The normies were right

I know it isn't an awfully suprising realization, but it is shockingly true. It's nice to have friends, it's nice to laugh and be happy and careless and ignorant in the bliss of life instead of being a dysfunctional asshole piece of shit with an internet addiction in any given case.

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Bump because anons voice needs to be heared

Of course it's nice to have friends and laugh and be happy. But in order to have all that, when you're surrounded by stupid, mean, selfish, dishonest, manipulative, insensitive people, you have to become like them. And we refused to do that. So I disagree with the idea that normies were right; they just outnumber us, that's all.

Was that ever in doubt? Of course it's nice to have friends and be happy, isn't that what most of us want and why we are sad?

Bluepill was always better

>they were right
>being happy is better
Duh nigger. What did you think. We like living at home with no girlfriend.?

Right to some extent. Ignorance is bliss and the truth sucks. You will be happier and in the short term That's all that matters. The problem comes when you are woken up unexpectedly by a harsh truth and you kill 16 people because you find out that JR is your brothers kid.

This. It's nice to fit in it just sucks that you either have to be a retard or a piece of shit to do so.

>t just sucks that you either have to be a retard or a piece of shit to do so

You're both already so you shouldn't have much problems

We were wrong bros.. How to bluepill again?

yall faggots need to realise this aofhweiofowiuhfowi

You really can't. You can fake being a normie but you can't truly go back. You will be better armed for human nature and avoid tricks. Kinda like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Fuck. What if you get normie friends or gf? Is there really no hope for us...?

I want to be a mixture of normie and Yas Forums autist. I want to have friends, a gf/wife, and be happy. I want to understand the world and not have any faith in most people. But at the same time, not care, because I can't control the world. I want to focus on me and my family, the world comes in at a distant second.
Also I want to keep playing my nerdy card games and browsing Yas Forums.

classic r9k retards making blanket statements about life as if they were some wizened sage who's lived a thousand lives
the only correct answer is that each person should find what they like and dislike out of life
personally I'd rather stick to the things that I like, even if they don't bring me friends or popularity
having friends is not a requirement to being happy for every soul

I'm so confused. Were you guys all intentionally having no life?

That's the problem with being red-pilled. If you're a good person when you see how fucked up it all is you should hate the world so much that you withdraw. Normies live in ignorance either willfully or from genuine stupidity. To try and function in society would make you complicit. At this point even if you were desperate and broken enough to not care anymore it'd never be the same because your entire life you'd feel guilty and like you gave up on your morality for satisfaction. That's why so many of us snap. People like us dont want to hurt people but the stress of living in a world you hate is so all-encompassing that the stress breaks you slowly. The only way out is to kill yourself but most wont do that for their own reasons.

Maybe I'm just projecting that on all of Yas Forums but I know that a lot of people feel that way

>If you're a good person
you're not lmfao

Bumping this thread and dropping pic related, potent neet poison

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>By the time you understand, it's too late

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I never had friends so I wouldn't know.
Being alone is preferable. I hate you people but at least I can stop communication at any time and never have to experience the stench of another human.

So many youngfags here who WILL fuck up their lives and WILL regret it eventually. Heh

Well user I took this quiz just for you. Get fucked I'm the best there ever was

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>normalfags or newfags larping as robots
Fuck off normalfags.

I am obese and a virgin. I bet you're the normalfag

Yeah it's pretty obvious but I don't blame you. There's a big difference between knowing the truth and feeling the truth.

Fuck normies fuck feminism fuck niggers (except for natan, he a good guy) fuck happy life

The redpill was never an option that should've been taken. It's full of lies. Nothing but lies lies lies and lies. Lies by people that want you to be as miserable as themselves. Turn off your PC, user. It's not too late.

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>classic r9k retards making blanket statements about life as if they were some wizened sage who's lived a thousand lives
>the only correct answer
Like pottery

>I am obese and a virgin. I bet you're the normalfag
WOW! Holy shit! So is literally every other motherfucker on this board! Do you think maybe that robots don't actually believe that friends and social activities are bad? Maybe the main gripe by robots is that they are outcasts of society and are coercively pushed into voluntarily choosing between their true beliefs or social rewards.

I'm a 35 year old virgin and have been on this site since 2007. Fuck off.

>leaves out the part where I say happiness is subjective
there is a correct answer, and that is that there are many answers you stupid faggot idiot cuntbag retard