How would you react if your gf cheated on you by sexting a random guy and she was extremely apologetic over it?
How would you react if your gf cheated on you by sexting a random guy and she was extremely apologetic over it?
Sexting with another dude is not cheating lmao, are you and him both retarded?
like i dont own her she has nothing to apologize for. in fact i would thank her for sharing her private business with me.
Cuck located
I'd dump her on the stop
it is
I would accept the apology, break up and respectfully ask her to never contact me again.
I'd accept the apology and give her a second chance, but only because it's one of my principles that people should be rewarded for honesty when it is easier to do otherwise.
"I really appreciate the honesty but I already have trust issues and any sort of trust I had began to build in you has disappeared. In fact you've even solidified my bitterness towards women. You're not sorry that you cheated on me, you're only sorry you couldn't get away with it. it just shows how little respect you have for me. Why would I continue a relationship with someone who doesn't respect me as a person?"
Then I'd just ghost her.
I will in a calm manner tell her to leave and that is over.I don't take apologies fuck em.
I will try to make out and fuck her friends.Show dominate never show weakness.
>it's one of my principles that people should be rewarded for honesty when it is easier to do otherwise
very honorable and in other cases i would agree, but i've been cheated on and i simply couldn't forget it or really forgive her, so we had to end it, because it wasn't like before.
Considering I have low T and low sex drive, I'd probably feel like shit and try to have sex with her more often and see an endocrinologist if I'm not already.
they were sorry cuz they were caught, no mercy
She would be dumped immediately unless she threw the right hail mary and used it to be kinky in a way that made the sexting look like a Mormon pamphlet.
Depends. If she was exploiting the guy for money that I'll benefit in, sure.
Otherwise, break up with her.
I'd end it right here.
cuck mode: activated
she will know what a 12 gauge feels like
be like any other self respecting man and leave her. There's other women out there who won't cheat. They're exceedingly rare in today's society but still around.
>she was extremely apologetic over it?
Over what exactly? She talks fucking and sucking with another man on purpose. How can she apologize for something she wanted to do and will do again the next time your back is turned?
Why can't some of you guys just draw a line and say if your gf brings another dick into the relationship you are out? Whats so hard about that?
>Is there something I haven't given you?
>I don't want to be pushy, but I don't think I understand...
>You're not sorry that you cheated on me, you're only sorry you couldn't get away with it.
Just shorten it to this. You're on the right path you just got some fat to cut away.
>Best case scenario just cut her out. Tell everyone and ruin their reputations.
>Worst case scenario murder the guy and keep the girl as a sex slave in the basement before and murder her when she gets pregnant.
Partially this, but it honestly depends on my gut reaction. I don't have a big ego, so I don't have any self-worth issues, so the only cause of pain would be me worrying about the security of the relationship. So the options for me are as follows:
A. I'm not really bothered. Ergo I realize the relationship isn't actually all that important to me, I don't care as much as I want to, and I dump her.
B. I'm really upset, so I give the relationship one final shot and fight very very hard to keep her.
But I'm sure I'm in the minority here.
i want a bf that lets me cuck him desu
thats not a bf thats a dog
It depends, if she had slept with this person and the person that she slept with knew that she was in a relationship with me. If those two conditions are true, than I will try and kill both of them because they have betrayed my trust and I don't take that lightly. If I could only kill one of them, I would murder my girlfiriend for her slutty behavior.
I not only would not forgive her, I'd beat her up too. I don't care if I go to jail.
don't know
probably leave immediately
it's bad precedent to let your partner get away with things like that
Wouldn't care. If you actually love your gf you won't care if she cheats on you.
Why do women need men to tell them what's ok? It's only them that ask this type of thing. Do they not have a sense of right and wrong?
Do women just want to know what they can get away with? I fucking hate them so much
I hope she would cheat on me. She would at least get some happiness not having to make love seeing this ugly face all the time. My incel genes are not worth carrying on and deep down the rest of the truecels know it too.