/rhg/ - roastie hate general

#1 - Only engage in discourse with roasts if they bring forth a good argument
#2 - Post infographics and demoralizing content aimed at attention hungry females
#3 - Any attack on ones self image must include a pic of one shirtless with a time stamp ,it is otherwise invalid
#4 - Do not engage with trolls,especially those using buzzwords
#5 - subsequently do not engage orbiters and white knight

For the white knights - This isn't an attack on all women, just those who infest this place

For robots - The women who browse r9k are the lowest tier.They are not worth your time,do not engage them or their orbiters.

Keep your standards high

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stfu tripfag nigger

>Making your own safe space after you got cyberbullied into oblivion in the other thread
You really are desperate arent you?

I love my waifu, Asuka!

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implying you wouldn't fuck a woman with prominent labia minora if there was a possibility in your lifetime to come near a pussy

Trips don't lie, this is now an Asuka thread

Commencing dump
I do not have many but one can only hope others pitch in

I consider this a valid argument roast
Allow me to anwer:
"Infesting my thread with a 100 (you) is not cyber bullying"

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Quite original eh m8?

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waifu thread now
mine is hana midorikawa

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Stop trying to undo the trips you faggot. Asuka user has spoken, this is an asuka thread

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Female priorities amirite guise

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>Keep your standards high
I want a partner this life time so I'll ignore that shite.

Fine ill bite
>Not rei

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"ex-gf of prince harry" lol
it was that boy band guy harry styles actually. and it was creepy as fuck because he was 17 and she was in her 30s.

another thread where one autist shares his folder to an audience of next to no one

dumpe dumpe original dumpe

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this thread is based my man keep up the good work
>le breadstick arm
>seeth incel
roasties can't bant.

Imagine having so little personality and being so afraid of women that you would pick Rei over Asuka

It's no wonder you're here making these threads

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Im trying
There really isn't much roast content out there saved

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Please fuck off back to r/dankmemes

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>Loud obnoxious asuka
>Hardworking and humble rei
Ask how i know you bow down to women

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reminder to whites that white women are thrash
Reminder to non whites that white women will ruin you

Go out there make that money and get yourself a solid wife

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no you faggot i said bant, bant is Yas Forums speak. if you can't even understand or handle the bants you need to leave.

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>I prefer asian women honestly

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dumpy dumpy boo
Yeah I think thats about it
I really have to get more content

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Original dump series #414 f

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A detailed graph(by me) of which women are completly worthless for anything other than a fuckhole

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>A detailed graph(by me) of which women are completly worthless for anything other than a fuckhole
So this is really how cumbrains see the world, huh?

>Yas Forums speak
lol what a fucking nerd

ITT: a bunch of boys insecure about their bread stick arms

who hurt me? everyone hurt me. the woman i called mother hurt me the most. and so i turned the mud that was pushed into my face into armor and built a body of stone. i built all of this so no one could hurt me again

I am absolutely loving the upsurge in anti cuntoid posting.

Keep it up boys.

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