Hypocritical incel "robots" have a crocodile tears pitty party whining about their lives

>hypocritical incel "robots" have a crocodile tears pitty party whining about their lives
>"muh depression, le people booly me, waa my parents are evil people, waaa no gf"
>remind them of their hypocrisy and how they pay for animals to be ruthlessly tortured and killed for their nuggies and tendies
>all they do is call me names and seeth and ignore my arguments and criticisms
>shit all over their hypocritical pitty party cesspool

i thought about it, and i dont think my nice vegan approach is going to work for me

a lot of very successful vegan activists are brash and in-your-face. 2 examples of this are gary yurofski and vegan gains. some people need to be treated like a child, but i dont think r9k, a board full of INTP,s INTJ's and "intellectuals" need to be treated like children


>casual reminder if you arent a vegan you are a immoral hypocrite
>casual reminder animals suffer much more than you
>casual reminder veganism is morally superior, and better for your health
>casual reminder there is no justification for what we do to animals

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>casual reminder there is no justification for what we do to animals
They would do the same to us. We can't let them have the chance

its not better for health and animals don't suffer more. also even vegan diets cause death of many animals so the moralistic argument is a hypocritical one.

>They would do the same to us. We can't let them have the chance

first of all, they are incapable of doing so. they are just dumb animals

second of all, this is a "2 wrongs make a right" logical fallacy

is we used this justification, we can literally justify anything

"its okay for me to kill and rape children, because maybe they would of done the same to me"

"its okay to enslave and kill others, because if they had the power maybe they would do the same to me"

"its okay for me to steal, because if i had a store, people would steal from me"

are these garbage fallacious justifications all your capable of, user? really?

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>its okay for me to kill and rape children, because maybe they would of done the same to me"
>"its okay to enslave and kill others, because if they had the power maybe they would do the same to me"
>"its okay for me to steal, because if i had a store, people would steal from me
sounds quite reasonable

aren't you the guy who justifies insulting other humans for their diet? two wrongs don't make a right, bud. practice what you preach.

this user gets it. you can never know. the world is a crazy place. everyone is out to gitcha

>its not better for health
vegans have the lowest rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, certain cancers and high blood pressure out of any dietary group. processed meat is a class A cancer carcinogen according to the WHO, and red meat is a class 2A. vegans have much longer lifespans, much less constipation, hemeroids and hernias compared to meat eaters

its literally healthier

>animals don't suffer more
when you pay for meat, animals to suffer more. both the animals in farms and the animals in the wild, because we have to feed animals grains in order to make them grow

>also even vegan diets cause death of many animals so the moralistic argument is a hypocritical one
its not hypocritical because veganism is about reducing animal suffering as much as reasonably possible. its impossible to eliminate all animals suffering, but veganism greatly reduces it

in the same way that non-slave owners were causing a lot less human suffering than slave owners, but they still caused some human suffering

vegans cause a lot less animal suffering, but they still cause some animal suffering. its about reducing it as much as possible, user, thats what veganism is all about

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As a vegan I'd also recommend you research the enviromental impact of our diet before the meaties use that against you

>aren't you the guy who justifies insulting other humans for their diet?

i dont think theres anything morally wrong with insulting people or mocking people. please feel free to insult and mock me as much as you want

but maybe you have a point. im not a perfect human being i guess. i simply cannot control myself

is it morally wrong to insult someone? hmmmm....

im actually not sure. maybe it depends on the context? i feel theres a difference between insulting an adult and a child. hmm...

>everyone is out to gitcha
says the guy with free speech, who isnt a slave, who has many human rights organizations fighting to protect him, and is protected by law in society, which respects his rights and autonomy


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>muh diabetes
vegans have deficiencies in several vitamins and amino acids. there are at least 5 better diets that we know of, and they include fish and some meat.
>feeding animals makes them suffer
you're moving the goalposts. first you said killing animals is wrong, now you say killing a lot of animals is wrong and it's okay if you do it while harvesting plants. make up your mind you retarded hypocrite.

I don't give a shit, get the fuck out of this board retard. You're just wasting your time

>i simply cannot control myself from being immoral and causing suffering
nice dude. at least you eat corn.

