Pic related. Earns as much as a doctor and all she does is post nudes online.
Stop complaining about your life is cunts.
Pic related. Earns as much as a doctor and all she does is post nudes online.
Stop complaining about your life is cunts.
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beth lily? love british girls btw
I have seen it, but the girls weren't aware of this stuff, I tried to tell them of internet nude posting, but they weren't computer savy.
Thats her. Just another talenltess whore who inherited her mothers maternal genes and had good hormone displacement in puberty. Literally earned nothing.
and incels like you provide a thriving market for her to do so
im not complaining, i get free porn to jerk off too. the people i hate are the simps who actually pay for this shit rofl
>Paying for porn
Just because theres a market for it doesnt mean you do it. Theres a market for heroine too. Doesnt make it right. Chestlet.
That doesnt change the fact shes a whore.
>Girls cant live life on hard mode
Yeah, no, duh, we can't survive on hardmode, let alone compete, we don't have your stupid God-mode unfair stat blocks. You're stronger than women. You've better reflexes and reaction times than women. You have big, durable bones that are almost impossible to break so that your organs are always protected. You're basically ogres.
And that's not even getting into the male brain. I have seen men randomly do some brilliant shit I'd never have thought of and savant their way out of a problem. This one time, my grandma, the remote she used to turn on her tv and cable bunch got out of sync with one, and whenever you hit the power button one would go on and the other would go off. We spent like 20 minutes fucking with it until I went and knocked on my brother's door and explained the problem. Without a second's hesitation he went to the kitchen, grabbed a sheet of aluminum foil, doubled it over and told be to hold it in front of the cable box. It blocked the laser to the box so when he turned the tv off, the box stayed off too, and when I took the foil away and he hit the power button both came back on.
Another time, I got my car stuck in sugar sand, and this nice old farmer dude came by and got it unstuck. He deflated my tires a little bit for traction, pulled it onto the road, and used his plug-in tire inflator to air them back up to highway standards. I didn't know you needed a tire inflator.
And this other time, at Walmart with a friend of mine, the last bottle of soda we wanted was stuck way back on the top shelf. My friend just told me to wait, went a couple aisles over to grab a broom, and threaded the paracord he was carrying through the nail-hole in the top to make like one of those stick-nooses animal control uses so he could snare it and fish it down.
>You're stronger than women. You've better reflexes and reaction times than women. You have big, durable bones that are almost impossible to break so that your organs are always protected.
And dont you ever fucking forget it. Now that its out in the open can we dispense with the bullshit 'women are equal to men' crap?
bruh imagine going out with friends to a fucking walmart lmfao where tf do you live sis?
>Now that its out in the open can we dispense with the bullshit 'women are equal to men' crap?
Well, that depends. Do you mean accepting that women and men are not going to be equal in every regard, but their net contribution to a household or to society balances out because of their different strengths? Or that men are flat out better than women on the whole? Because while I have no trouble with with the first postulate, I take some umbrage at the second.
True, I can't split a playing card, lengthwise, across the length of a football field with a sniper rifle like my brother can, but he barely ever has to use that. On the other hand I am a boss at arranging candles, and I know how to make homemade ketchup, mayo, and mustard, and I can apply that and people can reap the benefits of it every single day. I'm a momentum build rather than burst mode, I supply passive buffs at all times, I think my net value equals his in the long run. Also I make really good chow-chow relish. I improved on granny's recipe.
Um...let's call it rural Floridjeorgiabama. Walmart was kind of the only game in town. When I was in high school, it was wear the Goth kids hung out. They'd sit in the employee smoking area and play The Cruxshadows and Rammstein on portable CD players with mini speakers and play Vampire: The Masquerade. Sometimes they'd talk the employees into letting them bum cigarettes off them. There was that little to do in my town, true story.
>Girls cant live life on hard mode
Objectively untrue. Try:
>Most girls live life on easy mode.
yikes. i wish we wouldve just let you guys secede
the only reason that career option exists is people like us allowing it to.
Based female. I agree woman/men are equal at the end and halves of a whole. Men can do things woman just can't, Women can do things men just can't. I honestly think the whole sex divide banter is to keep us arguing about nothing effectively.
women in third world shitholes probably live on hard mode but then again almost everyone there does
Just because the option is available doesnt mean you take it.
Oh, yeah, no, you would have been doing us such a favor. You could've enjoyed all your highfalutin, vibrant Yankee culture and left us to our parochial slave-owning ways, and all you'd gain would be Camden NJ, and Gary IN, and Chicago, and Detroit, and St. Paul, and St Louis, and all your other big cities not turning into Mogadishu warzones as you let rabid chimps run wild. That would have been *so* generous of you.
I'm not racist, though. I really don't have anything against black people, I just don't want any of them anywhere near me. This was supposed to be a white country, our forefathers worked really hard and killed a lot of people to make it that way, and it's such a waste to shit it all away by inviting every shade of brown to come and squat here. That's all I'm saying.
user, no, don't call me based. The other anons will shame you for it and yell "simp" at you until they hurt your feelings. Don't stick your neck out like that, if you approve of me just keep it to yourself so you don't get dog-piled.
