
Post what you honestly believe is the best advice for getting girls. Or at least for robots to get girls.

"Anti-Seducers come in many shapes and kinds, but almost all of them share a single attribute, the source of their repellence: insecurity." -Robert Greene

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just don't be a faggot

Are his books legit?

>be born with good genetics
>just be urself
that's all you have to do, retards

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I've read Seduction and Mastery and loved both of them. Everything is truly broken down to the finest detail, and he uses a lot of interesting stories to illustrate his points. They are quite lengthy, but I like that. Everything else is too simple.

Sure, 80% of women are attracted to 20% of men. But guess what? The leftover women that didn't get in on the 20% still have to breed too. Every guy can find a gf.

Simple, Be a psychopath.

The fact that noone is going to follow it anyways makes posting it a waste of time. If you are so interested I can write it down but honestly I dont see the point of your thread.

Forget about women, they are shit

Have a friend group to meet them with, This is probably the most important aspect and where I personally fail.

Practice practice practice. You're not going to know the right thing to do until you've done the wrong thing many times.

money, transportation, chloroform

dont take yourself too seriously
be playful and make her laugh
tease her a lot
keep teasing her
dont baby her, treat her like one of the boys
let her know you think about her
thats it

this. the number one red flag I encounter is guys who don't have a friend group.
if you can't manage friendships how can you manage a relationship?

>if you can't manage friendships how can you manage a relationship?
I think I could, keeping track of one important person is a hell of a lot easier than 10 unimportant backstabbers

ok Im not going to proof read this or anything so it might be a little rough but here's my two cents on how robots can get girls. the first thing is to gain self confidence. many people in modern times confuse this with some sort of weird almost fetishized view of hyper masculinity (ie chad) but this is not necessarily the case, however don't be limp wristed bugman either obviously. what self confidence really does mean is to truly be comfortable with who you are at the moment. reflect on your life right now and think "am I really comfortable with being me?". If that's not the case than why do you think a girl will be comfortable being with you if you are not confident or comfortable in your own skin. this doesn't mean if you don't have self confidence you cant improve that. despite what you might think you are not born confident or not confident. what will bring you confidence? personally I find I gain confidence from learning new skills and hobbies. I used to be a lot more of a NEET and pretty mutch played vidya and watched movies and TV all day, but I found that kind of lifestyle made me really hate myself so instead of wasting my time I focused on learning things I was interested in. for me that was playing guitar and computer programming. it can be hard to change your lifestyle but you will feel much more happy and you will feel a lot more self confidence having mastery over things you chose to improve on.


another big thing in my opinion is to not immediately try to go for girls or exclusively talk to girls. you need to have good male friends before you should even think about trying to get a GF. first of all if you are a totally friendless robot you can learn a lot from having good friends. if you have social problems and are awkward you can improve yourself by just trying to make friends first. its way more low pressure if you're nervous about social things in general. another good benefit of having a good group of friends (other than the benefit of having a good group of friends) for robots is that they can learn to emulate some of the social cues that their friends who are better in social situations can have.

this leads me into my next point. once you have more self confidence and a good group of friends improving your social skills will start to become easier. pay attention to how your friends act with you and their friends, as well as girls. notice the timing and flow of when they talk, and when they let others talk. I think a lot of robots can come off as boring just because they don't really understand the flow and give and take nature of conversation, which causes them to drone on and sound boring despite probably having some pretty interesting things to talk about. start paying more attention to how people react to you and others in conversation as well. you need to learn to read people a little bit better so you can adjust the conversation if they seem disinterested. in conversation you want to come off as smooth and confident but not egotistical. don't be afraid to be yourself but make sure you somewhat hide your power level if you have somewhat "autistic" interests, or try to spin them in a way that normies will think is cool if you can.

there is nothing wrong with trying to looksmax, but the biggest part of attracting a girl is social skills. you can be a Yas Forums chad all you want, but if you aren't going outside and talking to women, you will not get a gf

this user is right too. it doesn't hurt to dress nicely and obviously to not be disgusting but girls are much more social where as guys are more looks based.

!Assuming you have approachable genetics!

Don't be afraid of them and see them as some sort of perfect beings, speak to them like you're speaking to another colleague and sometimes even playfully tease them (maybe because they pronounce a word funny or something)

Don't be afraid that she's gonna explode

Also don't take advice from other women on this, the majority of them will tell you what they want but like most people they don't know what they want until they see it.

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Write it, i am curious

I moved away from my friends
Most of the ended up being commies anyway

>if you can't manage friendships how can you manage a relationship?
1 > 5+

Be tall


This is really underrated but practice talking with old people. Boomers, wine aunts, whatever. They are way easier to talk to, and nowhere near as intimidating. Once you can make them laugh and smile and have full-on conversations with no awkward pauses, just go to a qt and pretend she is 85 year old with saggy tits and it works wonders.

I have personal experience on this. I was a literal shut in NEET for like 6 years and I could barely talk to anyone, but then i started working at an old folks home and they actually like when you're quiet and you like to listen, because you don't seem as arrogant.

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Wow, what a bunch of nothing. Why did you waste you're time posting such garbage?

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same except neet for 14 years. i have a hard time with social cues but even i can tell when a girl is into me because she wont stop talking to me and wants to keep talking even when i say that i need to go

>Anti-Seducers come in many shapes and kinds, but almost all of them share a single attribute, the source of their repellence: insecurity
more like uglyness

>80% of men fighting over the bottom 20% scraps
even if that bottom 20% weren't scraps, the maths don't add up there

this is actually the best advice on this i've ever seen on Yas Forums as a dude. it's right on

How do I go about teasing women without sounding like an asshole or offending them?

>Anti-Seducers come in many shapes and kinds, but almost all of them share a single attribute, the source of their repellence: insecurity

I'm dying alone...

>How do I go about teasing women without sounding like an asshole or offending them?
Try being good looking, that usually always works

make people feel comfortable and love themselves around you. i can't tell you how to do this, but that's what the most popular people have in common imo

% of men fighting over the bottom 20% scraps
That was not his point
He never even referred to the 20% of women that aren't attracted to the top 20% of men.
He meant that of these 80% of women only 25% get their dream-man and the other 75% (+ the other 20% of women) need to go with other than this top-20% of men

if youre offending them by just teasing them (asking something like "how are you so short" or "why are you so boring" or "how did you even make it this far?" or "so how fucked are your eyes actually" [only if shes wearing glasses] then just ignore them
nobody likes uptight people who cant handle light teasing or banter, this is pretty universal its how people bond
things are so much better when you can tease eachother and talk shit to eachother