people here are worse

My coworkers literally drop the nudes at the morning talk to brag the ass they are currently clapping. You dont know how cold and stupid normies act when sex is involved.

Dont take nudes.
If he loves you, he will respect and understand your decision.

You missed my point though, you say that as though people here are better. I really do not believe r9k is a bastion of morality.

Normie here, I don't show others pictures of my gf, especially nudes. Those are for me. I do tell my friends about the bedroom things we do, but I made sure it was okay beforehand.

In my experience people here are more concerned with emotions and feelings whereas normie guys are just straight up vulgar hedonistic pervs who think it's funny.

I've had many gf's and I've never shared their nudes or given sexual specifics to anyone who knows them.

I can give specifics here, like last gf really loved anal. Also tried sticking her tongue up my ass one time. I didn't like it, she never tried it again. This is fine bc you don't know who I am or who she is.

You are in a place where everyone is a misfit, with shitty past, some mental ill, lot of misogyny...

Yes, you will find assholes and legit psychos, bit Im saying that neither normies or that robots are worse in this particular subject.

I for example recieved nudes from a single femanon. I didnt post them, I never will (even if she probably sent it to a bunch of other dudes). They are part of a nice memory I will never betray.

any woman who takes nudes of herself is an exhibitionist who gets off to them being jerked off to by losers anyways.

respectable women do not take nudie pics.

A healthy sex life is good for a relationship. A lot of robots will never understand this

>respectable women

You sound like a total virgin.

Acting like a stupid whore, and then complaining when its backfires its not healthy, its retarded.

i don't plan to, but the stuff about telling his friends what we do still applies

>oh i get t this is some voyeuristic larp i feel it i feel it
every thread on r9k

How is it worse here it's exactly the same dumbass

The same can be said of females.
Hell, a female friend of mine told us the size of his bf D, and she is 24, not a teen, and they been in a relationship for 4 years.

The problem is not a single gender, is to date people that respect the privacy of their partner.

It also depends on what your partner likes. My girlfriend doesn't mind me telling my friends what we do in the bedroom. She thinks it's hot because 1, she likes knowing I'm thinking of her and 2, she wants my friends to be jealous that only I can have her

sure you'll find girls that do that, i know some myself (though they're bi so idk if that plays into it)
but i still get the impression that guys are way more likely to do this to brag than women are

not trying to say men who don't this are impossible to find but it's a fear of mine

i have the only nude my ex took of me and it's just his dick mashed into my butt
it could be anyone

i wouldn't care. he doesn't know that girls do exactly the same thing. my friends have shown me their boyfriends' nudes and told me in detail what they get up to sexually.
so, it's not a big deal if he did the same for me. i wouldn't share his nudes with my friends though because i'm super jealous. and that's kinda scummy.