Anybody know any cute girls I can simp for? I wanna be some cute girls slave boy and supply attention, affection...

Anybody know any cute girls I can simp for? I wanna be some cute girls slave boy and supply attention, affection, adoration, and fill her wallet whenever she says so. Even better if she takes from me then shows me her luxury life as a tease.

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there is a shit ton of them on twitter?
wtf you asking us for?

Its hard to find actually cute ones. There is an ocean of these girls on Twitter and at least 60% of them are landwhales. 35% is gross girls, and just about 5% is actually cute. I figured probably some people from this board do this and was wondering if they found any really good ones.

just go on tik tok and find some young girl with big titties and ass to groom.

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breh, this ain't soc stop shit posting yourself.

the op is literally asking for help on where to find girls to simp for and im suggesting an option for him you retard. dont like it then fuck off.

Post discord.
originally but like very originally like yeah

grooming is very different that simping lol, you fucking pedo.

>simping vs. grooming
what even is the difference? aside from the age of the target, there is literally no difference

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fucks sake blade if your gona shill yourself as pedo least don't post your face

OP here. Discord: BeverNetter#7094

Absolute disgrace.

Why not the girl in the OP pic? She looks pretty cute, and I assume the pic is from her Twitter or onlyfans or some simp shit.


I actually tried. She is off reddit and she is a foot model/foot fetish girl. She is super cute and I would do whatever she wanted, but she wouldnt respond to any dms

do you ever look in the mirror and ask yourself why you're a repulsive creature

No? Why? Just cause I wanna orbit a cute girl doesnt mean I am a criminal or creep or whatever.... I just want to

Cant believe I have to explain it. You are voluntarily becoming subservient to a women who doesnt even care about you. You are doubling down on your betaness as a cope for being so weak, you are empowering that which is keeping you down and calling it freedom. There is a shrivel or dignity in knowing your place, your limitations how weak you are and how you may be able to improve. But when you celebrate your degradation that is pure disgrace. You are relegating yourself to this subservient position to avoid taking responsibility for your own patheticness by embracing the so called sexual liberation, hiding behind that dogma.

Would you feel ashamed telling a future partner about this?

I can Guess who this was tutututu?

This. This thread is crazy

>future partner
assuming he'd ever get one

I'll simp for you :)

thank you op

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Please tell me this is fake.... OP what have you done...

she like that is always disgusting since half of it is cuck shit
i can't fap to femdom without feeling bad since cuck shit is always around fuck faggot ass cucks porn sites should have filters

op is just being a perfect orbiter for me! ^_^

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Duuuuuuuude no fucking wayyyyyyyy

It cannot be this easy to be a girl...

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what did you say to him to make him give you $50?

Can you simp for me too op? I'll even laugh at you.

i am just a nice and cute girl is all!

user, this dude sent $50 fucking twice in like and hour... I see these threads every so often by I always thought they were either fakes, flakes, or creepy as fuck old dudes and neck beards. Of course this time it ends up being real. Fucking figures.

Probably not a lot. I had someone sent me a few hundred for a couple feet pics and some bullying.

Yas Forums has become /simp/

What does that mean? You sent OP nudes or what? Wtf does that mean?