Rate my favourite games tierlist robots

Rate my favourite games tierlist robots

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It is actually pretty nice and based, user

didn't have any problem until I saw Isaac in F. Nuclear throne is an objectively worse game than Isaac, so why such a huge disparity? Also I guarantee you have autism.

Team fortress 2 is the perfect robot game. Good list.

>no C:DDA
>no dwarf fortress
>no battletoads
>bloons D tier

absolutely heretical

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i would personally bump terraria up a notch but other than that it's stellar

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You seem like a guy who likes to have fun. Damn i wish i could like things again.

>Super Meat Boy
>Multiple mobile and flash games
Absolutely shit taste, kill yourself

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I don't even recognize most of these games.

it's fucking shit it doesn't even have any really good games on it

>not playing flash games
Fuck off console normalfag

>unturned that high
>isaac that low
user what are you doing?

Gmod and Minecraft could be higher. Fistful of Frags is based.

also thanks for reminding me of tactical intervention asshole

>plants vs zombies is b tier
>tekken 7 is e tier
wtf. Also play better games in general absolutely shit tast. TF2 at SS is pretty based ngl

what a weird disjointed list op is this just every game you have played? its also shit desu

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Slow rougelites just arent fun desu, thats why synthetik, spelunky and isaac are so low and NT and Eldritch are so high

>Skullgirls not SS tier
>SFV higher then C tier
At least you have 3rd strike high placed or I'd have to call you a retard

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>cant play with anyone because nobody plays it
>filled with references instead of trying to be its own thing
>overly flat and unrealistic artstyle
>30 hit combos with resets so you could watch your ass get kicked all day
E tier on my list is arleady a good game, its iust not for me

I haven't played any of those games except for Terraria Jetpack Joyride and the GTA series, and I only played them for less than 20 hours

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>tf2 is on top
>Fistful of frags is in S teir
but why is blood so low desu

>No SoulsBorne
Absolute shit bud

>D Tier
That's way too low, user.

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3rd strike is trash man
everyone jerks that game off but the mechanics are garbage
chicken blocking and parries fucking suck cock

Tboi is at least a B

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Its too difficult for me desu


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Caleb is a glass cannon, you have to be fast and furious. Abuse crouching and jumping, and learning the levels helps as well.

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>TF2 "SS" tier
>GTA:SA "E" tier
>Nuclear Throne "A" tier
>Killing Floor and Cave Story and Left 4 Dead 2 "B" tier

Your taste is objectively bad my dude.
I give your game-tier list a solid D.

Is Overcooked 2 worth picking up? Should I get #1 first?

git gud chump

bottom of the barrel dogshit f tier

>san andreas E tier
throw your list in the bin

Would be perfect if nothing was on SS.