Did anyone else go through a Yas Forums phase? I think that there is some truth to the typical things posted there but I can't really get behind the whole "your race/heritage is the most important thing" mentality. Also there are so many accusations of shills/psyops/falseflaggers that it's impossible to agree on anything there. Now I plan on living an underachieving life without having kids
Did anyone else go through a Yas Forums phase...
Yes I did but I went through it and got blackpilled to the limit. Now I feel apathy and despair to the phisycal realm. I don't give a shit anymore about race, culture wars, nationalism or politics at all. I don't care.
>Now I plan on living an underachieving life without having kids
What makes you think that wasn't always the plan?
you've got some nerve talking to this board like you're its friend imo
He is my fren tho. So you are. Everyone is connected. Everything is the same.
The robot way has always clashed with any political ideology. We are individualists and do what is right for us. We are inherently incapable of supporting herd mentality and reject attempts to normalize us.
Yas Forums is not for robots.
anyone who uses their race/heritage to define themselves has no accomplishments of their own to stand on. It is the same thing the SJW and liberals do, when they use their gender or w/e to define and give meaning to their life.
pathetic at both ends of the spectrum.
It's how I found this board when shuaiby died. The quality of Yas Forums has hit the fan. It was at least mildly entertaining at the worst a few years ago, being at minimum, a place to get the news without going to a mainstream site, and at best, learning about what was once hard-to-get darkweb type information on shit like pizzagate. The rise of 4chans popularity, and likely AIs trying to understand human "wrongthink" with algorithms to change our opinions, made the board insufferable. Every posts feels uninformative, 99% shitposting now. I don't even see organic new memes anymore. Yas Forums died.
This is correct. As social outcasts it doesn't make any sense to be attached to a political view. People here really thinks they would be living a confortable life if conservativism and puritanism rule the world but they wouldn't. The redpill is being aware about who rules the world. The blackpill is understanding no matter who rules the world, you don't belong there. You will never belong there.
thanks guys. this is exactly the way i feel!
It has more to do with the fact that race does produce certain traits based on evolutionary response to climate. Europeans are generally smarter than Africans on average, say, because they had less resources and harsher conditions to survive. It's not baseless, being proud of being white for the sake of being white, it's more about the mentality Europeans tend to have that pushes them towards innovation, while blacks have little to show.
Yas Forums is onto something but not quite there.
What they have to realize is that genetics is not why some races are superior/inferior, culture is. Black people are not inherently violent thugs. They have created a culture of being violent thugs, and are raised that way. If you raise a black child among more civilized people, he will grow up and act the same way a white person raised under the same circumstances would. I have met intelligent and cultured black people, and they're like that because they refuse to participate in black culture.
Yas Forums is trying to tell you culture is a result of race, not the other way around. Africa would be Wakanda if what you said was true.
I used to be a Slavic nationalist, when I was 13 or so. I would spend a lot of time browsing Yas Forums. This was also a period where I was afraid of God and I thought he was going to send me to hell all the time. Eventually I resolved my underlying fears of not belonging and abandonment, and these interests dissolved away quickly.
Blacks shouldn't have to be taught by whites how to behave. It shows you that behavior is innate to race. The blacks you are naming are the outliers. It's normal for every race to have those that deviate and show more or less desirable traits than the group.
True but, who cares? Generalizating is a common falacy. I do believe what you said but I don't feel any white person more close to me than your average nigger. Not because I'm inclusive but because I feel so out of place even among my "own" race I can't sympathize with race obssesion. I don't feel like a white man. I'm not a white man. I'm not even a human sometimes. I don't feel I belong here, in this Earth. I was outcasted and mocked by whites and my skin is white. I'm not saying whites are bad and niggers are angels. I'm just saying I don't feel any connection at all with humankind no matter the race. For me, humans are all fucking trash.
I think it's more due to the environment. Africa is honestly quite barren. Of course you're gonna get more fights and wars if you have to compete for every single thing. That's why their culture is so thug like.
I agree with you and feel similarly, I'm just explaining how Yas Forums thinks. I understand them, but I just don't actually connect with their ideology because human nature is shitty in general, whites just argue their traits are more tolerable, but shit is still shit even if you sprinkle sugar on it.
Africa is the most resourceful continent on earth. It's why Britain constantly raids it.
You guys are a bunch of whiny fucking crybabies. Thats literally this whole board. Lol MUH FEELS dont make you an individualist, faggot.
>human nature is shitty in general
Don't understand why it's so hard for people to accept this. Many people just want to feel good about themselves but ignore the evil shit they do, especially the religious ones. All races are capable of doing bad things no matter how much they want to deny it, and they did do those things.
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Heres a fun little redpills, even the niggers in africa look down upon african americans. African americans are some of the most violent retards ever.
*4 P11453*
Yeah, when I was 15. If you don't grow out of that shit by about 19 your mind is goddamn pathetic.
Europe has less resources than Africa and has been fighting internal wars constantly until 80 years ago, and still turned out more civilized
oh no, they don't agree with my shity world view. i don't have a arguments so i just call them whiny fucking crybabies. lets hope they don't realize that.
Haha its a fact that this board is the saddest and most depressed board. Originality goes to /x/.
Everything i said was true sorry it buttblasted you lol.
The issue here is other races are more likely to do the bad things. Europeans were violent for resources, blacks are usually violent just to be violent. Ignoring theft statistics due to poverty, they're likely to go out killing and raping just for the high of it. All races are capable of this behavior, but some groups naturally do it more than others due to higher rates of sociopathy/psychopathy, which is biological, it's why men commit a majority of violent crimes.
>Yas Forums phase
>implying Yas Forums isn't just Yas Forums's more depressed brother now
Thanks user, I'm glad that we're friends