Never say anything nice to a fembot, it's not worth the abuse you'll get. In fact, I'm not even really female. I'm...uh, gimme a minute, I haven't done this in a while...I'm a dude, named John Murdoch, who catfishes Yas Forums and Yas Forums for shits and giggles. Yeah. And I work a really manly job, I'm an exterminator, I am literally the Orkin Man. My knowledge of poisons, and my passion for Cowboy Action shooting, and my hobby of studying, fucking, Kajukenbo, mean I'd be a totally awesome Call of Cthulhu character if I just statted myself out. My favorite food is steak and eggs with a bunch of Tobasco sauce.
You should just act normal and call me a tranny and a larper, which I totally am, there is no way I'm a girl just naming random shit she thinks of as masculine.
...also, what kind of music should I, John Murdoch, listen to? I find a character's musical tastes provide important nuance and perspective. I feel as though I, John Murdoch, should probably enjoy Johnny Cash, and probably Molly Hatchet and Edgar Winter? Also, does anyone happen to know what are good, mid-price options for SSA revolvers and lever action rifles? If not I'll just ask my older brother tomorrow, for even though I, John Murdoch, am manly af, my big bro Hoss Murdoch is manlier still. But if anyone has any feedback I'd welcome it, I'm kind of stockpiling character concepts during quarantine.
Some of us are flat chested OP
>men have it better
>see all those examples when I needed help and I just had to ask to get it
Women can't survive on hardmode, but they won't ever be on hardmode as long as men exist.
the fact that you use video game terms like "hard mode" to describe life already shows you're living on easy mode
Living on easy mode is not the best life though. Sure there are people living harder than you but they may also live a happier more fulfilling life. They may have a loving wife to go home to and feel happy, fulfilled over the work they do.
Basically what I'm saying is, think of a stereotypical NEET. Life is easy for them right? Not much work? But they're not happy are they?
This is really cute and sweet dude :(
P.S. yes vaginas live life on easy mode. They really don't know what hardship is.
>you will never meet a robot-belle from the South
you literally are from russia
My ex gf unironically got the shits at those memes and we had a 2 hour argument over it. Women cannot into humor.
There's a few who make serious bank, but I believe the vast majority doesn't. It's a saturated market.
I agree though, I think life is easier for women. Relationship wise, support wise etc.
>when some cunt INSISTS that girls can be just as strong as men
>not even trying to be sexist or some shit just having some semblance of acknowledging reality
Like there is a reason a guy hitting a girl is seen as improper. Guys are inherently stronger than woman why the fuck is saying this even considered a controversy to some people? It's ridiculous.
Exactly. Men may be better than women at a lot of things, but it doesn't matter, because they're always willing to use their talents to help women. And you don't really see this happening the other way around... women don't use their natural advantages to help men, quite the contrary.
A woman named Esther Vilar wrote an entire book about this, 'The manipulated man.'
>"you really think ronda could beat brock lesnar in a fight?"
>There's a few who make serious bank, but I believe the vast majority doesn't. It's a saturated market.
This is probably true, I've read comments by e-whores who were complaining that no one was buying their pics/videos.
>I agree though, I think life is easier for women. Relationship wise, support wise etc.
This is certainly true, and quite honestly, it's depressing. I've talked to many mediocre girls who said they had too many options and couldn't even imagine what it's like to not have people interested in them. Females really do live in a different world as far as relationships are concerned.
>Earns as much as a doctor and all she does is post nudes online
She looks 30 and not that attractive. Why are simps like this?
I now want to see stonecold stun ronda rousey
>that time stone cold gave the stunner to the president of the united states
This is such a hilarious timeline we live in.
-he said, never having been beaten by an abusive boyfriend.
I mean I haven't either, personally, my brother has a reputation, as did and does my father, and thank God for that. I can't go into specifics, my bro was very clear, if I ever spoke about his or dad's military careers online I was to refer to them as Navy Seals and quote as much of the copypasta as necessary and cite their 300 confirmed kills and training in gorilla warfare so no one suspects who they are. He said it was good opsec.
But there are tens of thousands of women who don't benefit from the dedicated protection of two of the most terrifying men to ever aim an M24 or M82 at an enemy's face from a quarter of a mile and blow it off. And absent that, they find men are as easily capable of causing insurmountable problems as solving them, and then we're on hardmode and it's PVP and we fucking die like mobs. Men kill women all the time. Literally all the time. Thousands, every year, get the death penalty for the capital offense of "making some dude angry". I've pretty much rejected feminism, but there's one truism that stuck with me: "Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them".
Does that sound like easy mode to you?
Don't c-call me cute, faggot. I ain't into no homo shit.
i'll just quietly observe your posts from literally this scenery and realize whether you're baiting or not doesn't matter but i'll never see the people of dixieland