Partner Expectaions Threads
here is mine
My requirnments
>lives within 250 miles of me
>will not ghost me
>likes to spend time with me and likes me.
>hates society
>is a girl
>is okay with me being a weird autist
Partner Expectations Thread
My requirements
>Functional human
>Lives wherever
>Okay with abandoning me, knows I can always replace her
>Only spends time with me cause I pleasure her
>Is a femboi
>Isn't ever okay with someone being a weird fucking autist
>has to be from Luxembourg
I can't really have any other expectations for someone who doesn't exist..
It feels nice to dream that I'll meet that someone some day though..
actually kill yourself plebbit user
My requirements
Someones ruins your fantasy roleplaying and you immediately assume they're from plebbit. Actually kill yourself
there should be at least a couple within a 100 miles from there anyway
i wasn't role playing at all though, what do you mean?
>biological female over the age of 18
>lives somewhat nearby (IL, USA)
West NC by the way i wasn't sure if mods would get angry if i put that part in the Op
>Say "I love you" and actually mean it
>has attempted suicide
>is a crazy bitch
Don't think like that, brother! Anyone can find happiness if they put in the effort :)
been putting a good amount of effort into looking in threads
so far not so good
If it makes the happy then go for it friend! Live your life in the way that gives you the most pleasure!!
You still need to lower your standards Tristan. It's good your not specifying gender or species. Maybe include the third world too.
So far I haven't really found anyone, there seems to be a big black internet hole around this place..!
Well, I'd even say a trashcan with a skirt wouldn't be under my standards.. but that thing would have to come from Luxembourg!
I mean, I probably wouldn't actually go for a trashcan, but the image in my head seemed funny..
>attractive to me
>not a nig
who is that character you keep posting?
A man with a beard
>cynical bitch
>5'5" or shorter
>between 130-150lbs
>partner count of 5 or less
>has not had group sex
>does not participate in casual sex
>does not date non-whites
>will smoke weed/drink with me
>into guns or doesn't mind them
>favorite genre of music isn't rap
>speaks english
>not had sex with more people than me
>ok with guns
>attentive and responsive when I say things
>not overweight
>wants kids
pic not related
This is me again..
Goodnight, thread! I hope I get a reply on one of my posts one of these days..
Goodnight, friend! Have a good rest :)
>had had 5 parterns
>no casual sex
are you retarded? unless you like 50 then 5 partners= casual sex
do you want your partner to have the body of the girl you posted? if so, sorry but no 5'5 woman with 130-150 lbs looks like that. most are 170+
>isn't mean to me
>cute long hair i can braid
>not too masc, not too fem. neutral
>has a cute accent
>won't be annoyed at me
>wants to have a cosy isolated future with me
>any height
>any weight
>any race
>will cuddle me
I win again, not into dudes though.
he is mentally retarded
130lbs is a sticc at 5'5
that girl is 220 at 5'5
I pass all of those but
>any race
i'll pass
though the isolated future sounded really nice
>biological female, white or asian
>short and scrawny, the flatter her chest the better
>non-promiscuous, okay if she isn't a virgin but its obviously preferred if she is
>introvert, shy and insecure
>doesn't have a lot of friends, low self esteem
>clingy, looks to me for emotional support
>any personality flaws are okay as long as she can remain somewhat rational while in distress
>possessive, wants marriage and love
>likes nerd shit, viddy games, internet, etc
>not necessarily a weaboo, but fine if she is
>must live in the U.S. so she can eventually move in with me without the hassle of immigration
Im sure she's (not) out there and one day I (won't) find her!
how old r u? i fit those criterias but i dont want someone too far off my age