How much do you think is appropriate to spend on e-celebs?

How much do you think is appropriate to spend on e-celebs?
I'm thinking of starting a weekly donation to Miss Belphine's patreon, maybe 20% of my weekly income? Is that enough?
Before any of you fags call me a simp, this is only to help her get through the quarantine.

I know my limits and I will stop the weekly donations once Covid is resolved.

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unironically kill yourself you absolute cuck

>only 20% of your income
do better, loser

incels are envious because they want to be the girl

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I have to save money for myself and for games.
I can maybe give a third of what I earn weekly but that's my absolute cap.
I hope she'll appreciate it.

didn't she OD on heroin or go to jail or something?

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Post a screenshot so we know you're not a fake fan

I haven't donated anything yet. Still making plans, hence the thread.

you can just watch porn you faggot

The difference is the interaction and bond between the viewer and the e-celeb. It's not just for wanking.

>these assholes are just going to let her die of hunger

she is dependent upon OP's donations. without him, she would starve. these are truly dark times and we all have to band together and help one another out. some are more blessed than others. it is here where humanity shows its true face.

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why not get findommed by a femanon instead. they need it and ive seen many guys that get gfs that way!

imagine paying for belle when there are way better girls for a fraction of the price

Zero dollars and zero cents and even that is too much

nah you would rather cooom to ads that make money off you. the more you coom the stronger the jew jooms

$0.00 is the upper limit


spend that money at a strip club it will be way more fun. girls will talk to you for 20 to 100 an hour and their hot

>There are """"men"""" who give thots like Delphine $$$
>Meanwhile her boyfriend gets to enjoy her on their dime

How many time do you think she and her boyfriend went to a fancy restaurant because a donater gave her a huge donation and he plowed her afterwards?
Society is sick. Execute all simps and thots.

cool bait user, heres a (You) you desperately wanted

she is a millionaire why would she need your help ?

>actually thinking e-thots aren't just another (((ploy))) to make money off of you and make you weak

it's founded by a woman idk if she is a jew or not and it's a ridiculous split that cuts the studios out entirely so no i think you are a retard who doesn't know what he is talking about

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holy shit this bait is legendary

if you really want her to appreciate it, you should give her 50% of your current income, then get a second job, and give her 100% of that paycheck

I know she's rich but I assume donations have stopped pouring in because of Covid.

I imagine it will actually help me get noticed. So people stopped giving her money because they only of themsevles, then her comes me when she needs online companion the most
I know it sounds pathetic but from her perspective I'm sure she'll see it quite heroic. I hope.

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realtalk your pathetic bait is shit and it makes people who take donations to e-hoes look bad, like me. fuck off

belle delphine stopped posting because we called her out for promoting pedophilia with her constant underage baiting :) you're absolutely disgusting for supporting her and if you find her childlike mannerisms attractive you should be in a ditch

>I hope she'll appreciate it.
You and I both know she wont give a shit.

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>I know it sounds pathetic but from her perspective I'm sure she'll see it quite heroic
She will see it just as pathetic as you do


Literally focus on yourself user. Don't let your ethot thirst overtake you and your wellbeing.

>implying she thinks you're anything more than extra pocket change
spend that 20% on yourself, dude

>How much do you think is appropriate to spend on e-celebs?
0$ 0cents.

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