>hypocritical incel "robots" have a crocodile tears pitty party whining about their lives
>"muh depression, le people booly me, waa my parents are evil people, waaa no gf"
>remind them of their hypocrisy and how they pay for animals to be ruthlessly tortured and killed for their nuggies and tendies
>all they do is call me names and seeth and ignore my arguments and criticisms
>shit all over their hypocritical pitty party cesspool
i thought about it, and i dont think my nice vegan approach is going to work for me
a lot of very successful vegan activists are brash and in-your-face. 2 examples of this are gary yurofski and vegan gains. some people need to be treated like a child, but i dont think r9k, a board full of INTP,s INTJ's and "intellectuals" need to be treated like children
>casual reminder if you arent a vegan you are a immoral hypocrite
>casual reminder animals suffer much more than you
>casual reminder veganism is morally superior, and better for your health
>casual reminder there is no justification for what we do to animals