/gfd/ gf

I'm thinking about trying to get me a guy who's into gentle femdom too. What would your ideal gfd gf be like? Character, hobbies, look... go into as much detail as you want.

I'm wondering how close I am to that girl ;))

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I would go ahead and fill it out but I know for a fact you live either halfway across the states or halfway across the world

I don't really have any specific requirements other than that we get along, tolerate or share each others hobbies, find each other attractive and live close to each other.

If you're into gentle femdom then you're the perfect girl. Other details are superfluous.

>whispers nice things to me at night until I sleep
>tells me she's proud of me
>feel need to do well so that I don't let her down
>regularly calls me "good boy"
>sweet talks me until I start blushing and get embarrassed
>cooks food for me and has motherly instinct to make sure I eat enough
>lets me lay my head in her lap while she pets my hair
>lets me sleep against her bare chest

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>maybe plays an instrument or at least sings to me
>likes going for walks, holding hands
>encourages me in everything I want to do
>asks about my day every day
>knows how to comfort me when I'm not feeling good
>wakes me up each day by getting on top of me and talking about our plans for the day
>likes sleeping in late with me

I'm definitely not into the whole online dating thing. Or the weird way r9k goes about talking about ideal partners with bullet points of traits. If you live in Germany I'd like to just go on a normal date to get to know each other like regular people.

It's very vanilla, but I just want an assertive girlfriend who loves me, and whom I could love back. Things like willing to be the big spoon, speaking her mind instead of beating around the bush, handholding, caressing.. those kind of things. The reason why I specified assertive is because I'm a very reactionary person, instead of proactive. If someone makes the first move its very easy for me to go along, but me trying to make the initial move never seems to work out. While it would be nice to share hobbies, I'd be very open to try out things she enjoys and vice versa.

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The characterization of girls being affectionate and nice to you in normal ways as 'femdom' is very strange anons

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>anons with no experience with women don't understand normal living affection
Why are you surprised?

Any femanons into younger guys?

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Exactly what I was going to post, the niggas on this board are starved for love from the opposite sex, in worse case starved for love full stop. No love from family, peers or the opposite sex.

i just want a girl to kick my ass
that's it, all the lovey stuff is a nice bonus, but i primarily want a girl to just hurt me physically with her bare hands

you live in toronto? i want a big titty gfd goth gf

Is this just another shitty thread fishing for validation and replies or is the OP actually gonna respond to someone at some point?

Someone who has a genuine interest and tries to spend time with me.
I have my own niche interests but someone who's assertive about what they want seems really nice.
It seems like generally when I talk to girls they're a bit submissive even when it comes to what to do so someone who tries to get me into her interests outside of the bedroom seems nice.
As for the hobbies themselves it would be nice if she was into things that we could spend time together on, like movies or vidya, as stuff like reading you can't really share with another person as much.
For her personality outside of assertive I would like her to be caring and sweet, as well as slightly clingy, I'm honestly fine with someone who's incredibly clingy as well but I can't deal with someone who it feels like I have to force them to spend time with me. Also her having a noticeable sex drive would be nice, I just want someone to initiate with me so I don't have to be the one who brings up sex.
Her looks don't really matter that much to me, I guess I would prefer for her to be taller than me (5'5") but if she was shorter than me or the same height I wouldn't really mind it.

>another shitty thread fishing for validation
that's all this is
that's all any of this is

slim athletic average height or above, strong jawline, blonde, not low class, above average intelligence, actually genuinely nice person, likes cooking or any kind of home making hobbies even if they are gardening or outside the home. enjoys shitposting, listening to obscure music, watching dark dramatic tv series, learning about history, likes sightseeing but enjoys a comfy hotel, likes travelling but doesnt have a lust for going to "dangerous" places

I'm honestly just interested in what you guys want in a relationship. If you want anything more out of this thread you aren't going to get it sorry

I agree. I hope the whole sub thing on the guy's part isn't just some kind of coping with psychological damage ://

>If you live in Germany I'd like to just go on a normal date to get to know each other like regular people.
Are you interested in robots?

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look at any gfd art ever. Yes

I'm a straight man so I'm afraid not.

>Into smothering me with love and affection
>Into treating me like a little boy sometimes, she doesnt have to act like a mother, just being dominant in a caring way is more than enough
>Is a switch or okay with letting me be a domme sometimes (Im a switch)
>Is okay with roleplaying kinky stuff (ageplay and/or petplay, breastfeeding and lactation)

But most importantly :

>Will actually love me and be okay with who I am

Bonus points :
> shes taller than me(5'11)
> shes buff

I just want someone to caress me, pet me, call me a good boi and love me ;_;

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I am in good gfd relationship rn. She took my virginity. I really thought I was going to be a virgin forever because topping is almost completely unstimulating for me but its all most girls want. I hooked up with a few girl before and my dick was noodles every time.

