Why are men so uptight? Why are they never willing to let go, to be fun, to be silly, so be dorky, to be flamboyant, to grin like an idiot? These qualities are extremely attractive to females, and yet most men just boringly sit around and bitch about women not being sexual creatures instead of trying to add just a little bit of whimsy into their lives and actually have a personality.
>Hurr I must be stoic and boring and serious at all costs for some reason
Do men make themselves completely uninteresting on purpose or something? Is it like, to punish women for something, by being a stoic personality vacuum?
Uptight Males
>to be fun, to be silly, so be dorky, to be flamboyant, to grin like an idiot
Plenty of men do that stuff
I guess having a 12 inch dick and being black qualifies as a personality these days.
This desu. The guy I've felt most attracted to was both funny and carefree, as well as intelligent, wise and well-read.
They really, really don't. Do you even know any males?
Of course, often some will try to imitate spontaneity and fun in order to impress a girl sufficiently to get into her pants, but this doesn't count.
Erm, no, you didn't. Honey, let me tell you why you are wrong and you are actually attracted to a strong, stable and unemotional man.
I believe it's because stoicism = masculinity for most people. I wish men were more emotive in general, it's frustrating trying to relate to men with the emotional capacity of a rock.
With the man harvest being so poor, this will suffice in some cases. Who can blame them when the other options are Jerry from Accounting, who loves to polish his boat on weekends (he'll take her out for a spin one day though); or Ray the Electrician, who Just Likes To Go Home And Watch a Ball Game With A Few Beers At The End Of The Day; or Chris the Consumer, who loves knowing everything about nerd media or anime and will blandly explain it at great unemotional length. Or maybe Wokeazoid William, who is just so into feminism and craft beer than there's no room in his head left for knowing how to improvise a joke?
it's possible to show emotion and employ stoic principles. it's all about sizing down emotional responses when a situation arises so a level-headed response can come through.
But this is not fun or interesting. That's the issue here. If you do this, you are boring.
And what do you offer other than that wet twat between your legs you weak nothing I could fucking crush you
>Why are they never willing to let go, to be fun, to be silly, so be dorky, to be flamboyant, to grin like an idiot?
Have you ever seen a group of men hanging out? This is essentially what they're like
ugha boogha, me smash, me crush
This. Maybe guys have to hide their true selves around women because they are cunts ready to eat you alive at the first sign of weakness?
t. Iow iq poster
>Why are they never willing to let go, to be fun, to be silly, so be dorky, to be flamboyant, to grin like an idiot
If you're a female, we only act stoic in front of you because you dont like the fact that a man can have fun without you being the center of attention.
Jeezus shut the fuck up roastie and fuck your fun charismatic man. Whats wrong about polygamy ? YOu could share a bf with 10 other women but instead you are bitching on men who can't change about how bad they are that they can't change. You stupid, retarded lobotomized BITCH
T. Berry picker
Groups of men hanging out is just them doing stupid things for fun. Perhaps on the surface this looks like letting go. But doing stupid things and doing silly things is very different. Suspension of ego is a crucial ingredient. Male group fun is extremely ego-driven, rather than whimsy-driven.
>its the females that are wrong
You having a stroke, mate?
(Oridge inn all)
>Why are men uptight
The de-Tom Sawyering of young boys throughout grade school is what made them so lifeless. You aren't affected because you are a girl. The public schools system is filled with finger wagging annoying hags that expect young boys to be pliable and obedient and they'll be punished if they don't. A quintessential personality like that didn't just happen overnight. It's a logical product of the past. Really interesting how some men adapt and turn their misery into comedy for others. How are you going to teach men to sit in a fucken chair and pay attention to some boring dried up retard (and if they don't, hammer them on adderall) and then also expect to be fun loving personality filled men? Do you understand that that has to be cultivated, that that has to come from somewhere?
>Do men make themselves
It's all their fault. Yep. Every single guy has only himself to blame. Stupid fucking roastie.
I swear Tom Sawyer would be considered slow, ADHD and with a mental disorder nowadays.
Men do those things, but only with their friends. Men need to find the person they're talking to interesting and engaging to open up and have fun. Women tend to be so vapid and uninteresting that men act "stoic" around them, but the stoicism really just comes from boredom. Why would I act enthusiastic and excited when I'm just sitting there listening to some bitch talk about petty drama and celebrities and whatever else females like?
Fuck your whimsy gay shit go find a prancing dyke to scissor you closet homo
>women literally suck my personality out of existence when they go near me
>but i do have one, i swear! just ask Bro 1 and Bro 2 over there
based low iq caveman
You can't even come up with one single original sentence to express your feelings? Thanks for proving this thread correct.
I'm starting to think your definition of acting silly is "acting like a ten year old", unlike women, men usually get shamed for doing that.
Yeah, pretty much
>Men need to find the person they're talking to interesting and engaging to open up and have fun
Why would an interesting and engaging person find a beige cunt like that worth their time?
Yeah broskis what an awesome night! I can't believe we watched the Rick and Morty Star Wars episode but we TOOK A SHOT every time there was a lightsaber on screen. Whoa it was so fun and crazy wow look at how much personality I have!
Ugh, women, so vapid, am I right bros?
I got your original sentence right here bitch .
Let men have their own fun, please.
(Oure jeinaul)