Still No Album Edition
Still No Album Edition
Hello fagathas
>No Album
this is why kennedi is the superior girl
Bratty only listens to albums, she don't make any. Agatha is a professional musician
>Agatha is a professional musician
who knows what she is now
She's a he now
lmao even more reason why kennedi is superior
At least agatha isn't obsessed with fucking bladee
yup, ken is the only girl posted here thats actually interesting and unique
are you niggers serious?
she's been gone for 2 years
find a new anne frank lookalike to orbit
There are no anne frank lookalikes left
what happen and is she really homeless now?
Wonder what came of that one user in the old /attic/ threads that said he was going to make a tulpa of Agatha.
she fell in love with him and they're adopting their own coalition of rainbow babies
like poetry
don't worry user she's safe with me now
>they're adopting their own coalition of rainbow babies
Disgusting. At least father your own half Jewish hybrids.
are you a disabled dyke?
Probably went and did it. Lucky guy. Or pathetic guy.
>Or pathetic guy.
I'm willing to bet it's this.
just here to say hey she's not coming back losers
Still No Album Edition
I miss her man, any mega?
do you think she regrets going full degenerate?
Probably not. Doesn't help that the people around will tell her what she's doing is right, either.
any new photos of her?
I can't believe these threads are still a thing I used to post on this board like 2-3 years ago and these threads existed. Agatha is adorable though (or was I guess I heard she's a dyke now)
bumping Aggie butt
God only knows what I'd give to take her virginity on that bed.
/attic/ makes a album
Kys. Even if you're not really him, kys.
On second thought, Jewish and Irish was maybe a bad combination.
Nice. Here's another version.