Any other depressed unemployed Yas Forumstard incels here who can't meet their own standards...

Any other depressed unemployed Yas Forumstard incels here who can't meet their own standards? I wish I had a beautiful blonde wife with 5 kids but instead my master race aryan sperm ends up in a napkin and not in the fertile womb of a goddess.

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your racism and inane, childish hatred are why you don't have a girlfriend and probably never will.

pol guys are cute as fuck

stfu nonwhite sympathizer.
You're probably a subhuman yourself

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I rly hate people like you, and yes Im white, I could care less about niggers and brow people, its the fact that your whole identity is build upon blame, hate and scapegoat towards others for your own failed life, it is apex of being a pathetic degenerate person who I will always look down on

>master race

Lol, do you even hear yourself? An unemployed virgin and you think you're part of some "master race"?

You'll never get a partner, btw, so make dealings with.

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>You're probably a subhuman yourself
"nazi" white trash cope

Learn to english you brainlet.

You're probably one of those racially ambiguous people with light brown skin who can't be placed into any ethnic group. 1/4 nigger, 1/4 aboriginal, 1/4 spic, 1/4 chink, in the end it's 100% subhuman.

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>Correcting grammar but not the actual fact of your own self

Go back to pol, there is a reason that board exists

Imagine arguing against the strawman you set up. "All X are Y, therefore Z". Yeah great rationalism.

>inferior to the people he hates in every single metric possible
>"I-I'm superior, h-haha"

You're a literal subhuman if mommy and daddy are still footing the bills for you.

Im not arguing Im pointing out how pretty much everyone sees you, kind of like seeing a retard and you say, everyone sees your pretty retarded and then the retard says, imagine trying to argue x y and z

Ad hominem. Regardless of my personal achievements, European people will always be on top of society and you will always be regarded as a subhuman even by the lowest classes here.
The value of my people versus the value of your impoverished low IQ filth population.
We already won. Cope more nigger

Attached: blonde goddess.jpg (399x600, 59.52K)

Showing a picture of a girl who will never ever even give you the chance of a day, what an irony

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Not siding with anyone ITT, but your whole post here is an "ad hominem".

Drink your bleach.

seethe faggot nigger

>Hey guys, ive contributed nothing to this business, in fact Im a pure burden, but hey my father is a business man and he made an awesome business, haha your poor, lol look at these broke ass people, my dad is rich and I did absolutely nothing, SUPREME REPRESENT

>your whole identity is build upon blame, hate and scapegoat towards others for your own failed life
What about white supremacists that have a degree, a decent job, and actual hobbies though?

Piggybacking on the success of others that YOU contributed nothing to again? I can't help but notice each time you claim we use a logical fallacy, you're the one who uses them. Also my population has is among the largest economies in the world, so cope more lol. How does it feel to be so dumb? I really can't imagine being so mentally stunted.

Never met, never seen one, kind of like saying what about niggers who live in the ghetto but are actually really smart

>my population has one of the largest slave economies in the world that exists to serve white nations and our gdp per capita is considered extreme poverty by first world standards

>Source: my butthole
Keep seething

Well the idea is that in this PC world, people are afraid to speak their mind.
Say something racist in school - you get expelled. Say something racist at work - you get fired. The reputation sticks with you for the remainder of your life.
So it's not to say that all these wealthy white businessmen are not racist, it's just that they conform to the current culture in order to prevent backlash and consequences.
Your so called "free speech" and "liberal" society is very oppressive and intolerant to the point where we can no longer defend our viewpoints out of fear of prosecution.
Good job asswipe, you support your own style of fascist regime except instead of having a nice white nation with safe neighbourhoods you get a run down country with subhumans destroying the infrastructure by abusing welfare and committing disproportionately high amounts of crime.

>muh society!!!

Oh here we go, what your basically saying is this, if you believe in climate change YOU MUST BE A LIBERAL!!!

Continuing a conversation with you would be fruitless you subhuman brainlet.
Last word, I am out of here nigger lover.

>Oh shit, I'm getting btfo'd hard. Gonna run away first!

As if this chump is an Aryan, can't you chumps see this is a troll?

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Shit threda, consider suicide.

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Get Rekt son, CYA

Anyone who identifies as an incel is leddit and has no right to call himself a Yas Forums user much less a user of this site. We are ROBOTS. R. O. B. O. T. S. The incel/volcel dichotomy is flawed. Robots are defined thus:
1. An outcast usually male
2. Virgin

With the outcast poart of our identity being the most goddamn fucking important part. None of this voluntary or involuntary celibacy bullshit. Leddit incels are too obsessed with sex and have made this board a shithole.

>"I can't get a Gf"
>"There was a nigger in my movie"
>"Muh rope day"
>Freedom of speech=Freedom of consequence
>Blog post about the good old days, but other than being a bigot does nothing like the good old days
Why does the alt-right draw in so many chumps?