Heh I bet none of you fake ass fembots can outdo me in this

Heh I bet none of you fake ass fembots can outdo me in this
>inb4 you've never been rejected!?
Yeah because I've never attempted
>inb4 you go to parties?
No but my school years were spent in corners so that counts

Attached: heh im cool.png (1324x718, 498.75K)

Template by the way

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Be my gf pls

>too stacy to be a fembot
>too fembot to be a stacy

Attached: bingo.png (1324x718, 468.45K)

So much fun being a failure of a woman isn't it?

Attached: bingo.png (1324x718, 449.53K)


Heh, no, I'm way too non normie to consider this, sorry, volfemceldom for life

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How is 'cant handle alcohol' a fembot trait?
You literally need to make stuff up which proves fembots dont exist

i don't consider myself a bot, but i'm definitely not a stacy lmao

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I agree, it should say "never drinks", I assume not drinking counts as not being able to handle it, right? heh

look at all these fat pigs
just stop eating so much honey jeez

filling this out made me want to die. i hate you all

Attached: welp.png (1324x718, 478.66K)

>not fat

Look at all these Starbucks bitches heh!
I'm big boned, user

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ive been called both by plenty of guys so i guess its subjective

>The "I like to trad larp on Yas Forums" starter pack.

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Heh trannies don't count! You won't be a real women so shoo

i'm 122 and average for my height
but you probably think anorexic chicks are ideal, rip

well at least you don't seem too sad over it
lucky for you there's lots of guys who probably wouldn't mind a slampig like yourself

all women think they're fat, retard

yeah and I make fun of all women who say they're fat by going oink oink straight to their face
your point?

>ywn relieve a fembot of her virginity
It does not even matter what she looks like, I just want to give her the first intimate experience she ever has. I want to make her feel pretty and show her how good a man's touch can feel.
t. 6'3 unvirgin with a 6.5 x 5.5 pp

post pics of your butthole

can't be constantly rejected if you never approach anyone

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i'm literally not a tranny but i am hairy and have to shave my upper lip. i'm not even like an ape race i'm fucking white but i've been this way since i hit puberty. kms

allow me to penetrate yours

Heh, don't be ridiculous user, I'm staying a virgin for the rest of my life, screw you sex obsessed coomers, you don't deserve me

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guess this makes me a becky right

Attached: 1587836530019 Kopie.png (1324x718, 523.95K)

sure thing miss piggy
don't let the door hit your massive ass on the way out, if you can fit through it that is

actually i missed one, still no bingo tho

Attached: 1587836530019 Kopie.png (1324x718, 524.17K)

>has a sex tape
does your daddy know about this?

my daddy (bf) does indeed know about this.
my daddy (father) does not i would hope.

you like getting dicked in the ass?

yeah it's pretty good i guess but i can't do it anymore bc my bfs dick is too thicc

post sex tape

just for fun
not sure, maybe fembot-semi-sult?

Attached: ohnonope.png (1324x718, 493.62K)

My bad, well if you're telling the truth, then that means you win...
Heh, oh well, HEY GUYS, look at this hairy kike bitch over here lmao!

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