Be fucking honest now

serious question lads:
would you date a girl if she has/had an onlyfans?

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How long until it's impossible not to, you think?

It would not factor into my decision at all.

I guess everyone here is too young to know this, but the real question will become:
>would you date a girl if she has/had an onlyfans and then when she starts dating you, she decides she suddenly can't fuck anymore?

with the current trends? 2y tops

why would a girl date a dude she isn't gonna fuck?

i would help her take pics its free money who cares about pics lol ?? just check instagram every girl has swimwear pics even the cute innocent looking ones.

I wouldn't date a girl who uses the internet

As long as there is no content of her getting fucked or doing anything sexual with some dude and she has only had sex in committed relationships I don't care kek.

Besides I fully expect to provide for my future wife and family. So her not being able to find a decent job (which I doubt) because of her onlyfans past is not an issue for me.

nah chief. if people can pay to see her pussy and she's accessible via DM or whatever, her market value is zero. you can fuck them but hoe to a housewife etc etc.

Why would I want to date a girl with bad business sense

No. OnlyFans is online prostitution and you're a delusional retard if you think otherwise

Gooooood fuckin question.

Not a chance, unless she was doing it for survival (say, no money and she needs to eat or help her family).

Otherwise, no.

Yeah, I don't really care. As long as she's not fucking other guys or personally interacting with individual people. As long as she's just posting pictures/videos, I'm cool with that.

inb4 people call me a simp for not giving a shit about this

or she could get a job retard

Ok but make a compelling argument why it is wrong, please.

girls like this crave external validation like crack and will cheat on you

I would date/fuck her but would consider her damaged goods and not wife material.

it's legal though and I don't know where you get prostitution from if there is no sex

No I would not, if she has an onlyfans then she wont be loyal to me.

dating a whore isn't wrong but its disgusting to a lot of people. if you want to go ahead but a lot of people will judge/make fun of you behind your back.

Also unless your a sociopath you might also fall in love with her. I dont see how you think it wont feel shitty to share her with other guys.

Depends. If she is just doing it for the money and is only masturbation (no male participating) i dont think i would mind.
If she doit for the attention and the sexual lust and has dudes ramming her, well, no. I wont.
Im ok with a girl making a buck, not with thottery.

are you suggesting there is a girl alive today worthy of love that doesn't already share bikini pics on her IG. go ahead and list one.. I will wait

Because is she is willing to whore herself out online to anonymous strangers, It means she doesn't value you as a partner or as a person.

If you were in a true, happy relationship, she wouldn't want to show her pussy to anyone else BUT you.

It's even worse. Sad excuses of men pay their hard earned money to a girl, and they don't get the service of sex. They just get glorified pussy pics that you can find anywhere online.

I'm not in a relationship and have no interest in getting in one any time soon, but I think I could deal with her having an onlyfans as long as she's compatible with me as a person. I don't really have conservative values and I kinda live on the fringe of society so it would be hypocritical of me to suddenly expect conservative behavior from her when I'm whacking off every night to porn.

In my eyes it's free easy money and if you manage it like a business it will be very lucrative. I'm not bothered about other people seeing her pussy as long as they pay for it. It's not really a big issue to me. People already laugh behind my back and judge me, I don't really care what they think

I don't care if someone else wants to date a woman with an only fans. I won't because i have self respect. I understand that may he hard to believe on r9k, but if you are okay with your significant other enticing and flirting with other men or women then thats on you. I don't care if others do. Just not something i'll accept or deal with in a relationship. I mean some guys date strippers. prostitutes. etc. Good for them. You won't catch me doing that though. People that are okay with selling their bodies. clothed or nude to the world for a quick buck to me doesn't signify good self respect, or a good healthy mental well being. In other words not a good concrete foundation for a healthy relationship. That's my take.

I also will say a lot of women aren't doing this stuff. It's only the psycho or mentally unwell doing this. So much like political bumper stickers its a handy way to weed out who's not worth investing in. So in reality it's doing a service.

Only if we split the cash.


>If you were in a true, happy relationship, she wouldn't want to show her pussy to anyone else BUT you.
are you saying this as someone who has known an exclusive happy relationship.. or are you repeating false Disney morals?

Let me tell u something, if I could make a living by flashing my dick to strangers then do u think I would have got a degree and sit in traffic for 3 hours a day?

that's the thing you can't find them anywhere online unless someone pays for them and then shares them with everyone (which you are not supposed to do)

Yeah, tons actually. But if you live on the internet you will never find one.

then fair enough. but as someone whos felt love, its a selfish feeling. I'd want her to myself, and most girls are the same way.

user I am sure he will have some clever mental gymnastics about loving 3 hour traffic or self respect or something

only if she uploads videos/pics of me fucking her cucking all of the simps that give her money

no you don't. you didn't name one and that's because there aren't any

>never date a sex worker
>never date a single mother
>never date a single mother with a non-white kid
>never date a feminist
>never date a woman with mental illness
>never date a woman whose partner count can be counted with two digits
>never date a woman who has knowingly been in a relationship with someone who has a criminal past
>never date a woman who has fucked a nigger

all very solid advice, user

It's the grounds of basic relationships. When you get into a relationship with a girl, you and only you should have access to her pussy.

If you believe otherwise, you're a cuck

Pussy is pussy. What makes hers so special?

what do you mean name one? you want me to post their full names? for what purpose you fucking retard they dont use social media or haven't for years

Reminder that this entire thread is low quality /soc/tier cam girl bullshit that's acting as a shilling advertisement for onlyfans. Their narketing strategy is to maximise exposure and relevancy with communities like r9k because they assumed everyone here is a simp, regardless whether you are one or not. Stop bumping shitty shill threads like this one.

I've obviously felt love in the past and if you would have asked me at 21 it would have been a hard no, but you age and your opinions change and you mellow out and learn to be more humble. Like that other user said, life isn't a disney movie and if the worst thing about your relationship is she sells nudes for a living then you've done pretty well.

again you know this based on actual experience or banal platitudes? unless you were the first you know she has been with other people right?

>never date a sex worker
never did it
>never date a single mother
did it, was great, regret leaving her, her kid was amazing.
>never date a single mother with a non-white kid
im ok with this.
>never date a feminist
did it lots of time, they really enjoy rape rol play and being abused in the sack.
>never date a woman with mental illness
true, is hell on earth
>never date a woman whose partner count can be counted with two digits
casual sex dont give a fuck, but more than 5 serious relationships is way to much.
>never date a woman who has knowingly been in a relationship with someone who has a criminal past
agree with this
>never date a woman who has fucked a nigger
every one can fuck a nigger at least once user... let the freak out from time to time.

These are the kinds of posters I am pleased to see are not dead.

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you don't know one was my point. there isn't a girl who hasn't shared her body with the internet

>if the worst thing about your relationship is she sells nudes for a living then you've done pretty well.
but its never the only thing with girls like that, how old are you btw

45K I411 11145118UR11.

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what's being advertised here? onlyfans is free. you subscribe to individuals you idiot

i'm not reading whatever you wrote at the bottom of your gay mass quote

Nope. Same reason I wouldn't date a twitch streamer, an instagram model, an "actress", or a "professional" cosplayer (did this one a while back and it was a huge mistake), or any combination. All boils down to one thing: they're attention whores. They're going to be showered with attention from a bunch of thirsty guys and more likely than not they're going to end up cheating on you. Also a lot of these types of chicks have severe mental issues and will almost definitely make your life hell.

I do, I know many. Literally join a conservative club at your college or christian organization or the dumpy looking girl who stocks shelves at your local supermarket. Most girls are social media whores but there's a lot that aren't.