Why do women like blonde guys? I feel like they look way too feminine

Why do women like blonde guys? I feel like they look way too feminine

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Women like feminine men too. Feminine men are often attractive. Think of Timothee chalamet, eboys, and kpop stars. Women love pretty boys.

to try something new after years of riding big black cocks.

Blonde women like blonde guys.

Women actually don't like blonde guys at all

Why don't cuckolds just commit suicide? Serious question.

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because somebody needs to prep the superior black bull in this world.

Usually blonde hair darkens as they age due to androgens, especially in males. Very light blonde hair on a man is rare.

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I think you're just seething over our superiority

t.hapa cuckold Eurasian tiger poster
Fucking retards responding to a nigger Tranny bait to the main question you're referring to feminine dark haired twinks dying/bleaching their hair they are not "blond" you Asian sissy even true blonde women are taller with manjaws etc stay seething at such rare features that only account for 2% of the globe you probably get your perception on them from TV and movies

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They're very pretty and youthful. There are some women who don't just chase after niggers after all.
Having children with a blonde boy will likely give you very beautiful daughters also.

Oops wrong pic here's a blond man
Of course (((they))) on nonother than a cesspool of filth like r9k

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>Why do women like blonde guys?
they dont lmao

>They're very pretty and youthful

I don't know why robots seem to think younger women like rugged gorilla chads over a pretty, or feminine, ottermode boy.

Blond men don't look feminine, feminine men look feminine

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Reminder to always suspect "blond" and "blondes" they're probably fake and you've never met one due to living on muttland

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What this user said. Plenty of masculine blonde men

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Sperging and seething lol
There is nothing wrong with a man not being a gigachad. Blonde doesn't dictate whether you're feminine or masculine. I've seen blonde haired blue eyed chads and twinks. Both can be attractive.

this is true and i dont know why you idiots seem to refuse to accept it

Because we respect them, so we think that women should like them too

People with blond hair are often Scandinavian or anglos where do you even see them retard?Do you think watching homoerotic animes with blond pretty boys or movies with twinks dying their hair blond reflect on irl people with these features?You probably think marlyin Monroe is yellow haired.
Shitskins and mutts are seething
Rarely the Scandinavian stock of light haired people are pretty tall and hairy i don't get were people see actual blond pretty boys other than fictional shit

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I'm blonde and have a big ass beard with broad shoulders. I don't look anywhere near feminine. I'm a fat fuck though so there ain't no chance there.

A dirtier blonde like the OP is only slightly uncommon. I'm an Anglo anyway you retard.

>Not close, I'm italian and my whole family is blonde, i've met a lot of french poeple even Spaniards (the ones that aren't mixed with arabs) woth blonde hair and blue eyes, and the historical depictions of Roman emperors are often of blonde men

i don't know why i put that on greentext, apologies

I didn't say all "anglos" faggot some look like this others look like they came from Latin America or something (e.g Mr bean)
>Dirtier blond
You mean brown?Because at some level there's a difference between blond and light brown (OP pic)

He never said Italians/Spaniards/French people couldn't be blond, retard

This is true but OP pic is firmly in the dark blonde section, and that's the most common blonde for men that I've noticed.

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Guy in OP is a 9/10

I've seen more blonde Slavs than Germandicks

I don't know if it's dyed or not but blond hair is definitely so rare and even rarer is finding hair shades at the end of spectrum (Yellow or white blond)
He's barley a 6.5

>He's barley a 6.5
what? he's very attractive 9/10, the other poster is right
t. hetero woman