Should I buy a sex doll with my coronabucks?

Should I buy a sex doll with my coronabucks?

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What are those weird screw holes on her feet? Also where can I order a dummy thicc sexbot?

Those are so the doll can stand on its own

You should invest that money in real estate/stocks and buy 20 sex dolls by the time you get done.

Yeah let me buy all that real estate selling for $1200

There are stocks you can put that 1200 dollars into and get 2400 dollars back.

No there isn't. You sound like someone that wants to offload their shit stock on some retard

Check out Hudbay minerals. I've seen 3x in real time. I'm holding for 1 year.

I've thrown 18 thousand dollars into it.

My father put a lot of money in stocks(500,000) and we ended up being nearly poorfags from it. You can say that maybe he invested wrong however, I feel that stocks are a very hard gamble. His story made me never decide to invest.

Your dad might be crazy.
You are probably crazy as well.

If you feel that it's not good, don't do it.
I am not scared of dying and losing my entire life in stocks. I started having a panic attack when it dipped to a dollar 1.36, but I held the line and now I'm at 2.39. A cost basis of 3.65.

I'm expecting 6.25 by years end.

No, save the money and be smart with it until you can get a consistent income again (like a job) and get a onahole for the time being.
Once you have a consistent income and can save money as well as properly maintain and accessorize the doll then you should get a doll.

That is not how it works. I don't think you have ever invested anything ever because you fundamentally have some misunderstandings and over inflated wildly unrealistic expectations of investment.

How do you start investing? I've got 500 pound, Brit bong money

That is something literally only con-artist say.

You should try your luck in a stock simulator on investopedia, and if it goes well, you start using real money. You research the company you are investing in and see if they're stable and can keep the money coming. See their growth, etc.

I didn't do this and went straight into the stock market without being cautious. I made money because of my brain. I have an IQ of 154 and level 2 autism.

I never said that I wouldn't. I want to know how to do it correctly. Is there somewhere that I could learn to do it correctly or is it just like gambling?
>Your dad might be crazy.
>You are probably crazy as well.
You are correct

And get a real stock broker like Merrill Edge. Don't go for Robin Hood or whatever. You need something that you can trust for 50 years.

Start with a fuck ton of research of the basics.
Then set up a investment account with your bank and choose a brokerage platform that fits your needs and has low fees.

Paperwork is a pain but it's worth it.

It's "gambling" but not really.
The truth is if you study the company you are buying stock in, you study the economy through the S&P 500, etc, and you believe they will be successful, you buy it and then your prediction will either come true or stay the same.

You get rich by knowing ahead of time what is happening in the company, the industry, what their sales are, etc.

And I do this to keep my IQ up in the air

Drink half-a-gallon or more of water a day (adjust to body weight and activity level), cut-out as much processed sugar as possible (can cause brain damage), take daily Omega-3 and vitamin D supplements if you lack fish or sunlight (best to eat real fish and go outside at noon for 10-30 minutes or more a couple of times per week depending on skin color), eat fiber and avoid man-made carbohydrates (sugar, bread, alcohol) (it causes fatigue, unnecessary hunger, and weight gain), and take a daily multivitamin. Eat all of your food within a 4-to-8 hour period (maybe less) to start a 16-20 hour fast for better thinking, more energy, better digestion of food, superior calorie burn, and improved mood. (try and eat in the afternoon to not lose sleep at night, be sure to at least eat at your Basal Metabolic Rate daily, and eat nutrient dense food, not junk to avoid binge eating) Eat a healthy diet high in fiber, and eat meats, eggs, and various fruits/vegetables. Shoot for Probiotics as well. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, but know that you will receive better rest by exercising, fasting, and eating well. Do cardiovascular exercise (3-4 miles + of walking, 1-2 miles of running, jump-rope, etc) daily/when possible (take breaks from it when stressed by it and listen to your body if something brings it pain) and supplement it with anaerobic exercise (push-ups, sit-ups, etc). All of this is necessary and good for your brain and mood. It will make you a smarter, healthier, more attractive, more creative, stronger, and happier human being.

It keeps me from ruining my life on the stock market

This is a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and the one true way of living designed for all human and animal life. Technology has radically changed the world. (ignore the revolutionary stuff)

This is all I have to really give to you.
It has given me success in stocks. Will probably make you a stock King.

And by Keeping your IQ in the Air, you become rational.

"Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with a 130 IQ. Rationality is essential" - Warren Buffet

I've got excellent emotional control

>want to buy a tiny doll
>they're illegal here
What retard thought giving plastic human rights was a good idea? Seeing some of the dolls that occasionally get posted make me jealous but I don't wanna risk jailtime to get my rocks off.

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you already got your donnie bux? no fair!

Where can I buy this for future reference?

As I said I don't have a doll yet but I have autistically been taking notes about dolls for future reference.
Smaller ones can be found at catdoll(dot)jp or catdol(dot)club for english site and most go for between $800-$1500. Even smaller ones, like below loli sized at 65cm can be found at dollter and j-suntech, although something seems to be wrong with the j-suntech site now.
More regular sized ones can be found at doll-forever, piperdoll, HGdoll, wmdoll, dollhouse168(dot)biz, DSdoll(dollsweet) and other sites I don't have listed. It should be noted that a good chunk of these sites and sellers are from Japan or China, but not all of them. Dollsweet also sells individual doll parts to mix and match, which seems to be the best way to make some of the prettier dolls I've seen. Average seems to be $1k - $3k
The only place I've seen for aftermarket stuff, which would be things that aren't available anymore, are the jp yahoo auction site. Yahoo jp has its own doll section so it seems worth a look.
Other sites I've noted for dolls are Marble choco for doll furniture, Coolcat, which supposedly sells better dollfie replacement parts, Leeke World, WigWing, and Miruya.

Again, these are just notes I took as I haven't ordered a doll yet so I know nothing about their quality.

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Stocks are literally just gambling for dudes with good jobs. Of course unlike slot jockeys there is no stigma against investing because Jew companies want their shekels.

I need a HUGE sexdoll. One that can double as a bed.

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>ignore the revolutionary stuff
>ignore the whole thing

Snippets are good.
he's crazy for wanting the revolution though. Asking for a military invasion from the guy that says "Okay." and then flips and invades while everyone is singing AW-EEM-EH-WEH by the campfire.

sex dolls are degenerate. think with your brain and not your shrimp dick, dumbshit.