Do animals deserve to die because we like how their flesh tastes?

Do animals deserve to die because we like how their flesh tastes?

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Probably not but it's going to be a long time before people stop eating them.


Originally robot filtered

>long time
Try never.


Yes. everything has a use for mankind, even other humans but I see no threads ever on that the cost of a first world life, It is truly steep, It would be best if you don't think bout it thou you couldn't handle it.

Do men deserve to die in wars to keep the peace? Yes.
Will it stop soon? No,

Most humans can't apply morality to a situation if it concerns the out-group. Animals are the outgroup. For Jews (herders), they are goys. For Gentiles (hunter gatherers), they are prey. For aryans (tillers of soil), they're fellows. So it depends on the genetics of who you ask, OP.

those animals would probably go extinct if we stopped eating them. aside from dairy cows/goats i guess.

Yes. Nobody "deserves" anything. Why should anybody care about anything too dumb to be held responsible for anything? Also there's no such thing as good and evil. I just cut to the end of the root of all your gay shit and I'm not even going to check for replies because I'm finna take a nap. Also remember how committed you are to winning debates on Yas Forums. Just reflect on it for a while. Also dilate. Also niggers tongue my anus.

do incels deserve to die alone because they're ugly and unlikeable?

do girls deserve to have society revolve around them?

do normies and chads deserve to be happy in life, while robots suffer in depression and suicide?

do children who get killed by serial killers deserve it, because their serial killers had fun killing them?

do men who get treated unfairly in society deserve it?

are you guys saying that might makes right? because it kinda reeks of hypocrisy in this thread

Attached: incel robot hypocrites.jpg (1104x1095, 303K)

There's no inherent value in existing as a species though. Panda bears would go extinct if zoos stopped artificially inseminating them in their enclosures. Same principle. Pandas don't care, but the people who treat them like possessions care because it has to do with their selfish desire for a variety of things to consume. That's essentially the conservative environmentalist position. You are likely not talking to conservatives, so using that line of reasoning isn't going to appeal to them.

>Also there's no such thing as good and evil.
Just because you can't comprehend it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, baby rapist sympathizer.

go castrate yourself, absolutely insane strawman maker.

Go burn some venus flytraps.

>do incels deserve to die alone because they're ugly and unlikeable?
>do girls deserve to have society revolve around them?
>do normies and chads deserve to be happy in life, while robots suffer in depression and suicide?
>do children who get killed by serial killers deserve it, because their serial killers had fun killing them?
>do men who get treated unfairly in society deserve it?

Might doesn't make right. But it depends on the humanity of who you ask.

>gets confronted with something that obviously reveals a logical contradiction
>instead of indifferently owning up to being a hypocrite and receive applause and (You)s hailing you for being le based individual, you go for a tired old
>go do something to yourself waaah
Ballsy move.

Only a nonce would become a vegan

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Do you deserve to live when it cost pain and life to other humans?

Ah you are not gonna to reply aye hypocrite.

They don't deserve it, its just how it be.

They deserve a painless death and fulfilling life before they're slaughtered, imo.

>Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything
-Genesis 9:3

they don't "deserve" anything. the same way they're not "innocent" animals. they're not "guilty" animals, either. they're just animals. some we eat, some we keep as pets. that's the was it's been for millenia and some smoothie-drinking faggot won't change that. now fuck off.

>Do you deserve to live when it cost pain and life to other humans?
I don't cause pain to other humans if they don't deserve it.

>they don't deserve it
>they deserve it

>the Jew creeps in with his Torah

>I don't cause pain to other humans if they don't deserve it.

This retard has never made any mistake ever.

Give an example of a mistake that causes pain to others that I might have also made immediately.

what? go eat some beef retard.

Saying something as a joke that has upset someone else.

Considering you go on this board, you do that all the time dumbass.

Oh, accidentally offending someone with a joke, lol, I thought you would have mentioned the times when I accidentally cut people's throats after hanging them upside down, you know that dang nabbit I tortured another guy kind of thing. Lmao seriously? You consider comedy pain? You should bail before this traincrash gets irredeemably ugly. Admit you're wrong.

Well, that would be subjecting myself to something a little bit more endurable than a vasectomy, so you're getting somewhere, but I don't think you understood the post. Maybe I shouldn't ironic greenpost anymore to accommodate seasonal incomers.
I think you should supplement creatine because it's evident that you aren't thinking hard or fast enough to understand simple 4chinz conversation

Do plants deserve to die because you're a pussy?

Emotional pain is a thing that exists. Ask anyone who has ever been around you, they experience it constantly.

>Do animals deserve to die because we like how their flesh tastes?

Plants are the most blameless creatures on Earth. Most of them don't hunt or consume other living things, needing only sunlight, water, and soil. They don't shit up the environment, in fact they contribute oxygen so that other living things may breathe. They are literally incapable of rape. Only plants are truly innocent, and frankly vegans are just as monstrous as everybody else for preying exclusively on something that can't even defend itself.

Being 'deserving' of anything is just a human fallacy to talk themself into getting up in the morning.
You get eaten or not, you prey on something or not? Does not matter for the rest of the universe.

If there's viable lab meat where you can't tell the difference and it's easier and less expensive to produce, people will eat that.

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Fair enough, changing it into the humorous personal attack angle against me is a way you can sort of escape the embarrassment. But push comes to shove that has no weight. Being offended by a joke has nothing to do with emotional pain or any pain, for that matter. You might even argue it simply doesn't exist.

I don't make mistakes that cause other people to be in pain. My life doesn't cause people pain if they don't deserve it. You can't argue that point because the best you can give is some conjecture about how I might have made a joke that hurt someone's fee fees. Give it up bitch it isn't worth it

Plants aren't sentient and don't have emotions
You can't prey on something that doesn't run away. Braindead buttfucking retard

Yes. That's how it God made it