Killing myself next Friday AMA
Killing myself next Friday AMA
Can I haz nudes?
Why you gonna do that? Seems like a waste.
Why are you killing yourself next friday?
Did you draw that? I got a little sad thinking how nothing quite like that will be ever made after you're gone.
Why wait? What's special about Friday?
Why not today? Or the next hour?
No camera.
My entire life has been a waste
Because this Friday has already passed.
What method? Can I fuck you before you off yourself?
No, your life still ahead of you, you just lack the discipline to seize the opportunities.
>Killing myself next Friday
no, you aren't
wanna see my pp?
wanna watch an episode of kamen rider before you go?
Don't do it user. There is more good to be had before it's done even if you cant see it yet.
Enjoy what already exists and don't be sad what will never be.
Yes, I clearly forgot that Friday is kys day. That's why they say tgykys. Multiple people have asked why it needs to be Friday and you haven't provided an answer in your own ama thread. If you're this incompetent then I don't think you'll do a great job being an hero. You'll most likely potato yourself
Are you going to live stream it? This board used to be full of sadbots, but now it's all trannies and mental illness.
Pills. Sure, but I'm some hairy, fat dude and not a cute anime girl.
Yeah. Your point?
Yes to both
>implying I won't already be doing that
I'm going to have the W theme blaring as I slip into the abyss
The best thing I can do for everyone is get rid of myself.
>Pills. Sure, but I'm some hairy, fat dude and not a cute anime girl.
First off, pills are a shitty way to suicide. It won't work unless you're really fucking lucky. Literally any other method is better. Second off, I'm not dissuaded.
Good luck. Me too, one day. Don't have a date in mind though, it'll be on a whim. Sucks that suicide booths still aren't a thing, eh?
Do it right now if you're serious
My point is to get over yourself and find some better way to spend your time. If you fail to get yourself into a better situation it's not like its suddenly impossible to go back to killing yourself.
Too poor for that.
>Why Friday?
It's an inside joke
>You'll most likely potato yourself
Yeah. I am pretty shit at everything I do.
If you really gonna do it don't use pills. They only give you about 2-5% chance of dying oregano
>Killing yourself for wasting time in the past when it is constantly expanding.
Here's an idea: stop wasting your life.
ill kill myself with you. am so tired of life. nothing interests me anymore. these past few days have been hell too.
>I'm going to have the W theme blaring as I slip into the abyss
based, you should at least live to see the ending of Zero One, even if it's been lackluster so far
Where we meeting up?
Good luck with yours too. Normies can do everything to make our lives miserable, but refuse to help us end it all. Buncha faggots.
I would get over myself but I'm 7 foot tall.
I got shit to do first, nigger.
I think it's been really good so far, but even so.
I have backup plans if it does fail.
Durrr why I not tink of dat?
Sounds good. Where do you live and I'll try to meet up with you.
Fug, now I wish I had a friend to talk about KR with
What does that change? Also your not the 7'1" gril again are you? Your also not actually going to kill yourself.