>says the guy with free speech
can go to jail for saying the wrong thing
>who isnt a slave
have to wageslave and pay taxes
>has many human rights
such as?
>protected by law in society
yes after someone kills you maybe the police will try to find out who did it but wtf do i care once i'm dead

user you've said multiple times in these threads that you're okay with the mass animal genocide that would take place if we were to stop eating them. They have been completely domesticated before any of us were even born, they wouldnt ever survive in the wild now

You're not morally above anyone
You cant say that extinction is morally superior to living in a symbiotic relationship with your pedator
infact most animals have this sort of relationship with other animals to keep population numbers at bay and stop ecosystems from becoming pure chaos

>yes after someone kills you maybe the police will try to find out who did it but wtf do i care once i'm dead
Well its supposed to be a deterrant so that nobody kills you in the first place, if they knew the police wouldnt investigate murder then more people would murder

damn, you kinda have a point. HAHAHAHA. damn, i cause suffering to others because of my words, which argueably is immoral. DAMMIT you finally got me

i guess the question is, to what extent is free speech morally permissible?

for example, hypothetically, if saying "i like apple pie" would cause someone extreme suffering, is it immoral to say it?

if i disagreed with someone's religion, and it cause extreme suffering to the point where they literally die or commit suicide, would that be immoral?

is it immoral to try to hurt people using words?

does intent matter?

is it immoral to mock people?

super gray area for sure. im not sure

actually i dont really eat corn. most corn is grown with animal fertilizer, which argueably makes it less vegan, but a lot of other grains dont use animal fertilizer. i had a good link on the subject but i lost it, ill get it later

>have to wageslave
you CHOOSE to wageslave. you have a choice. you can go live in the wilderness or something

>has many human rights
>such as?
right not to be a slave, right to fair treatment in a trail, right for freedom, right not to be discriminated against, just to name a few. i dont know much about human rights

>yes after someone kills you maybe the police will try to find out who did it but wtf do i care once i'm dead
your fail to mention that these laws dramatically decrease the incentive for people to kill you. if we didnt have laws like this, there would be much more murders, because murders wouldnt be scared of the government

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i didn't know there were non retarded posters left on r9k

>if i do mental gymnastics, is it ok for me to cause suffering?
no honestly.

>right to fair treatment in a trail
You dont actually believe the justice system is fair and unbiased do you? Its literally bought and paid for

>the phrase "mental gymnastics" coming out of the carnist's mouth

that is fucking RICH

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>you CHOOSE to wageslave.
>right not to be a slave
do i choose to pay taxes and what happens if i don't want to do it? Am i free? Oh yeah i literally end up in a jail when the master doesn't get what he wants.
>if we didnt have laws like this, there would be much more murders
primitive tribes have lower murder rates than "civilized" countries

insulting caricatures don't justify your mental gymnastics or hypocrisy.

>primitive tribes have lower murder rates than "civilized" countries
because they're homogenous
multiculturalism is the problem

>user you've said multiple times in these threads that you're okay with the mass animal genocide that would take place if we were to stop eating them

absolutely, and i havent changed my opinion. i would be perfectly okay if we did that to humans too

if humans were in the same position that animals were, genocide is the most moral behavior. if we had billions of humans with the mental capacity of animals, such as the mentally retarded, because enslaved, tortured, castrated, forcibly impregnated, injected with anti-biotics, electrocutedly prodded and killed, for someone superior race's taste preference, and the only way to stop this was genocide, then i would support genocide

>You're not morally above anyone
vegans are morally superior to non-vegans, in the same way that non-child killers are morally superior to child killers, or non-slave owners are morally superior to slave owners, if all other things are equal

>You cant say that extinction is morally superior
of course i can. that is a subjective moral statement, and i do this that extinction is morally superior to hell

which would you rather be in; a endless torture-chamber LITERAL hell, or not to have been born in the first place? quality of life matters to me and my standards of what is an acceptable life

>infact most animals have this sort of relationship with other animals to keep population numbers at bay and stop ecosystems from becoming pure chaos
this is the topic of wild animal suffering. some SUPER extreme vegans say that wild animal suffering is also a very important issue, and that maybe we should kill all predators to prevent suffering, or something like this. im not sure about what my opinion is, im mainly interested in the suffering we directly inflict on animals ourselves, when we pay for them to be tortured and killed

and wild animal lives are FAR AND AWAY superior to enslaved farm animals. they live a life they were designed and evolved to live

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biblical metaphors don't make your point any more rational. you are an animal murderer at heart, and morally inferior by a wide margin to someone who simply eats some sardines and doesn't want to hurt anyone.