My gf is bi so I also knew that was a good sign because dykes have to dom each other. She's short, dark hair, big breasts, on the bigger side, only a dom in the bedroom, socially smiley and a little shy. Dresses androgynous. Kinda needy [see: obsessive attachment].

She still likes getting fucked so I'll occasionally pop V. otherwise weed and getting my face sat on is enough to keep me hard for cowgirl. She sometimes ties me to a bedpost with one of my shirts. She nibbles on my ears, chokes me out, pinches my nipples, spits in my mouth, steps on me, suffocates me between her tits or her pits. Sometimes she'll finger me, spank me and talk dirty. Always calls me a good boy when I cum.

The sex is pretty perfect. If I could change anything to make her 'ideal' I'd make her talk dirty even more, it can be embarrassing tho.
I also think taller is better for doms. the sensation of being overwhelmed by your partners body is intoxicating

If yall want some advice, the trick with getting people to fuck with your weird fetishes is getting them attached, even obsessively so. Then they'll like what you like. That's why calculating that only 5% or whatever of girls would top you because of some survey is retarded. Your real problem is an inability to connect with any girl who meets your unrealistic high standards..

I like normal relationships of affection and niceties between equals, sure.

But I also like taller women. And in our society, relationships between taller women and shorter men are a big no-no. So if I were to date a taller woman, then I would feel more comfortable about the health and future of our relationship if she enjoyed breaking societal expectations in other ways too.

If she likes to take charge and assume the lead romantically, then so much the better.

Most gfd art is drawn by women, and most of the art pairs older women with younger guys.
So here's an obvious question
Why aren't more of you guys looking for art gfs?

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>Why arent more of you guys looking for art gfs
Simple, they're all taken already you dunce. Regardless of whether or not they're into gfd, every man can appreciate a treasure when they see one.

Looking for art gfs is easier than looking for gfd gfs. An artist girl will be obvious to spot, but you'd never know a gfd girl instantly, since most people don't expose their fetishes.
It just seems like there's a better chance for success.

Very mildly sadistic, in the sense that she'd enjoy teasing me, making me blush etc. Either very shy or very flirtatious, trustworthy and non-judgemental. I need to be comfortable being vulnerable with her and I'd like to be able to offer her the same. Definitely more sensual than authoritative. Someone I'm eager to please because pleasing you also makes me feel good. Don't just try to bend me to your will; it won't work.
Have some nerdy interest(s) that we can share, but also be willing to have fun doing active things outside. It would be great if we each had our own hobbies that we could introduce to the other, as well as things we could pursue individually.
I can tell you what I'm typically attracted to, but someone with none of these traits could still be more physically attractive to me than someone with all of them: short, pale, dark hair, dark eyes, smallish boobs.

Other than art I found there are also a lot of women writing abt this stuff. But guys just seem incredibly unaffected by writing somehow, correct me if i'm wrong... would be a great way to meet gfd women if you ask me

Let that give you some perspective on the lived experiences of the average robot. At first I thought I too was into gentle femdom, but awhile ago another user made the same observation of many of the people in that thread, and it was the first time I had considered it. I think it is completely true. Most robots are so starved for attention and affection, that we believe these things to be essentially equivalent to a fetish. Ive never had a girl caress me and tell me that she loved me. Im 24, have a university degree, work out near religiously, and people at my work think Im an extroverted normie. Some of us are just doomed to a strange existence.

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>guys just seem incredibly unaffected by writing somehow, correct me if i'm wrong
The mental stimulation of good writing is better than the physical stimulation of porn. But it requires a greater investment without the payoff of an orgasm.

What I primarily look for in a partner is basically a best friend but also romantic. Someone intelligent and really chill, who enjoys affectionately spending time together doing whatever but also has her own hobbies and interests and doesn't mind some alone-time either. Someone I can admire and be proud of because she's having fun with life and cares about personal growth. Kids aren't her first priority but she's open to having them under the right circumstances. If I can share my life with someone who fits that bill, the specifics don't really matter. I'm flexible sexually.

Now, if we're talking absolute ideal, it would be cool if she also loves food, electronic music and recreational drug use as much as I do. I can get really autistic about food and music so it would be fun to have that in common. Getting high on dates and occasionally doing psychedelics together would be a dream come true. I have a thing for plain Jane or slightly androgynous looks and a small preference for women on the taller side.

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