Atheist here but going in with an open mind. I'm going to try it for some spiritual and digestive healing
Anyone fasting during Ramadan?
please. Yas Forums is a jesus board
> christcucks are niggers
Sounds about right
i own a home but idk about a family im getting to a point where I think I need to have one as investment for when I become an old fart. my mom passed away two years ago and I miss her to death but its kind of a relief that I don't have to take care of her end of life care anymore and I had a lot of help. I couldn't have done it without my grandparents and I'm getting scared of what i'll have to do and who is going to step up to the plate
idk, no one is going to take care of me when I'm dying so I might blow my brains out before I get to that point
Fuck off kike
Why the fuck is this thread on Yas Forums
If you're going to do a fast, try doing 3-5 days at least. The Muslim way to not eat while the sun is up is useless and doesn't provide any of the actual benefits of fasting.
No, I just had a pulled pork sandwich.
future will be mass suicide along with a digital graveyard
Low IQ reply as expected from a christnigger
This may be the right call.
No rush out the door or anything, but people tend to stick around longer than they should and spend the final years of life miserable and a burden to others.
Nothing wrong with having kids, but people who take it lightly end up being garbage parents. Do it right or don't do it.
Oh noooooooo you can’t eat pork I’m so offended!!
Who gives a shit retard
I'm doing fasting, but with water drinking because I think the dry fasting is a bit retarded
sounds agnostic bro
i have to tell you Yas Forums is a christian board. that means we don't believe in desert demons. so please leave and take your underage goat wives with you.
this. i am fasting for 3 days (coffee, tea, water only) then i eat for 1 day and fast for 2 days again. and 1 day eating and another 3 days of fasting cycle. i feel the healthiest and my skin look a lot better when i am on fast.
Why are you taking life instructions from a schizophrenic pedophile who thought the voices in his head were God? Religion remains the greatest scam in all human history
my last meal was last night's dinner, so my fast will be around 24 hours with no water.
you want to know how i know your life is insignificant and will always be?
isn't pork forbidden in the old testament anyway.
sorry bro muslim is gay, rabbi, i mean, imam took your foreskin. did he suck it too or do only jews do that?
I already do intermittent fasting, but not for any spiritual reason
my foreskin is fully intact you fucking retard. im not condoning any religion i fucking stated in the op im an atheist and trying fasting to see what the benefits are. fasting has been around since before your insignificant worthless god forsaken life has been around. maybe you can learn something about nature if you wasn't such a pathetic worm concerned only with gotcha comments on the internet
fucking idiot.
And the people responsible have names and addresses
Agnosticism is a meme and religion doesn't own spirituality.
Get out paki
Get out christcuck
Yas Forums is a christian board, go back to your desert
Pic related is dumb, you can still have kids. But the sanctity is ruined since so many of them are shat out like birth control is only a myth
>abrahamic religious
muslim here, yes I think you should try it the way to do it is no food, no water, no sex (which includes jerking off and watching porn) from dawn till dusk.
in islam we pray and read quran, if you don't want to do that you can just meditate and think about life and shit or write, just get in touch with your spiritual side while letting go off all the materialistic needs during the day.
it might get hard at first, don't push yourself too much.
P.s. no i don't fuck goat
Idk guys by the end of the month i always lose 5-10kgs plus we can't drink anything