/r9gay/ - #1003

Dinner in EU edition

What are you eating for dinner r9gay?

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first for the chillers!!!

I'm having chicken and rice again

it's not dinner time it's 5pm

Reminder that all normalnigger bf havers need to fuck off to /soc/ and /lgbt/

if you're not doing everything you can to get a bf at all times you're not a robot just a depressed fag

umm user, could you chill please, im having a chill time right now and you are overstimulating me with this mad

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) chilliean

Nice, I have chicken and pita bread
5 pm is dinner time though?

cringe bf haver post
based no bf schizo post

I grilled some marinated meats, made fermented rye bread and some bean salad a little while back with my parents. I'm making pastries later on today.
>tfw no cool, sweet and kind anthropomorphic wolf adventuring partner to make and eat good food with, drink ale, discuss what to exactly do in the future and where to go adventuring next

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7pm is dinner time

haha no bf-having loser

Reminder to all normalfags. Let us be miserable insufferable cunts in peace, thank you berry much~!

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The only based user left

No way user, 11 am is lunch and then 5 pm is dinner

If you eat at 7 pm you're gonna be feeling full when you go to bed at 9 pm

im a based user and im still here

>going to bed at 9pm
ok kindergardener

Reminder to all robots. Stop giving normalfags attention and (You)s.

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cringe /lgbt/ post
based /r9gay/ post

>going to bed at 9pm
I wish I could sleep at 9pm instead of 9am

t. neet who stays up all night and wonders why he has "depression"

Just don't reply, you don't have to give him the satisfaction. Just ignore him.

tfw incredibly boring posters get all the yous
feels bad...

What, you expect original posts to get (You)s? No, only braindead comments and bait gets them.

a poster can wish... dream even...

does trusting people make you dumb?

depends, if they trust you then yes otherwise idk

Yes, but you have to do it anyway if you want to find love.

>ass was pretty big already due to genetics/hormones (no I'm not on HRT or anything)
>realised I had bad squat from
>do some proper squats
>stomach seems flatter
>ass feels bigger
s-shit, now what?

oh, oh, hes (a tranny abomination) still at it, still posting this awful fucking server, can you not tell no one wants anything to do with you? it's fucking painful to watch your pathetic attempts to lure people in, i pity you frankly, at this point im certain of it, you have to be retarded, im right aint i? i mean why else would you continue this clown act, its clear for anyone like me whos an empath that you are an evil person, you give off evil vibes, maybe thats the predisposition of any rat jew? i mean thats almost certainly true considering how they act, how you act even, now can you please do us all a favor and stop posting this? hmm? please? no? ok fag, i asked nicely but now you've made me mad, I'm going to go jokermode style on you, you will regret posting this, you will think oh why did i post this when im through with you, which is to say im going to crush you like a bug, im going to pull off your legs one by one like i would with a grasshopper, you are an insect fucker you hear me? a fucking insect. im coming for you, fastly style ok? you cant stop this train, i have warned you many times freak and you've refused my mercy hmm? refused me? nah im a big deal you fucking cockroach you, you better grab your bug out bag and head to your log cabin right about fucking now or you will not live to see another day ok? im fucking coming idiot. actually, i'll give you one last chance ok?? grovel before me, Mr fucking big, i implore you to take this chance, the future for you is bleak otherwise you fucking tranny freak, the torture your ancestors lied about having experienced is NOTHING compared to what i'll do to you hmm? you get it? what sort of monky torchure devices i have at my disposal fucker? shake in your boots, thats a natural reaction to what is coming if you dont BEG for my forgiveness fucker, i expect a 2000 word essay begging me to spare you fucker, thats all that will spare you from my fucking wrath, remember the name, Mr fucking Big roach.

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Never stop posting on here user, please. You're a real gem.