>Why are white males so suicidal and weak *despite* playing life on easy mode and having everything handed to them from the get go? It's exactly because of those reasons. Males build strength and character when they fight for something that is worthy to them. Living life on easy mode means there is nothing to fight for, or, everything worth fighting for is unreachable. For example, such a kid, noticing that all the "easy life" has the consequence of his parents controlling every aspect of it, desires to become independent, but is unable because doing so requires a tremendous amount of effort - learning basic life skills (cooking, laundry, paying bills, etc.), developing a wage-worthy skill (which usually requires years of painful learning about things that don't necessarily interest him), social skills, self-assurance and reliability (which he never had to develop because parents took care of everything), and a healthy goal-oriented lifestyle (his only goals are probably only synthetic - achieving score in videogames, arguing with strangers on the internet, etc.).
So the young male looks at all the things he desires and considers worthy, and as they are all unreachable, he just gives up on life. There's nothing to work for, if everything that's worthy of working for is unachievable.
Mason Parker
What country are those statistics obtained from? If you look into the suicide rates of countries like Japan and Korea.
Levi Howard
Plot twist: the spike of suicides are all homicides done by intelligent people, who know how to not be caught. The real number of suicides of all races are about the same.
Liam Kelly
No reason to live, quite simply. It's no longer a white man's world. It's a Jewish world.
Most minorities are too stupid to notice how fucked the world and the future is. Asians might know but they are too dutiful to kill themselfs without at least trying to do the duty and family spiel
At least being white can get me any pussy. I want.
Jaxson Mitchell
No you cant or else you would not be here.
Liam Morgan
blacks and shitskins are literally too stupid to commit suicide. they have no introspection like we do.
if they did, they would be killing themselves in record numbers with the miserable existence they live
Nathaniel Cook
whites prefer boy pussy so seethe more
Noah Murphy
We have higher standards when it comes to our expectations in life, when we see its a lost cause its time to ff
Adam Lee
Non-whites form very strong familial and ethnically based friendship bonds. Yeah, life and culture of non-whites can be rough but they have those said bonds to keep them going and deter suicide as not to hurt a massive number of people.
Most white people I know have very fleeting friendships and absolutely toxic familial relationships. If their parents don't boot them out the door with no ability to take care of themselves at 18 they'll let them rot in their basement for an additional 12 years all while bullying them daily for being a useless piece of shit raised by useless pieces of shit.
There's also which can play a huge factor as well.
Levi Richardson
What is the solution to fix this ?
David Howard
America, the only truly multiracial country.
Jose Taylor
How do blacks have it harder when they affirmative action and get shilled in the media? Whites have it the hardest by far.
Elijah Miller
>we kill ourselves because we're smarter
"Let me show you how smart I am nigger" *tries to commit suicide *fails
How the old phrase goes. Strong men create good times and weak men create hard times. The white man has had it good for too long. So much so that the feel guilty about it. A lot of upper crust white people have no concept of sacrifice or duty. It's a problem of success. The person who created the wealth that they enjoy might know what it took to get it but since you are born into it you have no clue and take it for granted. The only fix for this is to make things harder and shake out the weak ones. Pressure creates diamonds and iron sharpens iron.
Aiden Johnson
You are so stupid. No wonder you got shat out.
James Powell
Because white men are so, so fucking desperate to be victims in every circumstance despite being on top of western society.
Literally the worst humans.
Kayden Campbell
>I reference saiyans hyuk Shut up dickhead.
Kevin Scott
You probably have a fucking doorknob you call a manbun.
Evan Campbell
>Hehe i will insult how i think someone looks over the internet instead of making an actual point hehe
Ok grug. Go bash some stones together and discover fire.
Asher Cook
>on easy mode you are aware that they are the ones basically keeping Western civilization alive, right?
Cameron Barnes
While simultaneously killing itself by letting hedonism and degeneracy run rampant. It's on life support because the current leadership is shit.
Christian Cook
This poster is Jewish. White people are suffering.
Joseph Hall
Ok you literal shithead.
Chase Sanchez
Japs kill themselves because of wageslaving to the extreme
Wyatt Sullivan
Yeah well if someone were to take the reins they'd have to quarantine the degenerates to the entire state of Nevada. Big changes would need to be made indeed.
Daniel Miller
lmao this is no more "West", just global capitalist tax/profit farms.