I've given up on getting a gf through any other means. My workplace is over 90% male, and the only girls in my social circle outside of work are my friend's gf's.
I know they're easy-mode for girls and brutal for guys, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.
Any anons had success from dating apps/sites? Tips? Stories?
Dating Apps
Nope, nothing on tinder but thotties. Be prepared for girls to act like they like you and then just ghost you, even after a few dates.
Why do you think they do this? Found someone else on the app that they liked more? Decided that they aren't into you?
i know a guy who met his girlfriend of 9 months on tinder but finding a decent girl on there is a one in one million chance. also being on a dating app is just embarrassing
There are only terrible quality women in dating apps, you are insane for even considering this. If you are okay with massive amounts of frustration and interacting with vapid basic sluts, then go for it, otherwise I recommend just watching anime with cute girls in them instead.
You think so? The times have changed. I feel like all of the single people are doing it now.
>Why do you think they do this?
>Found someone else on the app that they liked more
They are overloaded with choices on a level you can't even imagine
I have a female co-worker, she says she gets over 500 messages a day to the point that dating apps are so stressful and no longer fun
Can someone please think of Chads?
They can finally live their fantasy of fucking a bunch of woman with almost no effort, closing the deal in a short time, without having to commit and without risks.
It may suck for all of you, but top tier men are living their best time in history. Let them have their fun, and dont be bitter about it.
They are but we're living in an age where every 99% of women are perpetually in a relationship so the 1% who aren't are usually horrifying.
i'v given up on getting a gf through any other means other than Yas Forums
I better than I thought on Tinder and Bumble. It's still like talking to a brick wall
I remember back when Tinder first came out in 2012, it was very easy to get matches and dates but now women have way higher expectations thanks to all the feminist bullshit. You basically have to be super rich or a male model to get girls on Tinder.
I'm 21 almost 22, 5'4, ausitic, face isn't too bad. No social skills, very little experience with girls. Is there even a point to me making a Tinder? I'm not sure what I'd even be looking for. Could I find any average or below average girls at all to fuck? What about a girl to get to know? Someone who isn't into social media like everyone else is and values humanity like I feel like I do... Why would I even be looking for that on a dating app? What should I expect of I signed up for it?
Oh fuck, I wish I didn't know this feel. I've unironically known this feel for at least six years, and this board has only gotten progressively worse and the chances of meeting a girl I could relate to here have only dropped further.
>tinder banned my phone number so I can't make an account
>won't tell me why
>won't let me contest the ban
get some decent pics of yourself, no selfies allowed, and make a tinder, bumble, and hinge. just keep trying for the next 3-4 years and you'll have some fun stories and a few great experiences. by the time you're 25 you'll actually know what you're doing
Thanks that sounds like a pretty good deal. If I felt capable at that point and could match with literally any girls who I got along with it would be a success. I met a girl at a mental health place that browses here. She asked if I was a Yas Forums person, I said yeah. I think she mentioned r9k under her breath. She gave me her number cause I was leaving that day. I texted her a bit but kinda gave up cause I feel like such shit that I feel like I can't talk to anyone. Maybe I can try again later but my mental health is just so fucked.
Bro you gotta get your confidence up. Focus your life around self improvement and it will have a snowball effect
>the only girls in my social circle outside of work are my friend's gf's.
user.. you have friends? Just ask their gfs to invite you to places where their female friends would be and see if you catch something. Stop being a nigger.
same but 5 years
i should have tried harder earlier on
what was she in for?
would it be a good idea for me to get admitted? what state where you in? i feel it's a long shot
Probably just general and anxiety has depression related stuff. Doubt she had psychosis or anything near that. It was a county program, luckily I live in a rich county so there's good services like that. It was free. Living in burger land sucks for this shit but it may be an option. Look up public mental health services for your county and state. My county has a a whole program where they'll assign you a case worker who'll help you get into all kinds of different programs.
Anyway the place I was at was a place that was basically built almost like a normal house and you went there and only stayed for a few days or two weeks max when you were having a serious crisis. It's not a long term thing. It was kinda shit, the staff were a bit absent and the clients were nice at first but people shuffle in and out quickly and by the time I left everyone left was an asshole. The girl came the day before I was fonna leave. Literally 20 minutes before I was gonna leave on my last day the girl sat down near me and told me I looked like the only one who was approachable because everyone else was so mean. I told her I knew exactly what she meant. We talked about Yas Forums for a second, apparently she was a bit of a robot. Then I said by and went outside to wait for my dad to come pick me up and she came out and gave me her number written down.
I went to another program that was Adult Partial Hospitalization after that. It was pretty alright but wasn't good for me. It was basically psycho education about mental health, and a tiny bit of crappy therapy. The stuff they talked about just did not help me at all with what I'm dealing with (DPDR disorder) but most other people there seemed to be getting something out of it.
I'd reccomend something like partial hospitalization, yeah. You just go to it every day for a few hours and then go home, it isn't so bad. I haven't been in a long term care facility. Look up Partial Hospitalization programs, especially public ones.
Reply if you have any questions cause I was really just rambling there.
less than 17% of people use tinder actively
tinder has very little bearing on the mating strategy of the populace
can you check in for just any reason?
i really want an autism diagnosis desu
The APH I pretty much just said I'm too anxious to function properly and they let me in just fine. Don't need to be schizo or anything. That kind of place won't give you an autism diagnosis. I've wanted one but apparently it's really hard when you're adult but I doubt its impossible. Do you have insurance? Look up some programs man public or private depending on what kind of insurance you have. You can at least get a therapist or just check into a simple program and it could help you. It isn't like this huge ordeal. Be careful with meds though, I personally refuse to take SSRI's. Do not go on Benzos and NEVER ANTI PSYCHOTICS.
This. It just sucks because if you're a zoomer like me feels like everyone's on it but I think it's just a pop culture thing. There will always be real life humans in real life spaces no matter what. Even after the coronavirus and the Internet reduces it all even more... There will always be that spark of humanity in us. Don't let it die.
OP dont do it. They will only think less of you for it and you will come off being desperate
don't they all try to give you some kind of antidepressant bs?
why not benzos?
Yeah they tried to put me on SSRI but I refused and they got kinda pissed at me and didn't wanna help me as much. They actually asked me to leave the program a week and a half before my 8 weeks were up. I don't trust those shits, I'm pretty sure with my condition my brain actually has too much serotonin it doesn't need any more. Benzos are extremely addictive. They'll relax you if you're anxious but they'll make you tired and feel retarded. If you come off of them too quickly, you can get seizures, nervous system and brain damage, anxiety like you wouldn't believe. Don't mean to scare you. I wonder if there's a sort of alternative therapy you can look for where they talk more about diet and exercise and lifestyle and how that could help you instead of just meds and therapy. I don't know what your issues are but I'm cool with giving you this info, I hope it helps. We can trade discords if you wanna talk about it later?
i hate ssris they just make me feel retarded but i pretend i take them for neetbux
i have been taking benzos not precribed to me for months and i haven't had any bad effects or gotten addicted. i'll take them for a couple days and get off and be fine. they don't even make me feel tired so they must be okay depending on the person.
highly recommend Hinge, found my conservative gf that I've been with for many moons on there
Did you guys pay for a photographer?