im drunk and high ama
Im drunk and high ama
no one cares oh my god fuck off and die
how many days in a row?
im drunk and high ask me anything
XxxcrossfadedxxX lol9olo
im drunk and high ask me anthang
that's not a question retard
you're drunk and high ask you anything
those are rookie numbers, gotta get that up
Do you think Harry Potter should have carried a 1911?
im drunk and high am anything
that's like saying you're stoned and high
wasn't his magic stronger than a pistol? if not that's kinda cringe
are u 12
Wwyd if the wolf has come
i wouldn't mind being helded by a touhou wolf maybe im considering it
What if it had a big PP?
that doesn't have anything to do with being held bro
what you munchin on lad? burger kings closed right now
baked chips
What are you drinking OP? Rye and lager here, wish I had some pot/speed/literally any other drug
popov vodka straight my dude
Nice. I never had that brand of vodka, but I was drinking a lot of vodka last three or four days, although it's something I don't like drinking straight. I was mixing it with some lime flavored soda water with some lime wedges. Vodka sodas are a pretty great drink.
Rye, however, I can drink straight. God I wish I had other drugs though. Corona pretty much killed all my other reliable connections, they won't do anything because of all this nonsense.
This isn't reddit, now fuck off.
Why not get drugs online? It's really not difficult
i only mix vodka with juice or lemonade sometimes but usually just straight
sorry u dont have drugs lol
go back to your simp threads
Are you the one that posted Rei running late to school threads?
I assume it's not difficult, I've had friends who have done it but I still live with my parents and they are pretty nosy when it comes to stuff like that. I guess I'm just using that as an excuse though, I imagine I could do it pretty easily but I am pretty nervous about that stuff coming to my home. I've never bought btc and I've barely used tor. It seemed like a hassle when I usually could get drugs easily. I guess now would be the time to learn though.
nah i dont post that
Yeah if your parents go through your mail it might not be the best idea. I got pretty nervous as well doing it for the first time but afterwards it just felt stupid how much I worried about it. It's really more simple than it seems.
Shame he hasn't posted in a while. I wonder what happened to him
Do you happen to have the old vocaroo of this gem? I used to have it, but folder got destroyed.
for context I guess if all newfags here
man i don't remember a vocaroo from 1 single random thread 4 years ago lmao
I mean that's fair but it's probably one of the most legendary threads r9k ever produced. Can't post the full thread cause size, but it's user basically getting cucked by his dad who's fucking his gf