>Men age like wi-
Has there ever been a bigger cope?
Men age like wi-
Varg was a handsome guy. Also i feel like he has aged pretty gracefully considering he's a farmer in the middle of nowhere and is raising like 12 kids
he went from cute to handsome, this is the perfect example of men aging like wine
He's only 47 but looks like 60s
His wife is pretty hot ngl
now compare to women. Does this even look human?
This is with full makeup too Varg is wearing none.
She's like double Varg's age though, also I never said women age any better, just that the men age like wine argument is a cope. Time is ruthless and gets everyone in the end
>wrinkly garden gnome
Men and their cope about ageing never ceases to amaze me.
You actually think he doesnt look good?
Some men do, some women do too.
I hopefully will get lucky and inherit the aging genes from my dad's side since he's 39 and still looks 15.
that's true but older guys still get 18 year old women.
he's not even 50 yet and looks a lot older, however prison will probably do that to you so I can understand
The vast majority of women would think he's handsome.
THATS young Varg? Jesus Christ, he used to be so cute.
damn right he was
Swedish prison shouldn't even be allowed to be called prison
Yeah, he was basically at camp for, what? Ten years for murdering a guy? Sounds like he got off pretty well. Shit, if you want a vacation just stab a guy to death and chill for a while.
You mean Norwegian
And what makes your gaslighting and gatekeeping correct over others?
White men age like shit. They look like shit in their twenties.
The female equivalent of "2/10 would not bang", everyone
Would transitioning have saved her?
Women do age like shit, but they still can get dick. The wall is a cope
It's not a cope though. Nobody's saying that most men don't eventually turn ugly. We still fare better overall, though.
20s: Almost all men, sans balding or health issues/poor lifestyle choices, go through the decade without declining much in appearance. The same holds true for maybe 60 to 80 percent of women.
30s: The great majority of naturally handsome men will remain attractive throughout the decade. The odds are lower for women.
40s: Being sexy throughout the decade is common for men with good genes and good habits. Women that age well will be pretty, but not in a way or to a degree that really turns anyone on.
50s: Both men and women tend to look pretty bad by this point. In terms of physical health, the 50s probably aren't much different from the 40s, but the difference in appearance is much larger.
There's also a subsect of males who look sexy in their 60s, 70s, or 80s. This subsect is small for men, but doesn't really exist for women.
>and looks a lot older,
Not really.
Other than the white beard he looks pretty normal.
Also take the beard away and you shave of a decade on the looks.
What's your issue with Varg?
>This subsect is small for men, but doesn't really exist for women.
helen mirren though
>This, of all people is the example retard OP went with
Varg has never been not handsome in his entire life. 90s varg looked a bit twinkey with his long hair, but still ultimately masculine and attractive by any coventional metric. 2020 varg is basically a silver fox rustic nord from Skyrim. If you sent him to California or New York and made him teach music/European history to 18 year old college girls that didn't about know him, the entire lecture hall would be filled with pussyjuice. There's a 50/50 chance they'd want daddy Varg's dick even more if he started talking about Yas Forums shit.
OP, I am only slightly bisexual and I would probably not turn Varg down if I didn't suspect it was a ploy to get my guard down so he could torture and murder me for being a godless sodomite.
It's true if you eat smart after already looking good from not being raised on hotdogs
Yas Forumsturds are more deluded than I thought, damn this is incredible
i would kill you too if i found out you were a sodomite desu