Rate my favourite games tierlist robots
Rate my favourite games tierlist robots
It is actually pretty nice and based, user
didn't have any problem until I saw Isaac in F. Nuclear throne is an objectively worse game than Isaac, so why such a huge disparity? Also I guarantee you have autism.
Team fortress 2 is the perfect robot game. Good list.
>no C:DDA
>no dwarf fortress
>no battletoads
>bloons D tier
absolutely heretical
i would personally bump terraria up a notch but other than that it's stellar
You seem like a guy who likes to have fun. Damn i wish i could like things again.
>Super Meat Boy
>Multiple mobile and flash games
Absolutely shit taste, kill yourself
I don't even recognize most of these games.
it's fucking shit it doesn't even have any really good games on it
>not playing flash games
Fuck off console normalfag
>unturned that high
>isaac that low
user what are you doing?
Gmod and Minecraft could be higher. Fistful of Frags is based.
also thanks for reminding me of tactical intervention asshole
>plants vs zombies is b tier
>tekken 7 is e tier
wtf. Also play better games in general absolutely shit tast. TF2 at SS is pretty based ngl
what a weird disjointed list op is this just every game you have played? its also shit desu
Slow rougelites just arent fun desu, thats why synthetik, spelunky and isaac are so low and NT and Eldritch are so high
>Skullgirls not SS tier
>SFV higher then C tier
At least you have 3rd strike high placed or I'd have to call you a retard
>cant play with anyone because nobody plays it
>filled with references instead of trying to be its own thing
>overly flat and unrealistic artstyle
>30 hit combos with resets so you could watch your ass get kicked all day
E tier on my list is arleady a good game, its iust not for me
I haven't played any of those games except for Terraria Jetpack Joyride and the GTA series, and I only played them for less than 20 hours
>tf2 is on top
>Fistful of frags is in S teir
but why is blood so low desu
>No SoulsBorne
Absolute shit bud
>D Tier
That's way too low, user.
3rd strike is trash man
everyone jerks that game off but the mechanics are garbage
chicken blocking and parries fucking suck cock
Tboi is at least a B
Its too difficult for me desu
Caleb is a glass cannon, you have to be fast and furious. Abuse crouching and jumping, and learning the levels helps as well.
>TF2 "SS" tier
>GTA:SA "E" tier
>Nuclear Throne "A" tier
>Killing Floor and Cave Story and Left 4 Dead 2 "B" tier
Your taste is objectively bad my dude.
I give your game-tier list a solid D.
Is Overcooked 2 worth picking up? Should I get #1 first?
git gud chump
bottom of the barrel dogshit f tier
>san andreas E tier
throw your list in the bin
Would be perfect if nothing was on SS.