Is it true that no one hates women more than other women?
Is it true that no one hates women more than other women?
who is trhis
Legs for days. Shiiiiii
Here's a list of people who hate women the most. Number 1 having the most hatred.
1. Me
She is the exact kind of woman women would fucking seethe over if they had to stand next to her. Tall, skinny, beautiful AND Asian? Every white bitch would be fucking mogged lmao
That seems like an Asian woman who would raise me healthy hapa offspring.
A study found that the majority of misogynistic tweets on twitter came from female users.
Someone post the picture of all the middle age white bitches complaining about the cute Asian gymnast and how "plain" and "average" she is. Pure, 100% cope
Humans. Not even once.
we don't hate them but we do get jealous
I wouldn't be jealous of the OP girl though, she's skelly to the point where if that vid isn't shopped I would be seriously concerned for her health
i would pay her to kill me
just spend one straight day beating me up and calling me a stupid foreigner before she forces me to cum inside of her then cuts my head off
Shes just really fucking tall. like 6'3" or something
truly a descendant of a heavenly race
maybe so. something looks off about her though. her crotch is too high and the legs are too thin for how long they are.
to get legs that thin she would have to have serious muscle atrophy but she seems to be walking normally?
>something looks off about her though.
Yeah, she looks like an mtf slenderman.
inb4 anons call me a coping/seething woman for not finding aliens attractive
No, It's common amoung taller members of my family. Its just that shes female so she doesn't build much muscle. Her legs are pretty normal width but really long. She also has like six inch heels. she seems perfectly healthy but a bit of a genetic anomaly.
Where original one ?
i orbit the shit out of women as a foid
tell me about your taste in foids foid?
it looks like she had that leg extension surgery manlets want
>t. not real women
Would you like to be the woman with the camera?
wish she'd wrap those extended legs around me
She doesn't look real, like she's on stilts or something, those calves are simply disproportionate
no, women hate women superficially while men hate women existentially
Nah, men love women, we just hate cunts.
Dong Lei, a famous Chinese model.
there are a few girls I know that I consider to be nasty cunts but if they needed a tampon I would still give one to them
I dislike them but I don't actually wish them any kind of harm
whereas it seems like a lot of men actually do want women to get hurt
Close, but my own personal motives make me hate how women operate more than who they are on any real level.
I don't want women to get hurt, I just want them to go away. I don't enjoy seeing or interacting with them.
Thanks, fren.
>'long' Dong Lei
>I just want them to go away.
ok I get that, but any method of achieving this would involve women getting hurt (as well as men)