>you INSULTED ME, which hurt my feelings
>this is hypocritical because you wouldn't want your feelings hurt by someone insulting you
>this makes you a HYPOCRITE, you immoral vegan

after laughing a good 20 seconds, i dont think i can provide an argument against this. you got me, i truly am a hypocrite

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oops, this was meant for you here, have another one

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>that is a subjective moral statement,
exactly its completely subjective, an opinion thus you're not actually morally superior, you just think you are based on your presuppositions

In fact in my opinion i'd say you're much more morally reprehensable for wanting to doom them and humans too (" i would be perfectly okay if we did that to humans too") to extinction

I don't really like eating meat (from land mammals and birds). Not because of muh animals feelings, but because I don't like the taste. I love seafood though.
I just can't imagine being obsessed with what other people eat, honestly.
What is wrong with killing another living being, of a different species, for the sake of nourishment? Why should humans put other animals on the same level as them, when other animals are not human beings?
Each species of this planet cares about itself first and foremost, why should humans be any different?

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>which would you rather be in; a endless torture-chamber LITERAL hell, or not to have been born in the first place?
by your own statements wouldnt that make god himself evil? since he subjects people to hell for essentially trivial crimes like not worshiping him

yes, i agree you are.

you can be a prostitute and virgin
dominatrix's are prostitutes that dont sleep with their clients

>biblical metaphors don't make your point any more rational
just because i used a biblical metaphor doesnt invalidate the argument. a torture chamber can exist outside any religious context, its irrelevant whether i used a religious metaphor or not in my example

>you are an animal murderer at heart
HOLY FUCK. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS. jesus christ do you people not understand me

i dont do this because i care about the animals
i dont do this because i care about people's health
i dont do this because i care about the environment. i never in my life cared about the environment

i do this because i have AUTISM, and veganism is relevant to my autistic interests. thats it. because my autism like veganism. just that simple. get it fucking straight

and morally inferior by a wide margin to someone who simply eats some sardines and doesn't want to hurt anyone.
>doesn't want to hurt anyone.
but you do hurt sardines when you eat them. sardines have a functional brain, a functional nervous system, and dont want to die. you literally hurt a sentient creature for your taste preferences

we can get everything a sardine has from plants and a b12 supplement. not to mention sardines are fucking toxic for you


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>the argument
you don't have an argument yet. you just sensationalize and anthropomorphize animal experiences for no reason while talking about how moral you are for wanting to murder them.

you are far more violent and immoral than someone who eats sardines. keep taking supplements, since your diet is so terrible by default.

man. You have to have so real issues to think you are on par with some retarded cow or chicken.

>i dont do this because i care about the animals
why does it matter if they suffer to you then?
If you dont care about them why do you support antinatalism for them instead of simply not caring about their fate

why do you think never existing is better than dying, If you had never existed you wouldnt even have a frame of reference to decide whats better
antinatalists should stop being whiny and just kill themselves

>by your own statements wouldnt that make god himself evil?

i have been arguing that god is a ruthless cruel evil demon many many years before i even knew what veganism is. when i was agnostic, i still made the arguement that if god exists, he is truly the most evil demon in existence. i havent changed my opinion

>since he subjects people to hell for essentially trivial crimes like not worshiping him
even if hell didnt exist, and what he have on this world was all there is, he would still be a evil demon in my book, because suffering exists, and god is omnipotent and omniscient, and he allows suffering to exist

millions of pigs and cows will be killed today, all for some fat fucks taste pleasure. and god smugly raises his eyebrows in amusement. he doesnt care, which makes him a evil horsefucker

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not everyone who eats meat is fat. you are intellectually dishonest and deficient in many nutrients.

>casual reminder there is no justification for what we do to animals

Then why do you live?

>i still made the arguement that if god exists, he is truly the most evil demon in existence. i havent changed my opinion
I agree
The vast majority of the world is comprised of suffering, infact the default state of life is suffering, if you're omnipotent why even create the need for some animals to eat others