White robots, why don't you want to breed a black QVEEN? They are very open to white guys

White robots, why don't you want to breed a black QVEEN? They are very open to white guys

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>They are very open to white guys
Not true

they are tho, you should see them on thr streets all the time

Black QVEEN girls only want Chad

why do you niggers always replace U with V and use other dumb L33T speak unironically?

they are sub humans, they act no different than children.

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actually study's show that black women still prefer black men you would know that if you weren't a racebait retard.

that's not true though, lotz of sois get them


They exist everywhere if you look hard enough

This is a fat man with really bad gyno.

What makes you think that exactly user?

So i am just gonna go ahead and post some more

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Hope yall will enjoy these

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I know i really did

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Very nice, more fantasy nigress queens please!

>unironically racist
>tfw black girls flirt with me a lot
>tfw other people have even pointed it out
I'd just really like to know what kind of sex they want from me and why.

they sense your racism and are trying to claim your chad racist genetics for their own bloodline. Aryan men produce the most powerful mulatto bvlls who will go on to fuck infinite white bitches.

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I do not have anymore fantasy

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But i have a lot more preg black females

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Too many to count i am afraid

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I'm such a loser I don't even deserve a nigress gf I guess... fuck me!

But then again i never truly belived that it was possible to have too many

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I had my fill of breeding them already, great time in Africa.

w-which country would you recommand?

In anycase i will be back later if yall want some more

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how many mixed-race abominations did you create?

Well I was in Angola personally.

Four that I am aware of, possibly more.

fucking based, I hope you don't pay for them of course?

Nope. I wouldn't be opposed to it though but that was never arranged.

Do you care for the kids in any way? Did you get more than one pregnant at the same time?

i don't want a black baby. Aka flush the genetics of the past few thousand years into the toilet

So the dindueshas get Betabux and then get Tyrone to fuck them.
Shit, I should give more credit to black women than I do. They are almost as good at lying and manipulating as their white counterparts.

No involvement with them at all. I wasn't there that long so all of them were pregnant at the same time, though obviously at different stages.