I need male validation so bad. I need a human male to tell me that I am pretty and that he wants to fuck me. I literally cannot take it anymore. I cannot handle this quarantine anymore. Please robots
I need male validation so bad. I need a human male to tell me that I am pretty and that he wants to fuck me...
Other urls found in this thread:
>I need a human male to tell me that I am pretty and that he wants to fuck me.
Then stop rejecting them you stupid cuntoid.
You're gonna have to work hard for this male attention, anonette. Show me something you have that other women don't
whereabouts do you live?
Anywhere near me?
I am suicidal unlike most women
I do not
>gets endless male attention
>still not enough
you should get some help user, it's not good to leave issues like this alone.
Where you at? Maybe we can meet up. Alternatively post pics and we'll see what happens
Every woman's suicidal, anonette. It's literally a line from a movie
why didn't you just married then and become the center of some poor bastard's whole life?
If you guys are not going to post your discords do not bother replying
you faggots better not post discords. If you have a discord you're a faggot.
Go ahead, grovel for my attention. I'll be waiting
Friendly reminder this is a larp from the tranny discord to turn anons gay.
Alright Imma post discord to tell this queen she is beautiful and how much I desire her body.
You are a cuck. A plague on this board. The yin to femwhore yan.
So why didn't you do it faggot? Too retarded to remember a simple fucking thing in your post? You're a perfect match for op.
Thanks, I will make sure to keep you up to date on our relationship.
>is there anyone out there who wants a fat fucking retard bf who is good for
>helping you with your math homework
>being a shoulder to cry on
if you're interested in any of these apply now at Gyro#6128
your relationship will be you simping for her while she fucks chad, cuck :)
KEK. Based robot shut down the whores and simp thread.
Its what she deserves as I will be unable to satisfy her myself. Woman need men to support them because of the hardships they faced in the past.
>I am suicidal unlike most women
>unlike most women
Your suffering is so unique sweetie.
good on you for being honest, maybe try coming out with it a few posts earlier next time
So you are a cuck? Then your 'support' is meaningless you might as well be a woman she asked for male attention. You would just be wasting her time.
You're ugly and you have an ugly personality. I would not attempt any effort to fuck you because you are a used up whore worth less than garbage.
Not a cuck, just willing to show my devotion.
Yet you're perfectly fine with her cheating on you because
>I will be unable to satisfy her myself.
so you're a cuck in denial. Wonderful. I think you should share your discord you and op deserve each other.
You are the one asking for attention you should post your discord or fuck off.
OP, add me and we'll see what we can do.
No, a cuck gets off on the idea that she fucks other guys. I simply understand that as a man I have the responsibility to repent for the sins of men in the past.
There are no sins from the past.
stupid ass bitch, go kill yourself
You clearly have no respect for what woman had to go through. Before feminism life was very difficult for woman.